49 research outputs found

    Design of a Prostate Cancer Patient Navigation Intervention for a Veterans Affairs Hospital

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    Patient navigation programs have been launched nationwide in an attempt to reduce racial/ethnic and socio-demographic disparities in cancer care, but few have evaluated outcomes in the prostate cancer setting. The National Cancer Institute-funded Chicago Patient Navigation Research Program (C-PNRP) aims to implement and evaluate the efficacy of a patient navigation intervention for predominantly low-income minority patients with an abnormal prostate cancer screening test at a Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital in Chicago

    A comprehensive study in efficacy of Vietnamese herbal extracts on whiteleg shrimp (<em>Penaeus vannamei</em>) against <em>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</em> causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND)

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    Traditional Vietnamese herbal species were examined for their antimicrobial activity and disease resistance in whiteleg shrimp. In-vitro screening, the extracts of ten herbs were conducted to test the inhibition ability against Vibrio parahaemolyticus, causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease. The results showed that five out of ten herbal species, including Pithecellobium dulce, Melaleuca leucadendron, Eucalyptus globulus, Mimosa pirga, and Hibiscus sabdariffa displayed potent antibacterial activity. Besides, three types of extracts of H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga were coated to the pellet feed at a concentration of 1%. After 30 days of feeding, the whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) were challenged by V. parahaemolyticus through immersion. The growth performance (such as growth rate in length and weight, survival rate), hematological parameters of total hemocytes (THC), hyaline hemocytes (HC), and granulocytes (GC), and hepatopancreas recovery under the treatments with herbal extracts of the whiteleg shrimp were significantly enhanced as compared with the control (without herbal extract). The mortality and the bacterial density in the hepatopancreas of shrimp decreased. Specifically, the mortality of shrimp in the treatment supplemented with the methanol extract of H. sabdariffa was the lowest, followed by M. pirga and E. globulus. The experimental results also indicated that H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga could improve immune parameters and disease resistance; therefore, they should be employed in sustainable shrimp, practical farming

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Ich Tam Khang as a Supportive Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure

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    Background: Heart failure is a chronic disease needing lifelong management. Despite the advances that have been made in the treatment of the disease, both the longevity and quality of life for those with chronic heart failure remain impaired. A more effective therapeutic approach with less negative side effects is still needed. In this study, we evaluate Ich Tam Khang (ITK), the poly-ingredient herbal and nutritional preparation with multiple physiological actions, as a supportive therapy for patients with chronic heart failure.Aims of Study: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Ich Tam Khang as an adjunctive treatment of chronic heart failure.Methods: A total of 60 patients with chronic congestive heart failure were enrolled in this open label, cross-sectional and prospective study. All patients were treated with a conventional regimen (digoxin, diuretics, angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), beta blockers) for at least 4 weeks before being divided into two equal groups. In the treated patients with ITK, patients received conventional therapy plus 4 tablets ITK per day added in two divided doses. In the control patients, all patients kept the same conventional regimen without ITK. All patients were followed up for 3 months for clinical and para-clinical outcomes.Result: The symptoms of heart failure (dyspnea, palpitation, peripheral edema, neck vein distention, heptojugular reflex) decreased. Heart rate and blood pressure stabilized during treatment in the treated patients with ITK. Additionally, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol normalized in the patients treated with ITK. Most of echocardiography parameters in the ITK treated patients were superior to the control patients. ITK is safe and it has no side effects.Conclusion: ITK as a combination of herbal and nutritional preparation is effective in reducing heart failure symptoms, improving patient's quality of life for the patients with decompensated heart failure and reducing total cholesterol and LDL-C

    Correlation and high-resolution timing for Paleo-tethys Permian-Triassic boundary exposures in Vietnam and Slovenia using geochemical, geophysical and biostratigraphic data sets

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    Two Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) successions, Lung Cam in Vietnam, and Lukač in Slovenia, have been sampled for high-resolution magnetic susceptibility, stable isotope and elemental chemistry, and biostratigraphic analyses. These successions are located on the eastern (Lung Cam section) and western margins (Lukač section) of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during PTB time. Lung Cam, lying along the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean provides an excellent proxy for correlation back to the GSSP and out to other Paleo-Tethyan successions. This proxy is tested herein by correlating the Lung Cam section in Vietnam to the Lukač section in Slovenia, which was deposited along the western margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during the PTB interval. It is shown herein that both the Lung Cam and Lukač sections can be correlated and exhibit similar characteristics through the PTB interval. Using time-series analysis of magnetic susceptibility data, high-resolution ages are obtained for both successions, thus allowing relative ages, relative to the PTB age at ~252 Ma, to be assigned. Evaluation of climate variability along the western and eastern margins of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean through the PTB interval, using d18O values indicates generally cooler climate in the west, below the PTB, changing to generally warmer climates above the boundary. A unique Black Carbon layer (elemental carbon present by agglutinated foraminifers in their test) below the boundary exhibits colder temperatures in the eastern and warmer temperatures in the western Paleo-Tethys Ocean.ReferencesBalsam W., Arimoto R., Ji J., Shen Z, 2007. Aeolian dust in sediment: a re-examination of methods for identification and dispersal assessed by diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry. International Journal of Environment and Health, 1, 374-402.Balsam W.L., Otto-Bliesner B.L., Deaton B.C., 1995. Modern and last glacial maximum eolian sedimentation patterns in the Atlantic Ocean interpreted from sediment iron oxide content. Paleoceanography, 10, 493-507.Berggren W.A., Kent D.V., Aubry M-P., Hardenbol J., 1995. Geochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation. SEPM Special Publication #54, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Tulsa, OK, 386p.Berger A., Loutre M.F., Laskar J., 1992. Stability of the astronomical frequencies over the Earth's history for paleoclimate studies. Science, 255, 560-566.Bloemendal J., deMenocal P., 1989. Evidence for a change in the periodicity of tropical climate cycles at 2.4 Myr from whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements. Nature, 342, 897-900.Chen J., Shen S-j., Li X-h., Xu Y-g., Joachimski M.M., Bowring S.A., Erwin D.H., Yuan D-x., Chen B., Zhang H., Wang Y., Cao C-q, Zheng Q-f., Mu L., 2016. High-resolution SIMS oxygen isotope analysis on conodont apatite from South China and implications for the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448, 26-38.Da Silva A-C., Boulvain F., 2002. Sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility and isotopes of a Middle Frasnian carbonate platform: Tailfer Section, Belgium. Facies, 46, 89-102.Da Silva A.-C., Boulvain F., 2005. Upper Devonian carbonate platform correlations and sea level variations recorded in magnetic susceptibility. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 240, 373-388.Dettinger M.D., Ghil M., Strong C.M., Weibel W., Yiou P., 1995. Software expedites singular-spectrum analysis of noisy time series. EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 76, 12-21.Dinarès-Turell J., Baceta J.I., Bernaola G., Orue-Etxebarria X., Pujalte V., 2007. Closing the Mid-Palaeocene gap: Toward a complete astronomically tuned Palaeocene Epoch and Selandian and Thanetian GSSPs at Zumaia (Basque Basin, W Pyrenees). Earth Planetary Science Letters, 262, 450-467.Ellwood B.B., García-Alcalde J.L., El Hassani A., Hladil J., Soto F.M., Truyóls-Massoni M., Weddige K., Koptikova L., 2006. Stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Boundary: Formal Definition of the Susceptibility Magnetostratotype in Germany with comparisons to Sections in the Czech Republic, Morocco and Spain. Tectonophysics, 418, 31-49.Ellwood B.B., Wang W.-H., Tomkin J.H., Ratcliffe K.T., El Hassani A., Wright A.M., 2013. Testing high resolution magnetic susceptibility and gamma gradiation methods in the Cenomanian-Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) GSSP and near-by coeval section. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 378, 75-90.Ellwood B.B., Wardlaw B.R., Nestell M.K., Nestell G.P., Luu Thi Phuong Lan, 2017. Identifying globally synchronous Permian-Triassic boundary levels in successions in China and Vietnam using Graphic Correlation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 561-571.Ghil M., Allen R.M., Dettinger M.D., Ide K., Kondrashov D., Mann M.E., Robertson A., Saunders A., Tian Y., Varadi F., Yiou P., 2002. Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series. Reviews of Geophysics, 40, 3.1-3.41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2000RG000092.Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Smith A.G., 2004. A geologic Time Scale 2004. Cambridge University Press, England, 589p.Hartl P., Tauxe L., Herbert T., 1995. Earliest Oligocene increase in South Atlantic productivity as interpreted from “rock magnetics” at Deep Sea drilling Site 522. Paleoceanography, 10, 311-326.Imbrie J., Hays J.D., Martinson D.G., McIntyre A., Mix A.C., Morley J.J., Pisias N.G., Prell W.L., Shackleton N.J., 1984. The Orbital Theory of Pleistocene Climate: Support from a Revised Chronology of the Marine Delta 18O Record. In Berger A.L., Imbrie J., Hays J., Kukla G., Saltzman B. 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Time in Stratigraphy. New York, Mc Graw Hill, 365p.Shen S.-Z., Crowley J.L., Wang Y., Bowring S.A., Erwin D.H., Henderson C.M., Ramezani J., Zhang H., Shen Y.,Wang X.-D., Wang W., Mu L., Li W.-Z., Tang Y.-G., Liu X.-L., Liu X.-L., Zeng Y., Jiang Y.-F., Jin Y.-G., 2011a. High-precision geochronologic dating constrains probable causes of Earth’s largest mass extinction. Science, 334, 1367-1372. Doi:10.1126/science.1213454.Swartzendruber L.J., 1992. Properties, units and constants in magnetism. Journal of Magnetic Materials, 100, 573-575.Weedon G.P., Jenkyns H.C., Coe A.L., Hesselbo S.P., 1999. Astronomical calibration of the Jurassic time-scale from cyclostratigraphy in British mudrock formations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London, A357, 1787-1813.Weedon G.P., Shackleton N.J., Pearson P.N., 1997. The Oligocne time scale and cyclostratigraphy on the Ceara Rise, western equatorial Atlantic. In: Schackleton N.J., Curry W.B., Richter C., and Bralower T.J. (Eds.). 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    Redondoviridae: High Prevalence and Possibly Chronic Shedding in Human Respiratory Tract, But No Zoonotic Transmission

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    Redondoviridae is a recently discovered DNA virus family consisting of two species, vientovirus and brisavirus. Here we used PCR amplification and sequencing to characterize redondoviruses in nasal/throat swabs collected longitudinally from a cohort of 58 individuals working with animals in Vietnam. We additionally analyzed samples from animals to which redondovirus DNA-positive participants were exposed. Redondoviruses were detected in approximately 60% of study participants, including 33% (30/91) of samples collected during episodes of acute respiratory disease and in 50% (29/58) of baseline samples (with no respiratory symptoms). Vientovirus (73%; 24/33) was detected more frequently in samples than brisaviruses (27%; 9/33). In the 23 participants with at least 2 redondovirus-positive samples among their longitudinal samples, 10 (43.5%) had identical redondovirus replication-gene sequences detected (sampling duration: 35–132 days). We found no identical redondovirus replication genes in samples from different participants, and no redondoviruses were detected in 53 pooled nasal/throat swabs collected from domestic animals. Phylogenetic analysis described no large-scale geographical clustering between viruses from Vietnam, the US, Spain, and China, indicating that redondoviruses are highly genetically diverse and have a wide geographical distribution. Collectively, our study provides novel insights into the Redondoviridae family in humans, describing a high prevalence, potentially associated with chronic shedding in the respiratory tract with lack of evidence of zoonotic transmission from close animal contacts. The tropism and potential pathogenicity of this viral family remain to be determined

    Redondoviridae: High Prevalence and Possibly Chronic Shedding in Human Respiratory Tract, But No Zoonotic Transmission

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    Redondoviridae is a recently discovered DNA virus family consisting of two species, vientovirus and brisavirus. Here we used PCR amplification and sequencing to characterize redondoviruses in nasal/throat swabs collected longitudinally from a cohort of 58 individuals working with animals in Vietnam. We additionally analyzed samples from animals to which redondovirus DNA-positive participants were exposed. Redondoviruses were detected in approximately 60% of study participants, including 33% (30/91) of samples collected during episodes of acute respiratory disease and in 50% (29/58) of baseline samples (with no respiratory symptoms). Vientovirus (73%; 24/33) was detected more frequently in samples than brisaviruses (27%; 9/33). In the 23 participants with at least 2 redondovirus-positive samples among their longitudinal samples, 10 (43.5%) had identical redondovirus replication-gene sequences detected (sampling duration: 35–132 days). We found no identical redondovirus replication genes in samples from different participants, and no redondoviruses were detected in 53 pooled nasal/throat swabs collected from domestic animals. Phylogenetic analysis described no large-scale geographical clustering between viruses from Vietnam, the US, Spain, and China, indicating that redondoviruses are highly genetically diverse and have a wide geographical distribution. Collectively, our study provides novel insights into the Redondoviridae family in humans, describing a high prevalence, potentially associated with chronic shedding in the respiratory tract with lack of evidence of zoonotic transmission from close animal contacts. The tropism and potential pathogenicity of this viral family remain to be determined

    The Virome of Acute Respiratory Diseases in Individuals at Risk of Zoonotic Infections

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    The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic emphasizes the need to actively study the virome of unexplained respiratory diseases. We performed viral metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) analysis of 91 nasal-throat swabs from individuals working with animals and with acute respiratory diseases. Fifteen virus RT-PCR-positive samples were included as controls, while the other 76 samples were RT-PCR negative for a wide panel of respiratory pathogens. Eukaryotic viruses detected by mNGS were then screened by PCR (using primers based on mNGS-derived contigs) in all samples to compare viral detection by mNGS versus PCR and assess the utility of mNGS in routine diagnostics. mNGS identified expected human rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, influenza A virus, coronavirus OC43, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) A in 13 of 15 (86.7%) positive control samples. Additionally, rotavirus, torque teno virus, human papillomavirus, human betaherpesvirus 7, cyclovirus, vientovirus, gemycircularvirus, and statovirus were identified through mNGS. Notably, complete genomes of novel cyclovirus, gemycircularvirus, and statovirus were genetically characterized. Using PCR screening, the novel cyclovirus was additionally detected in 5 and the novel gemycircularvirus in 12 of the remaining samples included for mNGS analysis. Our studies therefore provide pioneering data of the virome of acute-respiratory diseases from individuals at risk of zoonotic infections. The mNGS protocol/pipeline applied here is sensitive for the detection of a variety of viruses, including novel ones. More frequent detections of the novel viruses by PCR than by mNGS on the same samples suggests that PCR remains the most sensitive diagnostic test for viruses whose genomes are known. The detection of novel viruses expands our understanding of the respiratory virome of animal-exposed humans and warrant further studies.Peer reviewe

    HIV-Associated TB in An Giang Province, Vietnam, 2001–2004: Epidemiology and TB Treatment Outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Mortality is high in HIV-infected TB patients, but few studies from Southeast Asia have documented the benefits of interventions, such as co-trimoxazole (CTX), in reducing mortality during TB treatment. To help guide policy in Vietnam, we studied the epidemiology of HIV-associated TB in one province and examined factors associated with outcomes, including the impact of CTX use. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We retrospectively abstracted data for all HIV-infected persons diagnosed with TB from 2001-2004 in An Giang, a province in southern Vietnam in which TB patients receive HIV counseling and testing. We used standard WHO definitions to classify TB treatment outcomes. We conducted multivariate analysis to identify risk factors for the composite outcome of death, default, or treatment failure during TB treatment. From 2001-2004, 637 HIV-infected TB patients were diagnosed in An Giang. Of these, 501 (79%) were male, 321 (50%) were aged 25-34 years, and the most common self-reported HIV risk factor was sex with a commercial sex worker in 221 (35%). TB was classified as smear-positive in 531 (83%). During TB treatment, 167 (26%) patients died, 9 (1%) defaulted, and 6 (1%) failed treatment. Of 454 patients who took CTX, 116 (26%) had an unsuccessful outcome compared with 33 (70%) of 47 patients who did not take CTX (relative risk, 0.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.3-0.5). Adjusting for male sex, rural residence, TB smear status and disease location, and the occurrence of adverse events during TB treatment in multivariate analysis, the benefit of CTX persisted (adjusted odds ratio for unsuccessful outcome 0.1; CI, 0.1-0.3). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In An Giang, Vietnam, HIV-associated TB was associated with poor TB treatment outcomes. Outcomes were significantly better in those taking CTX. This finding suggests that Vietnam should consider applying WHO recommendations to prescribe CTX to all HIV-infected TB patients

    Expansion of KPC-producing Enterobacterales in four large hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam

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    Objectives : The incidence of carbapenem resistance among nosocomial Gram-negative bacteria in Vietnam is high and increasing, including among Enterobacterales. In this study, we assessed the presence of one of the main carbapenemase genes, blaKPC, among carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE) from four large hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam, between 2010 and 2015, and described their key molecular characteristics. Methods : KPC-producing Enterobacterales were detected using conventional PCR and were further analysed using S1 nuclease pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (S1-PFGE), Southern blotting and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for sequence typing and genetic characterisation. Results : blaKPC genes were detected in 122 (20.4%) of 599 CRE isolates. blaKPC-carrying plasmids were diverse in size. Klebsiella pneumoniae harbouring blaKPC genes belonged to ST15 and ST11, whereas KPC-producing Escherichia coli showed more diverse sequence types including ST3580, ST448, ST709 and ST405. Genotypic relationships supported the hypothesis of circulation of a population of ‘resident’ resistant bacteria in one hospital through the years and of transmission among these hospitals via patient transfer. WGS results revealed co-carriage of several other antimicrobial resistance genes and three different genetic contexts of blaKPC-2. Among these, the combination of ISEcp1–blaCTX-M and ISKpn27–blaKPC–ΔISKpn6 on the same plasmid is reported for the first time. Conclusion : We describe the dissemination of blaKPC-expressing Enterobacterales in four large hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam, since 2010, which may have started earlier, along with their resistance patterns, sequence types, genotypic relationship, plasmid sizes and genetic context, thereby contributing to the overall picture of the antimicrobial resistance situation in Enterobacterales in Vietnam