13 research outputs found

    Towards an I/O Conformance Testing Theory for Software Product Lines based on Modal Interface Automata

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    We present an adaptation of input/output conformance (ioco) testing principles to families of similar implementation variants as appearing in product line engineering. Our proposed product line testing theory relies on Modal Interface Automata (MIA) as behavioral specification formalism. MIA enrich I/O-labeled transition systems with may/must modalities to distinguish mandatory from optional behavior, thus providing a semantic notion of intrinsic behavioral variability. In particular, MIA constitute a restricted, yet fully expressive subclass of I/O-labeled modal transition systems, guaranteeing desirable refinement and compositionality properties. The resulting modal-ioco relation defined on MIA is preserved under MIA refinement, which serves as variant derivation mechanism in our product line testing theory. As a result, modal-ioco is proven correct in the sense that it coincides with traditional ioco to hold for every derivable implementation variant. Based on this result, a family-based product line conformance testing framework can be established.Comment: In Proceedings FMSPLE 2015, arXiv:1504.0301

    Specification and Analysis of Software Systems with Configurable Real-Time Behavior

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    Nowadays, non-functional properties and configurability are crucial aspects in the development of (safety-critical) software systems as software is often built in families and has to obey real-time requirements. For instance, industrial plants in Industry 4.0 applications rely on real-time restrictions to ensure an uninterrupted production workflow. Modeling these systems can be done based on well-known formalisms such as timed automata (TA). In terms of configurability, software product line engineering (SPLE) is used for developing variant-rich systems by integrating similar behavior into a product-line representation. In SPLE, we map core behavior and variable behavior to Boolean features representing high-level customization options, thus facilitating traceability between configuration models and behavioral models. However, only few formalisms combine real-time behavior with configurability. In particular, featured timed automata (FTA) support Boolean variability, whereas parametric timed automata (PTA) instead utilize numeric parameters, allowing us to describe infinitely many variants. Here, PTA facilitate an increased expressiveness as compared to FTA by using a-priori unbounded time intervals. Unfortunately, there does not exist a formalism for real-time SPLs supporting traceability of Boolean features and infinitely many variants being available through parameters. Hence, we introduce configurable parametric timed automata (CoPTA), combining the advantages of Boolean features and numeric parameters. Therewith, we are able to model SPLs comprising an infinite number of variants while supporting traceability between configuration model and behavioral model. For analyzing real-time properties of CoPTA, we cannot directly apply product-based approaches anymore due to the (possibly) infinite number of products. Hence, we develop quality-assurance techniques for CoPTA models. Here, sampling (i.e., the derivation of a subset of variants) still allows us to perform product-based analyses even in case of infinitely many products. To this end, we introduce a strategy specifically tailored to boundary cases of time-critical behavior. Moreover, we introduce family-based techniques for quality assurance of CoPTA. For black-box analysis (where the behavioral model is unavailable), there already exist approaches for systematically reusing test cases among different configurations by accumulating configuration-specific information. However, these approaches only consider features, whereas we enhance these approaches by also considering parameters, allowing us to derive complete finite test suites satisfying product-based coverage criteria even in case of infinitely many variants. Additionally, our framework for test-case generation also covers boundary cases in terms of time-critical behavior. In case of white-box analysis, we introduce a formalism for a decidable check of timed bisimilarity, and we lift timed bisimulation to CoPTA. We illustrate the concepts presented in this thesis by using a bench-scale demonstrator of an industrial plant as an example, and we evaluate our approaches based on a prototypical implementation, revealing efficiency improvements (in cases where we can compare our approach to other approaches) and applicability

    Compositional Liveness-Preserving Conformance Testing of Timed I/O Automata - Technical Report

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    I/O conformance testing theories (e.g., ioco) are concerned with formally defining when observable output behaviors of an implementation conform to those permitted by a specification. Thereupon, several real-time extensions of ioco, usually called tioco, have been proposed, further taking into account permitted delays between actions. In this paper, we propose an improved version of tioco, called live timed ioco (ltioco), tackling various weaknesses of existing definitions. Here, a reasonable adaptation of quiescence (i.e., observable absence of any outputs) to real-time behaviors has to be done with care: ltioco therefore distinguishes safe outputs being allowed to happen, from live outputs being enforced to happen within a certain time period thus inducing two different facets of quiescence. Furthermore, tioco is frequently defined on Timed I/O Labeled Transition Systems (TIOLTS), a semantic model of Timed I/O Automata (TIOA) which is infinitely branching and thus infeasible for practical testing tools. Instead, we extend the theory of zone graphs to enable ltioco testing on a finite semantic model of TIOA. Finally, we investigate compositionality of ltioco with respect to parallel composition including a proper treatment of silent transitions.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Author version of the paper of the same name accepted for the 16th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2019). This version is slightly extended as it contains all proof

    Compositional Liveness-Preserving Conformance Testing of Timed I/O Automata

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    I/O conformance testing theories (e.g., ioco) are concerned with formally defining when observable output behaviors of an implementation conform to those permitted by a specification. Thereupon, several real-time extensions of ioco, usually called tioco, have been proposed, further taking into account permitted delays between actions. In this paper, we propose an improved version of tioco, called live timed ioco (ltioco), tackling various weaknesses of existing definitions. Here, a reasonable adaptation of quiescence (i.e., observable absence of any outputs) to real-time behaviors has to be done with care: ltioco therefore distinguishes safe outputs being allowed to happen, from live outputs being enforced to happen within a certain time period thus inducing two different facets of quiescence. Furthermore, tioco is frequently defined on Timed I/O Labeled Transition Systems (TIOLTS), a semantic model of Timed I/O Automata (TIOA) which is infinitely branching and thus infeasible for practical testing tools. Instead, we extend the theory of zone graphs to enable ltioco testing on a finite semantic model of TIOA. Finally, we investigate compositionality of ltioco with respect to parallel composition including a proper treatment of silent transitions.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Author version of the paper of the same name accepted for the 16th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2019). This version is slightly extended as it contains all proof

    Sampling strategies for product lines with unbounded parametric real-time constraints

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