273 research outputs found

    Accelerated Expansion of the Universe in Gauss-Bonnet Gravity

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    We show that in Gauss-Bonnet gravity with negative Gauss-Bonnet coefficient and without a cosmological constant, one can explain the acceleration of the expanding Universe. We first introduce a solution of the Gauss-Bonnet gravity with negative Gauss-Bonnet coefficient and no cosmological constant term in an empty (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional bulk. This solution can generate a de Sitter spacetime with curvature n(n+1)/{(n2)(n3)α}n(n+1)/\{(n-2)(n-3)|\alpha|\}. We show that an (n1)(n-1)-dimensional brane embedded in this bulk can have an expanding feature with acceleration. We also considered a 4-dimensional brane world in a 5-dimensional empty space with zero cosmological constant and obtain the modified Friedmann equations. The solution of these modified equations in matter-dominated era presents an expanding Universe with negative deceleration and positive jerk which is consistent with the recent cosmological data. We also find that for this solution, the "n"th"n"th derivative of the scale factor with respect to time can be expressed only in terms of Hubble and deceleration parameters.Comment: 12 pages, no figure, references added, typos corrected, Section 4 ammended, an appndix added, version to be appeared in Phys. Rev.

    Coset Space Dimensional Reduction and Wilson Flux Breaking of Ten-Dimensional N=1, E(8) Gauge Theory

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    We consider a N=1 supersymmetric E(8) gauge theory, defined in ten dimensions and we determine all four-dimensional gauge theories resulting from the generalized dimensional reduction a la Forgacs-Manton over coset spaces, followed by a subsequent application of the Wilson flux spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism. Our investigation is constrained only by the requirements that (i) the dimensional reduction leads to the potentially phenomenologically interesting, anomaly free, four-dimensional E(6), SO(10) and SU(5) GUTs and (ii) the Wilson flux mechanism makes use only of the freely acting discrete symmetries of all possible six-dimensional coset spaces.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figures, 10 tables, uses xy.sty, longtable.sty, ltxtable.sty, (a shorter version will be published in Eur. Phys. J. C

    Planet Formation in the Outer Solar System

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    This paper reviews coagulation models for planet formation in the Kuiper Belt, emphasizing links to recent observations of our and other solar systems. At heliocentric distances of 35-50 AU, single annulus and multiannulus planetesimal accretion calculations produce several 1000 km or larger planets and many 50-500 km objects on timescales of 10-30 Myr in a Minimum Mass Solar Nebula. Planets form more rapidly in more massive nebulae. All models yield two power law cumulative size distributions, N_C propto r^{-q} with q = 3.0-3.5 for radii larger than 10 km and N_C propto r^{-2.5} for radii less than 1 km. These size distributions are consistent with observations of Kuiper Belt objects acquired during the past decade. Once large objects form at 35-50 AU, gravitational stirring leads to a collisional cascade where 0.1-10 km objects are ground to dust. The collisional cascade removes 80% to 90% of the initial mass in the nebula in roughly 1 Gyr. This dust production rate is comparable to rates inferred for alpha Lyr, beta Pic, and other extrasolar debris disk systems.Comment: invited review for PASP, March 2002. 33 pages of text and 12 figure

    Quantum Size Effect transition in percolating nanocomposite films

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    We report on unique electronic properties in Fe-SiO2 nanocomposite thin films in the vicinity of the percolation threshold. The electronic transport is dominated by quantum corrections to the metallic conduction of the Infinite Cluster (IC). At low temperature, mesoscopic effects revealed on the conductivity, Hall effect experiments and low frequency electrical noise (random telegraph noise and 1/f noise) strongly support the existence of a temperature-induced Quantum Size Effect (QSE) transition in the metallic conduction path. Below a critical temperature related to the geometrical constriction sizes of the IC, the electronic conductivity is mainly governed by active tunnel conductance across barriers in the metallic network. The high 1/f noise level and the random telegraph noise are consistently explained by random potential modulation of the barriers transmittance due to local Coulomb charges. Our results provide evidence that a lowering of the temperature is somehow equivalent to a decrease of the metal fraction in the vicinity of the percolation limit.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Textures and Semi-Local Strings in SUSY Hybrid Inflation

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    Global topological defects may account for the large cold spot observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background. We explore possibilities of constructing models of supersymmetric F-term hybrid inflation, where the waterfall fields are globally SU(2)-symmetric. In contrast to the case where SU(2) is gauged, there arise Goldstone bosons and additional moduli, which are lifted only by masses of soft-supersymmetry breaking scale. The model predicts the existence of global textures, which can become semi-local strings if the waterfall fields are gauged under U(1)_X. Gravitino overproduction can be avoided if reheating proceeds via the light SU(2)-modes or right-handed sneutrinos. For values of the inflaton- waterfall coupling >=10^-4, the symmetry breaking scale imposed by normalisation of the power spectrum generated from inflation coincides with the energy scale required to explain the most prominent of the cold spots. In this case, the spectrum of density fluctuations is close to scale-invariant which can be reconciled with measurements of the power spectrum by the inclusion of the sub-dominant component due to the topological defects.Comment: 29 page

    Modified F(R) Horava-Lifshitz gravity: a way to accelerating FRW cosmology

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    We propose a general approach for the construction of modified gravity which is invariant under foliation-preserving diffeomorphisms. Special attention is paid to the formulation of modified F(R)F(R) Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity (FRHL), whose Hamiltonian structure is studied. It is demonstrated that the spatially-flat FRW equations of FRHL are consistent with the constraint equations. The analysis of de Sitter solutions for several versions of FRHL indicates that the unification of the early-time inflation with the late-time acceleration is possible. It is shown that a special choice of parameters for FRHL leads to the same spatially-flat FRW equations as in the case of traditional F(R)F(R)-gravity. Finally, an essentially most general modified Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity is proposed, motivated by its fully diffeomorphism-invariant counterpart, with the restriction that the action does not contain derivatives higher than the second order with respect to the time coordinate.Comment: LaTeX 11 pages. v4: Some errors have been correcte

    Nonlinear Hydrodynamics of a Hard Sphere Fluid Near the Glass Transition

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    We conduct a numerical study of the dynamic behavior of a dense hard sphere fluid by deriving and integrating a set of Langevin equations. The statics of the system is described by a free energy functional of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form. We find that the system exhibits glassy behavior as evidenced through stretched exponential decay and two-stage relaxation of the density correlation function. The characteristic times grow with increasing density according to the Vogel-Fulcher law. The wavenumber dependence of the kinetics is extensively explored. The connection of our results with experiment, mode coupling theory, and molecular dynamics results is discussed.Comment: 34 Pages, Plain TeX, 12 PostScript Figures (not included, available on request

    Conserved Quantities from the Equations of Motion (with applications to natural and gauge natural theories of gravitation)

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    We present an alternative field theoretical approach to the definition of conserved quantities, based directly on the field equations content of a Lagrangian theory (in the standard framework of the Calculus of Variations in jet bundles). The contraction of the Euler-Lagrange equations with Lie derivatives of the dynamical fields allows one to derive a variational Lagrangian for any given set of Lagrangian equations. A two steps algorithmical procedure can be thence applied to the variational Lagrangian in order to produce a general expression for the variation of all quantities which are (covariantly) conserved along the given dynamics. As a concrete example we test this new formalism on Einstein's equations: well known and widely accepted formulae for the variation of the Hamiltonian and the variation of Energy for General Relativity are recovered. We also consider the Einstein-Cartan (Sciama-Kibble) theory in tetrad formalism and as a by-product we gain some new insight on the Kosmann lift in gauge natural theories, which arises when trying to restore naturality in a gauge natural variational Lagrangian.Comment: Latex file, 31 page

    Invariant Differential Operators and Characters of the AdS_4 Algebra

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    The aim of this paper is to apply systematically to AdS_4 some modern tools in the representation theory of Lie algebras which are easily generalised to the supersymmetric and quantum group settings and necessary for applications to string theory and integrable models. Here we introduce the necessary representations of the AdS_4 algebra and group. We give explicitly all singular (null) vectors of the reducible AdS_4 Verma modules. These are used to obtain the AdS_4 invariant differential operators. Using this we display a new structure - a diagram involving four partially equivalent reducible representations one of which contains all finite-dimensional irreps of the AdS_4 algebra. We study in more detail the cases involving UIRs, in particular, the Di and the Rac singletons, and the massless UIRs. In the massless case we discover the structure of sets of 2s_0-1 conserved currents for each spin s_0 UIR, s_0=1,3/2,... All massless cases are contained in a one-parameter subfamily of the quartet diagrams mentioned above, the parameter being the spin s_0. Further we give the classification of the so(5,C) irreps presented in a diagramatic way which makes easy the derivation of all character formulae. The paper concludes with a speculation on the possible applications of the character formulae to integrable models.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, TEX-harvmac with input files: amssym.def, amssym.tex, epsf.tex; version 2 1 reference added; v3: minor corrections; v.4: minor corrections, v.5: minor corrections to conform with version in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen; v.6.: small correction and addition in subsections 4.1 & 4.

    Thin accretion disk signatures of slowly rotating black holes in Ho\v{r}ava gravity

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    In the present work, we consider the possibility of observationally testing Ho\v{r}ava gravity by using the accretion disk properties around slowly rotating black holes of the Kehagias-Sfetsos solution in asymptotically flat spacetimes. The energy flux, temperature distribution, the emission spectrum as well as the energy conversion efficiency are obtained, and compared to the standard slowly rotating general relativistic Kerr solution. Comparing the mass accretion in a slowly rotating Kehagias-Sfetsos geometry in Ho\v{r}ava gravity with the one of a slowly rotating Kerr black hole, we verify that the intensity of the flux emerging from the disk surface is greater for the slowly rotating Kehagias-Sfetsos solution than for rotating black holes with the same geometrical mass and accretion rate. We also present the conversion efficiency of the accreting mass into radiation, and show that the rotating Kehagias-Sfetsos solution provides a much more efficient engine for the transformation of the accreting mass into radiation than the Kerr black holes. Thus, distinct signatures appear in the electromagnetic spectrum, leading to the possibility of directly testing Ho\v{r}ava gravity models by using astrophysical observations of the emission spectra from accretion disks.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures. V2: 13 pages, clarifications and discussion added; version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit