1 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness Of Simulation In Speaking Ability Of MAN Model At The 10th Graders Of Palangka Raya

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    The main purpose of the study is to measure the effect of simulation technique in speaking ability made by students of man model at tenth grade of Palangka Raya. This study uses quantitative research. The type of this study is classified into quasi-experimental research design, which the study is using data in answer the problem of study and the data collecting process. The writer uses two classes in this study. the first one is x5 as experimental group with the total student is 36 and the second one is x2 as the control group, which the total numbers of students is 36. The sample in this study is cluster sampling, which the writer uses two class from 8 class of tenth grade.The study is held about 2 ( two month ) which the both group were given the pre test before treatment and post-test after treatment, especially for experimental group the treatment using simulation and control group using simulation and control group using non simulation. The result of this study was calculated by using SPSS 21, which the result t-test stated that the calculated value (tobserver) was greater than ttable at 1% and 5 % significant level of 2.000 2660. It shows that the ha, which student taught by simulation get better from taught by non simulation was accepte