11 research outputs found

    Histological Study of Common House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) Regenerated Tail

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    Common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) belongs to suborder Lacertilia that has capacity to shed its tail (autotomy) as a self-defense mechanism. After autotomy, tail regeneration occurs. Axiale skeleton of an original tail is composed of bony vertebrae, whereas the the regenerate one is comprised of cartilaginous tube. The purpose of this study was to determine the histological difference between axial skeleton of the original tail and the regenerate one of the common house gecko. Twenty four individuals consist of twelve common house gecko with original tail and twelve with regenerate tail were used. Microanatomical observations were carried on histological slide of original and regenerated tail stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Mallory Acid Fuchsin. The results showed that the original tail comprised of bony vertebrae whereas regenerated tail supported by cartilaginous tube

    Checklist of Flowering Plants (Magnoliophyta) of Mount Nglanggeran, Gunungkidul: Confirmation and Update of Flora of Java and APG III

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    This study aimed to collect data on the species plants in Mount Nglanggeran, to confirm and update the existence of these plants from Flora of Java book by Backer & Bakhuizen, and to showing the visual data of plant species in Nglanggeran Mountain. This research used survey method through in-situ visit and specimen collection. Monitoring and visits were conducted based on prediction of flowering period and fruit-bearing season. Eighty plant families of flowering plants were found in the mount Nglanggeran. Based on the phylogenetic arrangement of flowering plants it was found that all the main groups (clades) of flowering plants were found at this location

    On Designing Interactive Online Atlas of Reptile Anatomy (Mabouya multifacsiata)

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    This research is an integration between fields of Biology, Photography, Design, and Informatics Engineering. The study aimed to build an interactive online atlas of reptile anatomy to improve the accessibility and data sharing (free access) of reptile anatomy. Website was developed using SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) which consist of five steps as follows: website’s strategic planning, determine the scope of website, website’s requirements analysis, design and implementations of website, and testing. Based on the results of testing and system implementation, it can be concluded that online interactive atlas (AtlasAnatomy.org) had been successfully built as anatomical educational media of reptile

    Checklist of Flowering Plants (Magnoliophyta) of Mount Nglanggeran, Gunungkidul: Confirmation and Update of Flora of Java and APG III

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    This study aimed to collect data on the species plants in Mount Nglanggeran, to confirm and update the existence of these plants from Flora of Java book by Backer & Bakhuizen, and to showing the visual data of plant species in Nglanggeran Mountain. This research used survey method through in-situ visit and specimen collection. Monitoring and visits were conducted based on prediction of flowering period and fruit-bearing season. Eighty plant families of flowering plants were found in the mount Nglanggeran. Based on the phylogenetic arrangement of flowering plants it was found that all the main groups (clades) of flowering plants were found at this location

    Anatomical Study of Male Reproductive Organs of the Indonesian Short-Nosed Fruit Bat (Cynopterus titthaecheilus Temminck, 1825)

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    Bats are one of the mammals of Chiroptera order. Chiroptera Order has two sub-orders, Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera. One of the species of Megachiroptera is Cynopterus titthaecheilus (C. titthaecheilus). Local name for C. titthaecheilus is the Indonesian short-nosed fruit bat. Characteristics of C. titthaecheilus are dark brown body hair and no tragus in the ear. Population of C. titthaecheilus in Indonesia are relatively abundant,  but research about anatomy of male reproduction organs of this species is still rare. The purpose of this study was to determine the anatomical features of male C. tittahecheilus reproductive organs. Observations of macroscopic anatomy include observation of morphology, size, weight and volume of penis, testiscle, epididymis, vas defferens, prostate and seminal vesicles. Observation on microscopical anatomy of male reproduction organ is using histological slide preparations stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin

    Comparative Anatomy and Histology of Black Pomfret (Formio niger) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Kidney

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    Black pomfret and nile tilapia are belonging to order Perciformes. Both fish are live in different habitat. Black pomfret is marine water whereas nile tilapia is in freshwater. The purpose of the study was to determine anatomy and histology of the kidneys structures in both fishes. Histological preparations were done using paraffin method, with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining. The results, showed that Black pomfret and nile tilapia have y-shape kidney. Nile tilapia has darker red colour and softer texture than black pomfret kidney. Histologically, black pomfret and nile tilapia kidneys have a distal tubule, proximal tubule, glomerulus and lymphoid tissue. Glomerular diameter of nile tilapia (69,22 µm) was larger than pomfret (61,25 µm). It can be concluded that differences between anatomical and histological structure of kidney are affected by habitat differences

    On Designing Interactive Online Atlas of Reptile Anatomy (Mabouya multifacsiata)

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    This research is an integration between fields of Biology, Photography, Design, and Informatics Engineering. The study aimed to build an interactive online atlas of reptile anatomy to improve the accessibility and data sharing (free access) of reptile anatomy. Website was developed using SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) which consist of five steps as follows: website’s strategic planning, determine the scope of website, website’s requirements analysis, design and implementations of website, and testing. Based on the results of testing and system implementation, it can be concluded that online interactive atlas (AtlasAnatomy.org) had been successfully built as anatomical educational media of reptile.</p

    Penguatan dan Implementasi Plagiarism Checking Berbasis Open Journal Systems (OJS) Pada Jurnal Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kelembagaan di dalam mengokohkan peran UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta sebagai Universitas menuju Research University. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah penguatan manajemen jurnal berbasis Open Journal Systems (OJS) dan plagiarism checker. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguatan dapat dilakukan dengan implementasi tools plagiarism checker guna meminimalkan adanya plagiasi, peningkatan peran penulis dari dalam dan luar negeri, serta kegiatan promosi baik melalui media offline maupun online.[This research were based on the awareness to strengthen achieve UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta as a Research University. This study aims to determine the steps of strengthening the management of journals based on Open Journal Systems (OJS) and plagiarism checker. The results showed that strengthening can be done with the implementation of plagiarism checking tool to minimize the plagiarism, increase the role of authors from within and abroad, as well as promotional activities both through offline media and online.

    Penerapan Model Cooperative Learning Type Market Place Activity melalui Aplikasi Canva untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (Studi Eksperimen di Kelas VIII SMP IT Cikal Sukawening Garut)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Type Market Place Activity melalui Aplikasi Canva untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam khususnya di kelas VIII SMP IT Cikal Sukawening Garut. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena perlu adanya peningkatan hasil belajar dalam diri setiap siswa. Dalam hal ini dilakukan uji intstrumen pretest dan posttest untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hasil belajar siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam sehingga dapat diketahui hasilnya sebelum diberikan perlakuan dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan. Di tambah dengan teknik lain yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian experimen dengan Nonequvalent Control Grup Design dilakukan di kelas VIII A sebanyak 16 siswa dan kelas VIII B sebanyak 16 siswa yang dijadikan sampel penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan tes yang merupakan tes tulis (pilihan ganda) dan terbagi menjadi pretest dan posttest untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 69 (pretest) dan 81 (posttest) sedangkan nilai rata-rata kelas kontrol sebesar 67 (pretest) dan 76 (posttest). Maka pengujian hipotesis yang diajukan dapat diterima karena nilai Thitung lebih besar dari pada Ttabel yaitu 5,37>2,75. Setelah melewati beberapa tahap perhitungan sebelumnya, maka dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penerapam model Cooperative Learning Type Market Place Activity melalui Aplikasi Canva pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) terdapat peningkatan sebesar 0,4

    Comparative Anatomy and Histology of Black Pomfret (Formio niger) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Kidney

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    Black pomfret and nile tilapia are belonging to order Perciformes. Both fish are live in different habitat. Black pomfret is marine water whereas nile tilapia is in freshwater. The purpose of the study was to determine anatomy and histology of the kidneys structures in both fishes. Histological preparations were done using paraffin method, with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining. The results, showed that Black pomfret and nile tilapia have y-shape kidney. Nile tilapia has darker red colour and softer texture than black pomfret kidney. Histologically, black pomfret and nile tilapia kidneys have a distal tubule, proximal tubule, glomerulus and lymphoid tissue. Glomerular diameter of nile tilapia (69,22 µm) was larger than pomfret (61,25 µm). It can be concluded that differences between anatomical and histological structure of kidney are affected by habitat differences