842 research outputs found

    A Large Class of New Gravitational and Axionic Backgrounds for Four-Dimensional Superstrings

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    A large class of new 4-D superstring vacua with non-trivial/singular geometries, spacetime supersymmetry and other background fields (axion, dilaton) are found. Killing symmetries are generic and are associated with non-trivial dilaton and antisymmetric tensor fields. Duality symmetries preserving N=2 superconformal invariance are employed to generate a large class of explicit metrics for non-compact 4-D Calabi-Yau manifolds with Killing symmetries.Comment: LateX file, 34pp., (v5) Some misprints corrected in sections 3.1, 3.2 as pointed out in the paper of Hori and Kapustin (hep-th/0203147). Some comsetic changes also made in the same section

    Plasma Relaxation and Topological Aspects in Hall Magnetohydrodynamics

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    Parker's formulation of isotopological plasma relaxation process in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is extended to Hall MHD. The torsion coefficient alpha in the Hall MHD Beltrami condition turns out now to be proportional to the "potential vorticity." The Hall MHD Beltrami condition becomes equivalent to the "potential vorticity" conservation equation in two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamics if the Hall MHD Lagrange multiplier beta is taken to be proportional to the "potential vorticity" as well. The winding pattern of the magnetic field lines in Hall MHD then appears to evolve in the same way as "potential vorticity" lines in 2D hydrodynamics

    Non-Compact Calabi-Yau Spaces and Other Non-Trivial Backgrounds for 4-D Superstrings

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    A large class of new 4-D superstring vacua with non-trivial/singular geometries, spacetime supersymmetry and other background fields (axion, dilaton) are found. Killing symmetries are generic and are associated with non-trivial dilaton and antisymmetric tensor fields. Duality symmetries preserving N=2 superconformal invariance are employed to generate a large class of explicit metrics for non-compact 4-D Calabi-Yau manifolds with Killing symmetries.Comment: LaTeX file, 13pp., CERN-TH.7121/93, HUB-IEP-93/8, LPTENS-93/51. (To appear in "Essays on Mirror Manifolds, II"

    Hallucinogen Use is Associated with Mental Health and Addictive Problems and Impulsivity in University Students.

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    Background:This study examined the prevalence of hallucinogen use in a large sample of university students and its associations with mental health issues. Methods:9,449 students received a 156-item anonymous online survey, which assessed the use of hallucinogens (ever or past year), alcohol and drug use, mental health issues, and impulsive and compulsive traits. Group differences were characterized using statistical tests (p values reported uncorrected, but only regarded as significant if surviving Bonferroni correction). Results:3,525 university students (57.7% female) responded to the survey. The prevalence of past 12-month hallucinogen use in the sample was 4.7%, with an additional 6.4% reporting having used more than 12 months ago. Hallucinogen use was associated with the use of multiple other drugs (e.g., alcohol, opiates) (each p<0.001), mental health problems (p<0.001), risky sexual behavior (p<0.001), low self-esteem (p=0.004), and impulsivity traits (p<0.001) but not compulsivity. Effect sizes were small to medium. Conclusion:Past use of hallucinogens was reported in 11.1%, and was associated with a variety of mental health and drug use problems. Clinicians should be aware that use of hallucinogens is common and mental health problems are more likely in those who use hallucinogens. This study indicates the need for longitudinal research into the negative effects of hallucinogen use on brain function and mental health, especially in young people. Such research should address the extent to which impulsive traits predispose to various substance use problems, versus the direct effects of hallucinogens (and other substances) on mental health

    Topological Black Holes in Lovelock-Born-Infeld Gravity

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    In this paper, we present topological black holes of third order Lovelock gravity in the presence of cosmological constant and nonlinear electromagnetic Born-Infeld field. Depending on the metric parameters, these solutions may be interpreted as black hole solutions with inner and outer event horizons, an extreme black hole or naked singularity. We investigate the thermodynamics of asymptotically flat solutions and show that the thermodynamic and conserved quantities of these black holes satisfy the first law of thermodynamic. We also endow the Ricci flat solutions with a global rotation and calculate the finite action and conserved quantities of these class of solutions by using the counterterm method. We compute the entropy through the use of the Gibbs-Duhem relation and find that the entropy obeys the area law. We obtain a Smarr-type formula for the mass as a function of the entropy, the angular momenta, and the charge, and compute temperature, angular velocities, and electric potential and show that these thermodynamic quantities coincide with their values which are computed through the use of geometry. Finally, we perform a stability analysis for this class of solutions in both the canonical and the grand-canonical ensemble and show that the presence of a nonlinear electromagnetic field and higher curvature terms has no effect on the stability of the black branes, and they are stable in the whole phase space.Comment: 14 page

    Design considerations for engineering 3D models to study vascular pathologies in vitro

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    Many cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are driven by pathological remodelling of blood vessels, which can lead to aneurysms, myocardial infarction, ischaemia and strokes. Aberrant remodelling is driven by changes in vascular cell behaviours combined with degradation, modification, or abnormal deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. The underlying mechanisms that drive the pathological remodelling of blood vessels are multifaceted and disease specific; however, unravelling them may be key to developing therapies. Reductionist models of blood vessels created in vitro that combine cells with biomaterial scaffolds may serve as useful analogues to study vascular disease progression in a controlled environment. This review presents the main considerations for developing such in vitro models. We discuss how the design of blood vessel models impacts experimental readouts, with a particular focus on the maintenance of normal cellular phenotypes, strategies that mimic normal cell-ECM interactions, and approaches that foster intercellular communication between vascular cell types. We also highlight how choice of biomaterials, cellular arrangements and the inclusion of mechanical stimulation using fluidic devices together impact the ability of blood vessel models to mimic in vivo conditions. In the future, by combining advances in materials science, cell biology, fluidics and modelling, it may be possible to create blood vessel models that are patient-specific and can be used to develop and test therapies

    Repair of Scour Holes and Levees After the 1993 Flood

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    The record high water during the summer of 1993 significantly impacted the flood control levee structures in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. Scour holes in the levees and their foundations reached bedrock, up to 75 feet deep in some places, and extended up to 2,000 feet landward of the landside toe on lengths reaching 2,100 feet along selected levee embankments. Different methods used by the Corps of Engineers to repair the scoured levee embankment and foundation soils, their hydraulic impact on river stages, and the efficiency of different methods are presented. The methods discussed consist of: (1) backfill of the riverside scour holes; (2) backfill of the scour hole and reconstruction of the levee embankment to the original centerline; (3) realignment of levees landward of the scour boles; and (4) a grouted cut-off wall in a rockfill embankment and construction of a ring levee around the landside scour hole. The efficiency of different methods was evaluated by observation of the levee system during subsequent flood events

    Local Optimal Sets and Bounded Archiving on Multi-objective NK-Landscapes with Correlated Objectives

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    The properties of local optimal solutions in multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems are crucial for the effectiveness of local search algorithms, particularly when these algorithms are based on Pareto dominance. Such local search algorithms typically return a set of mutually nondominated Pareto local optimal (PLO) solutions, that is, a PLO-set. This paper investigates two aspects of PLO-sets by means of experiments with Pareto local search (PLS). First, we examine the impact of several problem characteristics on the properties of PLO-sets for multi-objective NK-landscapes with correlated objectives. In particular, we report that either increasing the number of objectives or decreasing the correlation between objectives leads to an exponential increment on the size of PLO-sets, whereas the variable correlation has only a minor effect. Second, we study the running time and the quality reached when using bounding archiving methods to limit the size of the archive handled by PLS, and thus, the maximum size of the PLO-set found. We argue that there is a clear relationship between the running time of PLS and the difficulty of a problem instance.Comment: appears in Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII, Ljubljana : Slovenia (2014

    Local Optimal Sets and Bounded Archiving on Multi-objective NK-Landscapes with Correlated Objectives

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    The properties of local optimal solutions in multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems are crucial for the effectiveness of local search algorithms, particularly when these algorithms are based on Pareto dominance. Such local search algorithms typically return a set of mutually nondominated Pareto local optimal (PLO) solutions, that is, a PLO-set. This paper investigates two aspects of PLO-sets by means of experiments with Pareto local search (PLS). First, we examine the impact of several problem characteristics on the properties of PLO-sets for multi-objective NK-landscapes with correlated objectives. In particular, we report that either increasing the number of objectives or decreasing the correlation between objectives leads to an exponential increment on the size of PLO-sets, whereas the variable correlation has only a minor effect. Second, we study the running time and the quality reached when using bounding archiving methods to limit the size of the archive handled by PLS, and thus, the maximum size of the PLO-set found. We argue that there is a clear relationship between the running time of PLS and the difficulty of a problem instance.Comment: appears in Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII, Ljubljana : Slovenia (2014
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