68 research outputs found

    Uloga osobina ličnosti u oblikovanju poduzetničke namjere: Komparativna studija Južne Koreje i Vijetnama

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    This paper investigates the role of personality traits in nurturing entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. We developed a research model to examine the integrated influence of both positive entrepreneurial characteristics and dark triad on entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. Primary data was collected from 550 students in South Korea and 700 students in Vietnam using the convenient sampling method in a self-administered questionnaire survey. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to analyse structural relationships between positive entrepreneurial attributes, dark triads, and entrepreneurial intention in two samples. T-tests were also performed to explore any differences in students’ entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam regarding their family background and gender. Findings showed that positive entrepreneurial attributes and dark triads influence entrepreneurial intention differently in the two countries. While the dark triad mainly influenced Vietnamese students’ intention to startup, Korean students received more impact from the positive entrepreneurial characteristics such as risk tolerance, locus of control, and entrepreneurial alertness. Surprisingly, both gender and family tradition do not affect students’ entrepreneurial intention. Based on our findings, we suggested that policymakers and higher education institutions in both South Korea and Vietnam promote students’ entrepreneurial intentions in the future.Ovaj rad istražuje ulogu osobina ličnosti u njegovanju poduzetničkih namjera u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu. Razvili smo znanstveni model za ispitivanje integriranog utjecaja pozitivnih poduzetničkih karakteristika kao i utjecaj mračne trijade na poduzetničke namjere u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu. Primarni podaci dobiveni anketiranjem 550 studenata u Južnoj Koreji i 700 studenata u Vijetnamu prikupljeni su korištenjem prikladne metode uzorkovanja u anketi koju su sami proveli. Koristili smo modeliranje strukturnim jednadžbama (SEM) za analizu strukturnih odnosa između pozitivnih poduzetničkih atributa, tamnih trijada i poduzetničke namjere u dva uzorka. Također su provedeni T-testovi kako bi se istražile razlike u poduzetničkim namjerama studenata u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu s obzirom na njihovo obiteljsko porijeklo i spol. Rezultati su pokazali da pozitivne poduzetničke osobine i mračne trijade različito utječu na poduzetničke namjere u dvije zemlje. Dok je mračna trijada uglavnom utjecala na namjeru vijetnamskih studenata da se pokrenu, korejski studenti dobili su veći utjecaj od pozitivnih poduzetničkih karakteristika kao što su tolerancija na rizik, lokus kontrole i poduzetničke budnosti. Iznenađujuće, spol i obiteljska tradicija ne utječu na poduzetničke namjere studenata. Na temelju naših otkrića, predložili smo da kreatori politika i visokoškolske ustanove u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu promiču poduzetničke namjere studenata u budućnosti

    Matching of Pumped and Laser Mode Volumes Inside a Diode Side-pumped Solid-state Laser

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    The condition to match the pumped-volume's width with the laser mode-volume's waist in a diode four side pumped solid-state laser is analyzed by numeric solutions of the approximation equation. As a result, the dependences of pumped volume's width on pumping diode parameter and laser mode volume's waist on cavity parameter were found. Such a matching condition was simultaneously determined by cavity, pumping beam and laser rod parameters.%Key words: Laser diode side-pumped, Coherent pump, Excitred active center distribution

    Biocontrol of Alternaria alternata YZU, a causal of stem end rot disease on pitaya, with soil phosphate solubilizing bacteria

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    Stem end rot is the most destructive disease caused by Alternaria alternata YZU in pitaya-growing regions of Vietnam. This study was conducted to characterize antagonistic phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) from rhizosphere soil for their biocontrol activities against A. alternata YZU and evaluate the effect of temperature, pH, and water activity on that antagonism. Among seven PSB isolated from 45 rhizosphere soil samples, PSB31 (identified as Bacillus sp. strain IMAU61039, Accession number: MF803700.1) exhibited the highest antagonistic activity against A. alternata YZU with an average inhibition diameter of 0.65 ± 0.05 cm. The results also show that the strain PSB31 controlled the mycelial growth of A. alternata YZU by secreting antifungal metabolites. The most potent inhibitory activity was identified under in vitro conditions of 25 °C, pH 7, and aw 1. The isolated PSB31 could be a potential biological control agent against A. alternata YZU


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    This paper investigates the role of personality traits in nurturing entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. We developed a research model to examine the integrated influence of both positive entrepreneurial characteristics and dark triad on entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. Primary data was collected from 550 students in South Korea and 700 students in Vietnam using the convenient sampling method in a self-administered questionnaire survey. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to analyse structural relationships between positive entrepreneurial attributes, dark triads, and entrepreneurial intention in two samples. T-tests were also performed to explore any differences in students’ entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam regarding their family background and gender. Findings showed that positive entrepreneurial attributes and dark triads influence entrepreneurial intention differently in the two countries. While the dark triad mainly influenced Vietnamese students’ intention to startup, Korean students received more impact from the positive entrepreneurial characteristics such as risk tolerance, locus of control, and entrepreneurial alertness. Surprisingly, both gender and family tradition do not affect students’ entrepreneurial intention. Based on our findings, we suggested that policymakers and higher education institutions in both South Korea and Vietnam promote students’ entrepreneurial intentions in the future

    The clinical characteristics, etiologic pathogens and the risk factors associated with dehydration status among under-five children hospitalized with acute diarrhea in Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR

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    Background:Acute diarrhea is a common health problem in children, especially those under five years of age (U5). The mortality rate due to acute diarrhea among U5 children accounted for 11% in Lao PDR in 2016. No study has been done to investigate the etiologic pathogens of acute diarrhea and the risk factors associated with dehydration status among U5 children hospitalized with acute diarrhea in this region.Objectives:The study aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics, etiological agents and associated factors of dehydration status of acute diarrhea among hospitalized U5 children in Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR.Methods:This retrospective study reviewed paper-based medical records with available stool examination results of 33 U5 children hospitalized with acute diarrhea in Savannakhet Provincial Hospital, Lao PDR between Jan. 2018 and Dec. 2019. Descriptive statistics were used to describe clinical characteristics and etiologic agents of acute diarrhea of the children. Nonparametric test, Pearson’s Chi-square test and Fisher exact test were used to determine the risk factors associated with level of dehydration of the participants.Results:Vomiting was the most common symptom (66.6%), followed by fever (60.6%). Dehydration was found in 48.4% of subjects. Rotavirus was the most common identified pathogen with a prevalence of 55.5%. Bacterial enteric infection was identified in 15.1% of patients. There is a significantly higher prevalence of dehydration among children with acute diarrhea caused by rotavirus compared to those with negative rotavirus testing (70.0% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.02).Conclusions:Rotavirus was the most prevalent pathogen of acute diarrhea among U5 children. Pediatric patients with acute diarrhea caused by rotavirus had a higher prevalence of dehydration compared to those with negative rotavirus testing

    Study on synthesis of carboxymethyl cellulose from pineapple leaf waste and its potential applications as a thickener

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    In this study, cellulose and hemicellulose were successfully extracted from pineapple leaf waste at yields of 58.8 and 16.1% by dried weight, respectively. Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was synthesised from pineapple leaf cellulose by an esterification process using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and monochloroacetic acid (MCA) with isopropanol as the supporting medium. Preparation of CMC was investigated by varying three free factors, namely, NaOH concentration, MCA dose, and cellulose size. The carboxymethylation process was optimised to produce CMC with differing degrees of substitution (DS). The highest DS of CMC (0.86) was obtained with 15% (w/v) NaOH solution, 0.6 g of MCA/g cellulose, and 50 μm cellulose. The obtained CMC were characterised by FTIR spectroscopy, SEM images and XRD diffractions. Moreover, the thickening performance of obtained CMC was also determined. The influence of the CMC’s molecular weight and degree of substitution on the viscosity of 1% (w/v) aqueous solution was tested. The experimental results suggest that the viscosity of the solution increases with increasing molecular weight and degree of substitution of CMC

    CSA: Thực hành nông nghiệp thông minh với khí hậu ở Việt Nam

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    During the last five years, Vietnam has been one of the countries most affected by climate change. Severe typhoons, flooding, cold spells, salinity intrusion, and drought have affected agriculture production across the country, from upland to lowland regions. Fortunately for Vietnam, continuous work in developing climate-smart agriculture has been occurring in research organizations and among innovative farmers and entrepreneurs. Application of various CSA practices and technologies to adapt to the impact of climate change in agriculture production have been expanding. However, there is a need to accelerate the scaling process of these practices and technologies in order to ensure growth of agriculture production and food security, increase income of farmers, make farming climate resilient, and contribute to global climate change mitigation. This book aims to provide basic information to researchers, managers, and technicians and extentionists at different levels on what CSA practices and technologies can be up scaled in different locations in Vietnam

    Prevalence and associated factors of chronic constipation among Japanese university students

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    BackgroundChronic constipation (CC) is one of the most frequently reported gastrointestinal disorders in the general population and a prominent problem among university students. The study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and the associated factors of CC among Japanese university students.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was conducted among university students at Hiroshima University, Japan. Students answered the web questionnaire when making a web reservation for the health checkup (April 1 to May 31, 2023). The web questionnaire consisted of four sections, including baseline characteristics, lifestyle factors, family history of CC, and three scales to assess depression and eating disorders: the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Eating Attitudes Test (EAT)-26 and Bulimic Investigatory Test (BITE). CC was diagnosed using Rome IV criteria. The multivariate logistic regression model was used to determine CC-related factors.ResultsOut of 10,500 individuals who participated in the annual health checkup, 7,496 participants answered the web questionnaire, of whom 5,386 answered all the survey questions. The mean age of the students was 21.1 ± 4.1 years. The male-to-female ratio was 1:1.17. The prevalence of CC was 13.7%. Factors significantly associated with CC in the multivariate model were first-degree family members with CC [Odd ratio (OR): 2.77, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.31–3.31], severe depression according to BDI scale (OR: 2.59, 95% CI: 1.96–3.43), female sex (OR: 2.00, 95% CI: 1.69–2.36), and short sleep duration of 6 hours or less per day (OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.09–1.50). Lack of physical exercise tended to be associated with CC (OR: 1.19, 95% CI: 1.00–1.40).ConclusionsCC is prevalent among Japanese university students. Significant risk factors for CC included the first-degree family history of CC, severe depression, female sex, and short sleep duration. Lack of physical exercise tended to be associated with CC. This may contribute to implementing suitable education health programs, health care professionals, and public health policies to identify individuals at risk for CC to prevent and treat CC effectively

    HIV-Associated TB in An Giang Province, Vietnam, 2001–2004: Epidemiology and TB Treatment Outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Mortality is high in HIV-infected TB patients, but few studies from Southeast Asia have documented the benefits of interventions, such as co-trimoxazole (CTX), in reducing mortality during TB treatment. To help guide policy in Vietnam, we studied the epidemiology of HIV-associated TB in one province and examined factors associated with outcomes, including the impact of CTX use. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We retrospectively abstracted data for all HIV-infected persons diagnosed with TB from 2001-2004 in An Giang, a province in southern Vietnam in which TB patients receive HIV counseling and testing. We used standard WHO definitions to classify TB treatment outcomes. We conducted multivariate analysis to identify risk factors for the composite outcome of death, default, or treatment failure during TB treatment. From 2001-2004, 637 HIV-infected TB patients were diagnosed in An Giang. Of these, 501 (79%) were male, 321 (50%) were aged 25-34 years, and the most common self-reported HIV risk factor was sex with a commercial sex worker in 221 (35%). TB was classified as smear-positive in 531 (83%). During TB treatment, 167 (26%) patients died, 9 (1%) defaulted, and 6 (1%) failed treatment. Of 454 patients who took CTX, 116 (26%) had an unsuccessful outcome compared with 33 (70%) of 47 patients who did not take CTX (relative risk, 0.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.3-0.5). Adjusting for male sex, rural residence, TB smear status and disease location, and the occurrence of adverse events during TB treatment in multivariate analysis, the benefit of CTX persisted (adjusted odds ratio for unsuccessful outcome 0.1; CI, 0.1-0.3). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In An Giang, Vietnam, HIV-associated TB was associated with poor TB treatment outcomes. Outcomes were significantly better in those taking CTX. This finding suggests that Vietnam should consider applying WHO recommendations to prescribe CTX to all HIV-infected TB patients

    Awareness and Preparedness of Hospital Staff against Novel Coronavirus (COVID-2019): A Global Survey - Study Protocol

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    The recent outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus (named “COVID-2019”) has gained attention globally and has been recognized as a serious public health threat by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The first case was detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and since then, the disease has spread rapidly. As of February 28, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the outbreak of COVID-2019 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) with 62 countries now reporting 85,176 confirmed cases (79,250 of which have been in mainland China) and 2,919 deaths to date. However, information about the health systems and health professionals’ preparedness for combating the 2019-nCoV is not known. Therefore, their awareness and preparedness in managing the 2019-nCoV infection are important to prevent the further spread of the disease. This is a multicenter multinational survey aiming to assess the level of preparedness of hospital staff and practices regarding COVID-2019 all over the world and their preparedness to deal with the outbreak. It will also measure the level of awareness of hospital staff about the crisis and how will they react to limit and prevent further transmission