3 research outputs found

    Introducing Scuba Diving For Fishermen Of Pantai Kondang Merak, Malang

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    Pantai Kondang Merak has a biodiversity of marine resources, so that the community always depend on exploration and exploitation activities through fishing, and catch lobster, sea cucumber, abalone and some of algae with diving activities. The diving activities usually in 5-30 m depth in reef area, using air compressor that will danger their live. This compressor has long regulator hose (about 50 m), during diving process the hose will be tied in their waist with 5-7 kg lead, it similar with weight belt in SCUBA diving. The hose also has other function as keep the diver from water current drifting. This method will disrupt the air supply from compressor to mouth face and endanger the life of diver. The safety diving standard is using a SCUBA set, that has a portable air supply and clean air, unlike the air that resulted by the conventional compressor. The aim of this activity is to give safe diving method and give ecotourism skill to the fisherman in Kondang Merak, thus avoiding fisherman from decompression sickness and seek alternative livelihood during west monsoon

    Kandungan Logam Esensial Tembaga (Cu) Di Lingkaran Tahun Karang Porites Lutea Dari Perairan Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu Malang

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    Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover almost constant 37% from 2009 to 2016. Coral massive Porites lutea in this area has a growth rate about 1.09 cm/yr. in average and almost similar with others. Coral massive growth rate can be monitor through their skeletal annual banding. They have two type annual banding, low density for slow growth coral skeletal and high density for fast growth rate of coral skeletal. In this banding coral can record any environmental condition such as sea water temperature, tides and heavy metal. The aim of this research was to know the concentration of copper in Sempu Island Nature Reserve in the past used ICP-OES. The result showed that the Cu concentration in P. lutea skeletal band from 2009-2016 were: 5.213; 6.403; 5.825; 6.511; 6.132; 6.403; 6.467; 6.22 mg/kg. The coral skeletal can absorb the pollutant for hundred years, and it will give important information for palaeo environment that can used for climate modelling in the future

    Community Based Coastal Conservation: Case Study on Nature Conservation Forum Putri Menjangan, Buleleng, Bali

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    Conservation is one form of natural resource management have been damaged. There are many types of area management one of which is community base management. Nature Conservation Forum Putri Menjangan is a group of people who have an interest in the management of natural resources, especially on mangrove ecosystems and coral reef ecosystems, in addition to conservation activities are also carried out data collection species start from mangrove, coral reef, reef fishes and other organisms that live in Putri Menjangan waters. Mangrove forest conservation is done through reforestation in areas which have a low mangrove cover, whereas for coral reef conservation activities carried out through coral transplantation and garbage clean up activity in coral reef ecosystems both of trash and competitor organism found on coral reef ecosystems