741 research outputs found

    Flux-induced Soft Supersymmetry Breaking in Chiral Type IIB Orientifolds with D3/D7-Branes

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    We discuss supersymmetry breaking via 3-form fluxes in chiral supersymmetric type IIB orientifold vacua with D3- and D7-branes. After a general discussion of possible choices of fluxes allowing for stabilizing of a part of the moduli, we determine the resulting effective action including all soft supersymmetry breaking terms. We also extend the computation of our previous work concerning the matter field metrics arising from various open string sectors, in particular focusing on the 1/2 BPS D3/D7-brane configuration. Afterwards, the F-theory lift of our constructions is investigated.Comment: 55 pages, harvma

    A Large Class of New Gravitational and Axionic Backgrounds for Four-Dimensional Superstrings

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    A large class of new 4-D superstring vacua with non-trivial/singular geometries, spacetime supersymmetry and other background fields (axion, dilaton) are found. Killing symmetries are generic and are associated with non-trivial dilaton and antisymmetric tensor fields. Duality symmetries preserving N=2 superconformal invariance are employed to generate a large class of explicit metrics for non-compact 4-D Calabi-Yau manifolds with Killing symmetries.Comment: LateX file, 34pp., (v5) Some misprints corrected in sections 3.1, 3.2 as pointed out in the paper of Hori and Kapustin (hep-th/0203147). Some comsetic changes also made in the same section

    The Neveu-Schwarz Five-Brane and its Dual Geometries

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    In this paper we discuss two aspects of duality transformations on the Neveu-Schwarz (NS) 5-brane solutions in type II and heterotic string theories. First we demonstrate that the non-extremal NS 5-brane background is U-dual to its CGHS limit, a two-dimensional black hole times S3×T5S^3\times T^5; an intermediate step is provided by the near horizon geometry which is given by the three-dimensional BTZ3BTZ_3 black hole (being closely related to AdS3AdS_3) times S3×T4S^3\times T^4. In the second part of the paper we discuss the T-duality between kk NS 5-branes and the Taub-NUT spaces respectively ALE spaces, which are related to the resolution of the Ak−1A_{k-1} singularities of the non-compact orbifold C2/Zk{\bf C}^2/{\bf Z}_{k}. In particular in the framework of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories related to brane box constructions we give the metric dual to two sets of intersecting NS 5-branes. In this way we get a picture of a dual orbifold background C3/Γ{\bf C}^3/ \Gamma which is fibered together out of two N=2 models (Γ=Zk×Zkâ€Č\Gamma={\bf Z}_k\times {\bf Z}_{k'}). Finally we also discuss the intersection of NS 5-branes with D branes, which can serve as probes of the dual background spaces.Comment: 18pp, added reference

    Duality Symmetries and Supersymmetry Breaking in String Compactifications

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    We discuss the spontaneous supersymetry breaking within the low-energy effective supergravity action of four-dimensional superstrings. In particular, we emphasize the non-universality of the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters, the Ό\mu-problem and the duality symmetries.Comment: (invited talk to the 27th ICHEP, Glasgow, July 1994), 11 page

    Heterotic String Theory on non-Kaehler Manifolds with H-Flux and Gaugino Condensate

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    We discuss compactifications of heterotic string theory to four dimensions in the presence of H-fluxes, which deform the geometry of the internal manifold, and a gaugino condensate which breaks supersymmetry. We focus on the compensation of the two effects in order to obtain vacua with zero cosmological constant and we comment on the effective superpotential describing these vacua.Comment: 6 page

    BPS Action and Superpotential for Heterotic String Compactifications with Fluxes

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    We consider N =1 compactifications to four dimensions of heterotic string theory in the presence of fluxes. We show that up to order O(\alpha'^2) the associated action can be written as a sum of squares of BPS-like quantities. In this way we prove that the equations of motion are solved by backgrounds which fulfill the supersymmetry conditions and the Bianchi identities. We also argue for the expression of the related superpotential and discuss the radial modulus stabilization for a class of examples.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages. Minor changes, one more reference added. Final version to appear on JHE
