164 research outputs found

    Quantum correlations and violation of Bell inequality induced by External Field in a two photon radiative cascade

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    We study the polarization dependent second order correlation of a pair of photons emitted in a four level radiative cascade driven by an external field. It is found that the quantum correlations of the emitted photons, degraded by the energy splitting of the intermediate levels in the radiative cascade can be efficiently revived by a far detuned external field. The physics of this revival is linked to an induced stark shift and the formation of dressed states in the system by the non-resonant external field. Further, we investigated the competition between the effect of the coherent external field and incoherent dephasing of the intermediate levels. We found that the degradation of quantum correlations due to the incoherent dephasing can be content for small dephasing with the external field. We also studied the non-locality of the correlations by evaluating the Bell's inequality in the linear polarization basis for the radiative cascade. We find that the Bell parameter decreases rapidly with increase in the intermediate level energy splitting or incoherent dephasing rate to the extent that there is no violation. However, the presence of an external field leads to control over the degrading mechanisms and preservation of nonlocal correlation among the photons. This in turn can induce, violation of Bell's inequality in the radiative cascade for arbitrary intermediate level splitting and small incoherent dephasing

    Synthetic gauge potential and effective magnetic field in a Raman medium undergoing molecular modulation

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    We theoretically demonstrate non-trivial topological effects for a probe field in a Raman medium undergoing molecular modulation processes. The medium is driven by two non-collinear pump beams. We show that the angle between the pumps is related to an effective gauge potential and an effective magnetic field for the probe field in the synthetic space consisting of a synthetic frequency dimension and a spatial dimension. As a result of such effective magnetic field, the probe field can exhibit topologically-protected one-way edge state in the synthetic space, as well as Landau levels which manifests as suppression of both diffraction and sideband generation. Our work identifies a previously unexplored route towards creating topological photonics effects, and highlights an important connection between topological photonics and nonlinear optics

    Effects of non-Hermitian perturbations on Weyl Hamiltonians with arbitrary topological charges

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    We provide a systematic study of non-Hermitian topologically charged systems. Starting from a Hermitian Hamiltonian supporting Weyl points with arbitrary topological charge, adding a non-Hermitian perturbation transforms the Weyl points to one-dimensional exceptional contours. We analytical prove that the topological charge is preserved on the exceptional contours. In contrast to Hermitian systems, the addition of gain and loss allows for a new class of topological phase transition: when two oppositely charged exceptional contours touch, the topological charge can dissipate without opening a gap. These effects can be demonstrated in realistic photonics and acoustics systems.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure
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