14 research outputs found

    Design and Build Academic Information System at Smk Kartika 2 Surabaya

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    SMK Kartika 2 Surabaya an educational institution that was established since 1994, and has several processes that include new admissions activities, class divisions and homeroom, scheduling subjects, and management student value as a material for preparing the results of student studies. Processes that exist in SMK Kartika 2 Surabaya there are some problems such as the process of data management students, teachers, schedules, class divisions and homeroom, and processing student value. The number of data and limitations of the scheduling officer so it takes a long time in managing the existing data. The long process of managing the data has a direct impact on the performance of the administration department, employees/ teachers in school academic activities. Solutions that can be given to the above problems is the application of academic information system, is one solution that can help the administration, employees / teachers in managing student data, teachers, schedules, class divisions along with homeroom, processing student value and reporting to the head school. Creation of Web-based academic information system application. It is expected to conduct student data management activities, teacher data, schedules, class divisions and homeroom, and final value creation, making it easier for the administration to report to the principal

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Administrasi Akademik Berbasis Website pada TK Negeri Pembina II Mojokerto

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    Academic business processes consisting of Registration, Class Distribution, Teaching and Learning Activities, and Assessment.The obstacle handled by the school is the academic process which still uses a manual system which causes the decision-making process to be hampered.The solution given is to create an information system that can facilitate teacher performance in making decisions related to the preparation of teaching and learning activities.Software development starts from the specification of user requirements and continues through the stages of planning, modeling, construction (construction), and submission of the software system to users (deployment) which ends with assistance through the resulting software. This information system is designed and built according to the needs of TK Negeri Pembina II Mojokerto, namely the academic administration process for data management and also facilitates related processes related to the academic process

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Administrasi Pengiriman Barang di PT. Graha Prima

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    Sistem Administrasi Pengiriman Barang pada PT. Graha Prima, merupakan sistem yang penting dalam mendukung proses pencatatan order pengiriman barang bagi admin Perusahaan. Administrasi pengiriman pada PT. Graha Prima terdiri dari proses pemesanan pengiriman barang oleh pelanggan, proses pengambilan barang di pelanggan, dan proses pengiriman barang. Pada saat ini, sistem administrasi pengiriman barang pada PT. Graha Prima terdapat permasalahan yaitu data kegiatan pengiriman barang belum terdokumentasi dengan baik. Proses cetak resi di bagian administrasi belum terintegrasi dengan baik dengan data yang ada, sehingga perlu proses beberapa kali.Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas maka dibuat Sistem Administrasi Pengiriman Barang yang dapat terintegrasi dengan data yang ada dan menghasilkan cetak resi dari hasil penyimpanan data.Dari hasil pengujian, sistem mampu sistem administrasi pengiriman barang yang terdiri dari proses pemesanan pengiriman barang sampai proses pengiriman barang

    Design and Application Test of English as a Foreign Language ( TOEFL ) Prediction of Self Access Centre ( SAC ) Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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    UIN Sunan Ampel was established in 1950 with the name of Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sunan Ampel. IAIN Sunan Ampel was built on the idea of Muslim society in East Java area who want to establish college under Ministry of Religius Affairs. In the 2013 IAIN Sunan Ampel transform into Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel. On the business process, UIN Sunan Ampel is supported by some divisions. Self Access Centre (SAC) division is one of divisions which helps business process at UIN Sunan Ampel. The principal task of SAC is to educate and to train students to master foreign languages (Arabic and English). One of the programs in SAC is Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Prediction. There are some problems found in the TOEFL Prediction, such as; test scoring processs that takes a long time,throud in the scoring proccess, and the random system of TOEFL Prediction. From those problems, it is needed the application which helps in the test administration proccess and the implementation of the test. The steps on making the application start with communication, planning, modelling, construction, and operation. After being tested, TOEFL prediction application can handle the proccess of registration, buying ticket examination, making exercise package, inputing exercise examination, uploading file listening test, test assessment, test scoring , and printing certificate