25 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Aksara Jawa Level Dasar Berbasis Android

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    In this global era, the traditional letters are more forgotten. Javanese letter which becomes one of traditional letters in Javanese island and the position of Javanese letter also threatened, one of reasons which make people lazy to learn Javanese letter is learning media. Learning media which often used is book, in digital era book is not too efficient to be learning media, therefore mobile phone now become more popular in society. Most of this mobile phone also followed by operating system which are used, for example is android.In this case, the writer made learning application of Javanese letter base level based on android. This application made by using Eclipse, Eclipse is a software development from java program. This Application can be applied in mobile phone which has minimum operating system android version 2.2.The purposes of this research are to make application which makes easy the people in learning Javanese letter which implemented in mobile phone. This Application also expected to be a learning media of Javanese letter which more forgotten by people, this application can be operated by mobile phone which has minimum operating system android version 2.2

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Game Online “Penyelamatan Tawanan Perang” Berbasis Html 5 Untuk Penerapan Aplikasi Game Facebook Menggunakan Engine Construct 2

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    Gaming technology is one of the highlights of the developer in the virtual world. Recently emerging flash based game called Angry Bird, this game successfully anesthetize the game lovers ranging from children to adults. Then in 2012 also developed the software to create a game with HTML5 base.But unfortunately most outstanding online games and famous people today are made overseas and leading manufacturer classmates agate, artificial personal who want to explore the latest science is still very low as is evident from still lack the information share of the Indonesian game developers. Currently, many game developers are aiming to online gaming because it promises passive income when the game was booming in cyberspace.Rescue of prisoners of war is an adventure game by game based HTML5 roomates Tells of how a hero faces obstacles in order complete the rescue mission . All the adventures that are in the game are made from the author's imagination. Objective of the game is the overriding concern as a medium of learning to keep abreast of the latest games and game technology is also intended as a medium of entertainment for gamers cyberspace

    Aplikasi Air (Aviation Information Rule) Berebasis Android Se-bagai Media Pembelajaran Praktis Dunia Penerbangan Studi Kasus: Komunitas Ilmu Terbanga

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    Currently aviation is a job that is quite popular in Indonesia, the need for pilots and experts in the field of aviation continues to increase. And this makes the public interest and growing aviation world, but to support the development of the aviation world is very little information available and quite difficult to be able to. Most of the information was derived from the book are difficult to understand for people who are new to the world of aviation and information available on the internet inadequate. Those who are interested in the world of aviation, especially students and lovers of world aviation community in general difficulty in obtaining precise and accurate information. Possible for students who have a basic knowledge of the aviation world no difficulty in getting information, but for beginners it is something that is difficult. So in this paper the researchers want to try to analyze the main points of the existing problems. Researchers want to create an application that can help the user / users to easily obtain information about the world of aviation. Applications to be made must be implemented in android smartphone. The application will use the UML design that includes use cases, class, activity and sequence diagrams. the author would like to develop an android application on the aviation world that contains the history of aviation, in-flight terms and visual media such as images and video, as a support in learning media in an application that is very effective and efficient

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Inventori Pada Toko Bangunan Wahyu Wonosari YOGYAKARTA Berbasis Android

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    Building store Revelation is a company engaged in supplying various kinds of building materials. At this company there is a record keeping system inventory (inventory) are still running it manually, which in practice there are things that become obstacles, namely the effectiveness and efficiency in the process of entering data into the computer.With the above reasons, the writer will try to make an Android-based software applications. Where are making this application through various stages from finding a reference, locate and collect data, manufacture and testing of applications that can be made that the inventory is based on Android. These applications can run on phones that have minimal use Android operating system Android 2.2.Based on the results of the testing that was done, the application is implemented on Android-based phones can help the process of recording data inventory without bound constraints of space and time

    Pembuatan Game Wild Fire Menggunakan Adobe Flash Cs3

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    Game banyak digunakan untuk refreshing sehingga tidak mengherankan bila setiap orang sudah mulai mengenal adanya game virtual. Yaitu game yang dapat dimainkan melalui internet. Sebagian besar penggemar game adalah dari kalangan anak-anak sampai remaja. Sebenarnya, kehadiran game tersebut juga bisa digunakan sebagai salah satu sarana pembelajaran selain digunakan untuk hiburan. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah game edukasi tentang perlindungan hewan dan unprotectio yang akan ditambahkan suara-efek dan animasi lucu dalam permainan membuat childern yang tertarik. Game ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Adobe Flash CS3 dan Actionscript 2.0 sebagai script suport

    Pembuatan Game “Jalan Ke Ibukota” Berbasis Android

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    Bermain game pada smartphone saat ini sedang menjadi bukti perkembangan game. Berbagai informasi dapat disampaikan dengan mudah menggunakan media game. Memberikan pengetahuan tentang budaya Indonesia lewat bermain game adalah cara paling menyenangkan. Selain itu juga dapat mengenalkan beberapa alat music tradisional,pakaian adat, masakan daerah. Hal ini akan lebih menyenangkan jika disajikan dalam bentuk game. Pada penelitian ini memperkenalkan cara edukasi baru menggunakan game RPG untuk mendidik masyarakat pengguna android akan selalu mudah untuk mengenal budaya Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development yang menggunakan tahapan penelitian (1) analisis menggunakan SWOT, untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman, (2) perancangan grafik dan flowchart game, (3) implementasi hasil perancangan game kedalam perangkat mobile dalam hal ini android, agar dapat digunakan kapan saja, (4) observasi meliputi tahap-tahap penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan multimedia agar tampilan game RPG Jalan Ke Ibukota terlihat lebih menarik untuk dimainkan, (5) revisi, dan (6) uji coba produk

    Game Edukasi Menyusun Gambar “Wayang Kulit Super”

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    Ethnic diversity makes Indonesia rich in diverse cultures. Indonesia\u27s geographical differences can enrich cultural treasures. Including as shadow puppets, the traditional arts in Indonesia. Shadow puppets are more developed in the central and eastern Java.Making educational game aims to introduce culture to the Indonesian shadow puppets especially children who will be the next generation. Because of the erosion of indigenous Indonesian culture with foreign cultures. So with more applicable learning methods, it is hoped the public, especially children - children can be more interested in getting to know their own culture.Based on that, the authors attempted to solve the above problems by providing solutions to help bring genuine Indonesian shadow puppets to children. Through these educational games, children will get information about shadow puppets playing and not get bored because it comes with images, text, animation, video, and sound that allows users to interact

    Membangun Aplikasi Permainan “Airwar” Di Telepon Genggam Berbasis Java Menggunakan Netbeans Ide 6.5

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    Technological developments in mobile devices is now growing rapidly. Today mobile phones are not only used as a communication tool but can also be used as a medium for play anytime and anywhere. Now this game is one of the default applications that must exist in every cell phone products and other gadgets. To the authors of this scientific application with the theme of building a "airwar" that can be used on mobile devices that support Java technology.The devices used in the stage of making a program is a Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) programming language for applications that will run on mobile phones, with the management of the database using the Record Management System (RMS) as a nonvolatile storage medium in a MIDlet.The advantages of the application "airwar" is that there are different degrees and levels of different difficulty levels within each level of the game. Application "airwar" already have a folder which is the background of the game\u27s dynamic. In applications "airwar" There are features and try again next level that allows players to continue the game to the next level while successfully completing the game played and repeat the game if you fail to finish the game being played.