21 research outputs found

    Pengalokasian Produk pada Ruang Rak Displai Gerai Minimarket Menggunakan Multilevel Association Rules

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    Product allocation and product assortment have a significant influence on customer buying behavior. With limitation on shelf space, retailer must determine the customer buying behavior to maximize the profit for retailer. This research is focused on the products shelf space allocation based on the association between product categories and subcategories using data mining technique, multilevel association rules. Takes advantage of data transactions, 4 associations between categories and 11 associations between subcategories products were obtained. The degrees of activity relationship between categories from 4 associations obtained by Activity Relationship Chart method. The result, product allocation configuration based on the associations between product categories and degree of activity relationship is shown.Keywords: Product Allocation, Data Mining, Multilevel Association Rules, Activity Relationship Char

    Penentuan Jumlah Operator Untuk Mengurangi Keterlambatan pada Proses Pengemasan Menggunakan Simulasi ProModel

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    In the current era of modernization, the development of the cosmetic industry in the world is developing very rapidly. One of the cosmetics that is the main requirement for women is lipstick. PT. Cedefindo is one of the cosmetic manufacturers that produce SASC lipstick. During 2017, there were problems in the lipstick packaging process. Based on the results of identification, the delay is caused by the buildup during the weighing process so that the next process becomes slow and sometimes makes the operator idle. The consequence that arises is often not achieving daily production targets. Therefore, this research aims to reduce the delay in the lipstick packaging process, especially the lipstick packaging section. In evaluating and analyzing the lipstick packaging system, research uses system simulation with the help of ProModel software. The result shows that adding would reduce the delay in the lipstick packaging process. Minimizing the production costs related to the packaging process is conducted by reducing operator unused work shifts. Therefore, adding some operators can reduce production costs especially on operator salaries up to 75%. The feasible solution is to assign 3 operators on low demand rate, 4 operators at normal demand rate and high demand rate

    Optimasi Jumlah Kedatangan Bus Transjakarta Koridor 1 untuk Melayani Penumpang pada Jam Sibuk Menggunakan Simulasi

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    Public transportation plays an important role in meeting people's needs for traveling. In a big city like DKI Jakarta, public transportation plays an important role in supporting the daily activities of its people. Transjakarta is one of the mass public transportation (bus rapid transit) provided by the local government for the community. One of the corridors that have the highest number of passengers is corridor 1 which serves the Blok M - Kota route. The problem that occurs is the irregularity in the scheduling system and the operation of the buses which are considered to be less than optimal, as a result, many buses are idle or buses travel but only carry a few passengers, especially during peak hours on weekdays. To solve this problem, it is necessary to conduct research that regulates the scheduling of bus arrivals at peak hours to serve a large number of passengers. The method used in this research is a simulation by determining the headway timing and determining the number of buses to operate as optimally as possible. The proposed simulation is made of 3 new scenarios and 1 proposed scenario for real-time conditions. Based on the simulation results, the determination of the headway time of 9 minutes between arrivals and 13 buses used during rush hour, from the previous one with a headway time of 4 minutes between arrivals, but the buses used are 30 buses during peak hours. This proposal given is to save bus usage and maximize the utility of the bus


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    KRL Commuter Line kini merupakan primadona baru dalam bidang transportasi darat bagi masyarakat Jabodetabek. Dengan ongkos yang relatif murah membuat angkutan ini menjadi pilihan utama penumpang di Jabodetabek. Pengelolaan dan penjadwalan KRL CL pun sangat diperlukan demi terciptanya kepuasan pelanggan yang setia menggunakan jasa angkutan ini dalam kesehariannya.\ud Penelitian ini dibuat guna mengurangi antrian penumpang yang terdapat pada setiap stasiun. Dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan penentuan jumlah kedatangan armada optimal untuk skenario kenaikan jumlah penumpang yang telah diasumsikan oleh penulis yaitu sebesar 25%, 50%, dan 75%. Skenario dibuat berdasarkan jumlah penumpang dari Bekasi sampai Manggarai yang didapat melalui observasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan observasi lapangan dengan melakukan perhitungan jumlah kedatangan penumpang di setiap stasiun dan juga perhitungan jumlah penumpang turun di setiap stasiun. Model dibuat berdasarkan data yang telah dikumpulkan dan diolah, dan disimulasikan pada masing-masing skenario sehingga diperoleh jumlah dan waktu antar kedatangan KRL yang sesuai. Pemilihan dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah penumpang yang terangkut dari masing-masing simulasi.\ud Dari penelitian diperoleh hasil, untuk skenario 1 digunakan 12 kedatangan krl dengan headway sebesar 600 detik, skenario 2 digunakan 13 kedatangan krl dengan headway sebesar 540 detik dan untuk skenario 3 digunakan 14 kedatangan krl dengan headway sebesar 540 detik


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    KRL Commuter Line kini merupakan primadona baru dalam bidang transportasi darat bagi masyarakat Jabodetabek. Dengan ongkos yang relatif murah membuat angkutan ini menjadi pilihan utama penumpang di Jabodetabek. Pengelolaan dan penjadwalan KRL CL pun sangat diperlukan demi terciptanya kepuasan pelanggan yang setia menggunakan jasa angkutan ini dalam kesehariannya.\ud Penelitian ini dibuat guna mengurangi antrian penumpang yang terdapat pada setiap stasiun. Dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan penentuan jumlah kedatangan armada optimal untuk skenario kenaikan jumlah penumpang yang telah diasumsikan oleh penulis yaitu sebesar 25%, 50%, dan 75%. Skenario dibuat berdasarkan jumlah penumpang dari Bekasi sampai Manggarai yang didapat melalui observasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan observasi lapangan dengan melakukan perhitungan jumlah kedatangan penumpang di setiap stasiun dan juga perhitungan jumlah penumpang turun di setiap stasiun. Model dibuat berdasarkan data yang telah dikumpulkan dan diolah, dan disimulasikan pada masing-masing skenario sehingga diperoleh jumlah dan waktu antar kedatangan KRL yang sesuai. Pemilihan dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah penumpang yang terangkut dari masing-masing simulasi.\ud Dari penelitian diperoleh hasil, untuk skenario 1 digunakan 12 kedatangan krl dengan headway sebesar 600 detik, skenario 2 digunakan 13 kedatangan krl dengan headway sebesar 540 detik dan untuk skenario 3 digunakan 14 kedatangan krl dengan headway sebesar 540 detik

    Optimasi Alokasi Produk pada Ruang Rak Displai Gerai Minimarket Berdasarkan Harga Produk Menggunakan Multilevel Association Rules

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    Optimization of Products Shelf Space Allocation Based on Product Price Using Multilevel Association Rules. Product allocation, product assortment, and product price have a significant influence on customer buying behavior. With limitation on shelf space, retailer must select, pricing, and allocate the products on shelf space optimally to maximize the profit for retailer. This research is focused on optimizing the products shelf space allocation based on the relationship between product categories and product price using data mining technique, multilevel association rules. Takes advantage of data transactions, 9 associations between categories, 24 associations between subcategories, and 67 associations between products were obtained. By using zero one integer programming selected 61 products with appropriate price that must be maintained to be allocated in the minimarket to maximize the retailer’s profit. The result, product allocation configuration based on the relationship between product categories and product price is shown.Keywords: Product Allocation, Data Mining, Multilevel Association Rules, Zero One Integer Program, Pricin

    Penentuan Jumlah dan Jenis Monorail Jalur Kampung Melayu-Roxy pada Berbagai Skenario Jumlah Penumpang Menggunakan Simulasi ProModel Berdasarkan Biaya yang Terbaik

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    Determination Types and Number of Trains Kampung Melayu-Roxy Monorail With Level Number Of Passengers Distribution Scenario Using Promodel Simulation Based On The Optimal Cost. Monorail is one of the solution to solve the traffic problem in the city of Jakarta. This project developed to be an alternative of mass public transportation service for the citizens in Jakarta. In order to be able to serve the passengers during peak time, the project need to have a research in term of the optimal total number of trains and type to be used. In this research, had chose the types and the total number of trains Kampung Melayu-Roxy with the level number of passengers distribution scenario based on the optimal cost using simulation. Scenario for the number of passengers per hour based on peak hour. Data gathered from variety sources such as consultant, suppliers, and media. Data required to developed a model, based on the observation of the Busway corridor Blok M-Kota. After developed the model, the next step is to simulated each type on each passengers distribution scenario to obtained the total number of trains and the headway. Selection based on incremental internal rate of return between two type on each scenario. Based on simulation and calculation result obtained that small type is the type of monorail that had been chose for monorail project at Kampung Melayu-Roxy line on several number of passengers scenario, with the description are scenario 1 with 10 units, scenario 2 with 14 units, scenario 3 with 15 units, and scenario 4 with 20 units

    Usulan Kebijakan Persediaan Bahan Baku dengan Metode Lot Sizing pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Gelas Plastik

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    This research was made with the aim to make production planning and inventory control in manufacturing company of plastic glass, especially for main raw material from 14 oz plastic cup product, that is Resin-HE 2.0 and whitening using lot sizing method. Due to the fluctuating demand and the accumulation of raw materials in the warehouse, the company needs for production planning and inventory control. The lot-sizing method used in this research is Period Order Quantity (POQ), Lot For Lot (LFL) and Fixed Period Requirement (FPR) which each method have a different concept. The result by using FPR Method 3 weeks and LFL in inventory control will give the lowest inventory cost to the company that is equal to Rp. 159.400,00 for Resin-HE 2.0 and Rp. 39.600,00 for whitening