28 research outputs found

    The influence of light from gadgets on circadian rhythm in children

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    Department of Human Physiology and Biophysics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Circadian rhythms are variations in physiology and behaviour that persist with a cycle length close to 24 hours. Such biological rhythms include the sleep and wake cycle, alertness, daily cycles of hormonal secretion (e.g., melatonin and cortisol, ghrelin and leptin), body temperature cycle and blood pressure regulation. Circadian rhythms must be synchronized or entrained to the 24-hour day regularly. This process of entrainment occurs through regular exposure to daily exogenous environmental cues known as zeitgebers. The most potent zeitgeber is light that activates photoreceptors in the retina inhibiting pineal gland secretion of the sleep-promoting hormone, melatonin. Polychromatic white light (white light enriched in blue) having a significant impact on this training. Aim of the study. To explore the influence of screens light exposure on the circadian rhythm in schoolchildren, in particular on the quality and quantity of sleep. Materials and methods. There were used “PubMed MEDLINE” database to select relevant articles published from 2010 to 2019, using the keywords: “technology use and biological rhythm (sleep)”, light exposure, electronic media and sleep/circadian rhythm. Results. We identified 24 papers that have investigated the relationship between circadian rhythm/sleep and electronic media in school-aged children, including television viewing, use of computers, electronic gaming, and the internet, mobile telephones, and musicThere have been identified behaviour and sleep-related problems because of internet and telephone overuse, as well as social network activities, game consoles and television viewing, the number of devices in the bedroom and turning-off time. The spectral profile of light emitted by screens impacts on circadian physiology, alertness, cognitive performance levels but also for weight gain, metabolic disorder, depression, mood disorders, cancer and heart disease. Conclusions. Many schoolchildren used multiple forms of technology late into the night without prudence or restrictions. Subsequently, their ability to stay alert and fully functional throughout the day was impaired. Both parents and schoolchildren should be informed about the influence of technologies on sleep, effects of blue light exposure, sleep hygiene and early adoption of healthy sleep habits and prevent sleep problems

    Predictorii calității vieții copiilor cu accident vascular cerebral ischemic

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    Background. The quality of life is significantly affected in children who have suffered a stroke. Its examination is particularly helpful in determining the patient’s psychological, physical and social support needs. Objective of the study. To assess the quality of life of the child after pediatric ischemic stroke and the predictors that negatively influence the quality of life. Material and methods. We evaluated 58 children (36 boys, 22 girls), aged 3-12 years (MA 5.29 years), with post-ischemic stroke (period > 6 months). Quality of life was assessed using the PedsQL pediatric questionnaire, neurological deficits - the standardized PSOM tool. The evaluated parameters were correlated with the quality of life score. Excel and SPSS programs were used for statistical analysis. Results. According to the PedsQL questionnaire, the mean accumulated total score for all scales of quality of life (QoL) was 51.88 points (DS ± 21.26), ranging from 15.62 to 85.41 points. The maximum average value was obtained on the emotional scale (62.28 points), and the minimum average value was on the physical scale (45.13 points). Multivariate analysis showed that gender and socioeconomic status did not influence QoL. The age of onset of stroke was partially influenced by QoL, the highest predictive value was found for the age group 1-12 months (p < 0.05). Sleep disorders and neurological deficits negatively affected QoL (p < 0.001), thus being significant negative predictors. Conclusions. The quality of life of post-ischemic stroke children was at a medium or low level, the most affected scale being physical health. The age of stroke onset and neurological deficits negatively influenced QoL. Stroke quality assessment is a valuable and easy-to-apply tool.Introducere. Calitatea vieții la copiii care au suportat accident vascular cerebral (AVC) este afectată în mod semnificativ. Analiza acesteia este deosebit de utilă în determinarea nevoilor pacientului, a suportului psihologic, fizic și social. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea calității vieții copilului după AVC ischemic pediatric și predictorii care influențează negativ calitatea vieții. Material și metode. Au fost evaluați 58 de copii (36 b, 22 f), cu vârsta 3-12 ani (VM 5,29 ani), post-AVC ischemic (perioada >6 luni). Calitatea vieții a fost evaluată utilizând chestionarul pediatric PedsQL, deficitele neurologice – instrumentul standardizat PSOM. Parametrii evaluați au fost corelați cu scorul calității vieții. Pentru analiza statistică s-au utilizat programele Excel și SPSS. Rezultate. Conform chestionarului PedsQL, media scorului total acumulat pentru toate scalele calității vieții (QoL) a constituit 51,88 puncte (DS ± 21,26), variind de la 15,62 până 85,41 puncte. Valoare medie maximă a fost obținută pe scala emoțională (62,28 puncte), iar valoarea medie minimă – pe scala fizică (45,13 puncte). Analiza multivariată a arătat că sexul și statutul socioeconomic nu au influențat QoL. Vârsta debutului AVC-ului a influențat parțial QoL, cea mai mare valoare predictivă a fost găsită pentru grupul de vârstă 1-12 luni (p < 0.05). Tulburările de somn și deficitele neurologice au afectat negativ QoL (p < 0.001), fiind astfel predictori negativi semnificativi. Concluzii. Calitatea vieții copiilor post-AVC ischemic a fost la un nivel mediu sau jos, cea mai afectată scală fiind sănătatea fizică. Vârsta la care a debutat AVC și deficitele neurologice au influențat negativ QoL. Evaluarea calității vieții după AVC este un instrument util și ușor de aplicat


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Calitatea vieții la copiii care au suportat accident vascular cerebral (AVC) este afectată în mod semnificativ. Analiza acesteia este deosebit de utilă în determinarea nevoilor pacientului, a suportului psihologic, fizic și social. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea calității vieții copilului după AVC ischemic pediatric și predictorii care influențează negativ calitatea vieții. Material și metode. Au fost evaluați 58 de copii (36 b, 22 f), cu vârsta 3-12 ani (VM 5,29 ani), post-AVC ischemic (perioada >6 luni). Calitatea vieții a fost evaluată utilizând chestionarul pediatric PedsQL, deficitele neurologice – instrumentul standardizat PSOM. Parametrii evaluați au fost corelați cu scorul calității vieții. Pentru analiza statistică s-au utilizat programele Excel și SPSS. Rezultate. Conform chestionarului PedsQL, media scorului total acumulat pentru toate scalele calității vieții (QoL) a constituit 51,88 puncte (DS ± 21,26), variind de la 15,62 până 85,41 puncte. Valoare medie maximă a fost obținută pe scala emoțională (62,28 puncte), iar valoarea medie minimă – pe scala fizică (45,13 puncte). Analiza multivariată a arătat că sexul și statutul socioeconomic nu au influențat QoL. Vârsta debutului AVC-ului a influențat parțial QoL, cea mai mare valoare predictivă a fost găsită pentru grupul de vârstă 1-12 luni (p 6 months). Quality of life was assessed using the PedsQL pediatric questionnaire, neurological deficits - the standardized PSOM tool. The evaluated parameters were correlated with the quality of life score. Excel and SPSS programs were used for statistical analysis. Results. According to the PedsQL questionnaire, the mean accumulated total score for all scales of quality of life (QoL) was 51.88 points (DS ± 21.26), ranging from 15.62 to 85.41 points. The maximum average value was obtained on the emotional scale (62.28 points), and the minimum average value was on the physical scale (45.13 points). Multivariate analysis showed that gender and socioeconomic status did not influence QoL. The age of onset of stroke was partially influenced by QoL, the highest predictive value was found for the age group 1-12 months (p < 0.05). Sleep disorders and neurological deficits negatively affected QoL (p < 0.001), thus being significant negative predictors. Conclusions. The quality of life of post-ischemic stroke children was at a medium or low level, the most affected scale being physical health. The age of stroke onset and neurological deficits negatively influenced QoL. Stroke quality assessment is a valuable and easy-to-apply tool

    Этиопатогенетические аспекты ишемического церебрального инсульта у детей

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiSummary. In this article, we will perform a bibliographic study on pediatric stroke etiopathogenesis. Pediatric stroke includes three subtypes: ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic and mixed. Ischemic stroke represents the loss of cerebral function caused by diminished cerebral blood flow in the affected area. Among the etiological factors in children, we can mention neonatal encephalopathies, some genetic syndromes, congenital heart malformations, hereditary dysplasia of connective tissue, vascular pathologies, cerebral vascular development abnormalities (the most common arterio-venous abnormalities), hereditary and acquired prothrombotic states, septicemia, sickle-cell disease, etc. Neuroinflammation is one of the main mechanisms underlying the development of stroke. In this context, it is important to study the inflammatory markers responsible for the onset and pathogenesis of stroke in children. Among the inflammatory biomarkers mentioned in the article are proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1β, but also other biological molecules and factors including vascular endothelial growth factor, ciliary neurotrophic factor, S100B protein, CD105 endoglin, antiphospholipid antibodies. It is important to know the neuroinflammatory mechanisms responsible for the onset and pathogenesis of pediatric stroke because this will help assess the post-stroke inflammatory responses in children.Резюме. В данной статье проводиться библиографическое исследование этиопатогенеза церебрального инсульта (ЦИ) у детей. ЦИ у детей состоит из трех типов: ишемический ЦИ, геморрагический ЦИ и смешанный. Ишемический ЦИ определяется потерей церебральной функции, обусловленной уменьшением церебрального кровотока в пораженной области. Среди этиологических факторов ЦИ у детей упомянем: неонатальные энцефалопатии, некоторые генетические синдромы, врожденные пороки развития сердца, наследственные дисплазии соединительной ткани, сосудистые патологии, нарушения мозгового сосудистого развития (чаще всего артериовенозные аномалии), наследственные и приобретенные протромботические состояния, септицемия, сиклемия и т. д. Нейровоспаление является одним из основных механизмов, лежащих в основе появления и развития ВЦИ. В этом контексте важно изучить воспалительные маркеры, ответственные за начало и патогенез ЦИ у детей. В списке воспалительных биомаркеров, упомянутых в статье, состоят: провоспалительные цитокины, такие как IL-6, IL-1β, но также и другие молекулы, и биологические факторы, включая фактор роста эндотелия сосудов, нейротрофический цилиарный фактор, белок S100B, эндоглин CD 105, антифосфолипидные антитела. Знание нейровоспалительных механизмов, ответственных за начало и патогенез ЦИ, важно для оценки воспалительных реакций после ЦИ у детей

    Unii parametri imunoenzimatici în accidentul vascular cerebral ischemic la copii

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    Background. Ischemic stroke (IS) is a rare disease in children and adolescents, often underestimated, with a major impact on morbidity and mortality. Objective of the study. To study the expressiveness of immunoenzymatic parameters in IS in children in order to improve early diagnosis and assessment of predictive factors. Material and methods. During the 2017-2020 years in the Republic of Moldova, a prospective study was conducted on a sample of 53 children diagnosed with IS. The serum levels of some enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (by ELISA method) were assessed: S100B protein, endothelial vascular growth factor (VEGF) and ciliary factor neurotrophic (CNTF). Results. The mean value of the markers in the acute period was as follows: (1) S-100B - 0.524±0.0850 ng/ml (F = 9.330, p < 0.01); (2) VEGF - 613.41±39.299 pg/ml (F = 60.701, p < 0.001) and (3) CNTF - 7.84±0.322 pg/ml (F = 32.550, p < 0.001), attesting to a statistical difference significant between batches. The S100B protein, more than six months after the disease, was found to be higher in the study group compared to the control group, in which the levels of this protein are relatively stable (F = 16.948, p <0.001). The mean value of VEGF in the study group, six months after stroke, is twice that of the control group (F = 55,240, p <0.001). Conclusions. In the acute period of stroke in children there is an increase in the serum level of the protein S100B, VEGF, CNTF, which is necessary through its neuroprotective effects, in the processes of neurorecovery and vascular remodeling in the injured area.Introducere. Accidentul vascular cerebral ischemic (AVCI) este o boală rară la copii și adolescenți, deseori subestimată, cu un impact major asupra morbidității și mortalității. Scopul lucrării. Studierea expresivității unor parametri imunoenzimatici în AVCI la copii cu scop de ameliorare a diagnosticului timpuriu și apreciere a factorilor predictivi. Material și metode. Pe perioada anilor 2017-2020 în Republica Moldova a fost realizat un studiu prospectiv pe un eșantion de 53 de copii diagnosticați cu AVCI, la care au fost apreciate nivelurile serice ale unor markeri imunoenzimatici (prin metoda ELISA): proteina S100B, factorul vascular endotelial de creștere (VEGF) și factorul ciliar neurotrofic (CNTF). Rezultate. Valoarea medie a markerilor în perioada acută a fost următoarea: (1) S-100B – 0,524±0,0850 ng/ml (F = 9,330, p < 0,01); (2) VEGF – 613,41±39,299 pg/ml (F = 60,701, p < 0,001) și (3) CNTF – 7,84±0,322 pg/ml (F = 32,550, p < 0,001), atestând o diferență statistic semnificativă între loturi. Proteina S100B, peste șase luni după boală, s-a dovedit a fi mai crescută în lotul de studiu, în comparație cu lotul de control, la care nivelele acestei proteine sunt relativ stabile (F = 16,948, p < 0,001). Valoarea medie a VEGF, în lotul de studiu, la distanța de șase luni după AVCI, o depășește de două ori pe cea din lotul de control (F = 55,240, p < 0,001). Concluzii. În perioada acută a AVCI la copii se observă creșterea nivelului seric al proteinei S100B, VEGF, CNTF, ceea ce este necesar prin efectele sale neuroprotectoare, în procesele de neurorecuperare și remodelare vasculară în zona lezată.Studiu realizat cu suportul proiectului: Evaluarea factorilor de risc, optimizarea serviciului de asistenţă medicală, evaluarea durabilă şi modelarea matematică a accidentelor vasculare cerebrale în populația Republicii Moldova, director proiect: REVENCO Ninel, dr. hab. șt. med., prof. univ., din cadrul Programului de Stat: 15.856.04.02A Sistemogeneza factorilor de risc, optimizarea serviciului de asistenţă medicală, evaluarea durabilă şi modelarea matematică a accidentelor vasculare cerebrale, conducător Program: GROPPA Stanislav, dr. hab. șt. med., prof. univ., acad. AȘM, autoritatea contractantă: Agenția Națională pentru Cercetare și Dezvoltare

    Some immunoenzymatic parameters in ischemic stroke in children

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    Introduction. Ischemic stroke (IS) is a rare disease in children and adolescents, often underestimated, with a major impact on morbidity and mortality. Purpose. to study the expressiveness of immunoenzymatic parameters in IS in children in order to improve early diagnosis and assessment of predictive factors. Material and methods, During the years 2017-2020 in the Republic of Moldova a prospective study was conducted on a sample of 53 children diagnosed with IS. The serum levels of some enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (by ELISA method) were assessed: S100B protein, endothelial vascular growth factor (VEGF) and ciliary factor neurotrophic (CNTF). Results. The mean value of the markers in the acute period was as follows: (1) S-100B - 0.524 ± 0.0850 ng / ml (F = 9.330, p <0.01); (2) VEGF - 613.41 ± 39.299 pg / ml (F = 60.701, p <0.001) and (3) CNTF - 7.84 ± 0.322 pg / ml (F = 32.550, p <0.001), attesting to a statistical difference significant between batches. The S100B protein, more than six months after the disease, was found to be higher in the study group compared to the control group, in which the levels of this protein are relatively stable (F = 16.948, p <0.001). The mean value of VEGF in the study group, six months after stroke, is twice that of the control group (F = 55,240, p <0.001). Conclusions. In the acute period of stroke in children there is an increase in the serum level of the protein S100B, VEGF, CNTF, which is necessary through its neuroprotective effects, in the processes of neurorecovery and vascular remodeling in the injured area

    Медико-социальные аспекты инсульта у детей

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul Pediatrie, IMSP Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiPediatric stroke is associated with significant morbidity and mortality for children around the world. The long-term outcomes of this pathology result in major motor disorders, cognitive impairment, epilepsy, and social integration disorders. These disorders are a major cause of acquired disability in childhood and significantly influence the quality of life of these children and their families. Although survival in stroke is a key indicator, its medical-social peculiarities are an important feature for children and provide information on how to stroke complications affect the child and its ability to function at home, at school, and in a community environment.Резюме. Педиатрический инсульт связан со значительной заболеваемостью и смертностью среди детей во всем мире. В конечном счете, эта патология приводит к серьезным двигательным расстройствам, когнитивным расстройствам, эпилепсии и нарушениям социальной интеграции. Эти расстройства являются основной причиной инвалидности, приобретенной в детстве, и существенно влияют на жизнь этих детей и их семей. Хотя выживаемость при инсульте является ключевым показателем, ее медико-социальные характеристики являются важной функцией для детей и предоставляют информацию о том, как осложнения инсульта влияют на ребенка и его способность функционировать в домашних условиях, в школе и в сообществе

    Особенности инсульта у детей с наследственными дисплазиями соединительной ткани

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    IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Substratul genetic al accidentului vascular cerebral (AVC) ischemic şi hemoragic este adesea poligenic sau multifactorial. AVC la copii poate să rezulte deseori dintr-o boală monogenică. În afară de arteriopatii şi tulburări metabolice, mai multe displazii ale ţesutului conjunctiv pot cauza AVC la copii. Displaziile ereditare ale ţesutului conjunctiv (DEŢC) reprezintă un grup de patologii ereditare, monogenice, determinate de mutaţii în genele responsabile de sinteza şi metabolismul colagenului. În timp ce unele dintre aceste boli au fost recunoscute de zeci de ani drept cauze ale AVC, cum ar fi sindromul Ehlers-Danlos, tipul vascular, altele au ajuns recent în atenţie ca fi ind implicate în patogeneza AVC, cum ar fi cele legate de colagenul de tip IV. În această lucrare sunt abordate unele tulburări ereditare ale ţesutului conjunctiv şi relaţia lor cu AVC la copii, subliniind principalele caracteristici clinice care pot duce la diagnosticarea lor, dar şi prezentarea unui caz clinic.The genetic substrate of the ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke is often polygenic or multifactorial. Stroke in children can often result from a monogenic disease. Apart from arteriopathies and metabolic disorders, hereditary dysplasia of connective tissue (HDCT) also can cause stroke in children. HDCT represents a group of hereditary, monogenic pathologies determined by mutations in the genes responsible for collagen synthesis and metabolism. While some of these diseases have been recognized for decades as causes of stroke, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (the vascular type), others have recently come to scientists’ attention as being involved in the pathogenesis of stroke, such as the diseases caused by mutations in collagen type IV. We approach some hereditary connective tissue disorders and their relationship to stroke in children, highlighting the main clinical features that can lead to their diagnosis, as well as presenting a clinical case.Генетический субстрат ишемического и геморрагического инсульта часто является полигенным или мультифакториальным. Инсульт у детей часто может быть результатом моногенного заболевания. Помимо артериопатий и нарушений обмена веществ, наследственные дисплазии соединительной ткани (HДCT) также могут вызывать инсульт у детей. HДCT представляют собой группу наследственных, моногенных патологий, определяемых мутациями в генах, ответственных за синтез и метаболизм коллагена. Хотя некоторые из этих заболеваний были признаны десятилетиями как причины инсульта, такие как синдром Элерса-Данлоса (сосудистый тип), другие недавно привлекли внимание ученых к участию в патогенезе инсульта, таких как болезни, вызванные мутациями в коллагене типа IV. В данной работе рассматриваются некоторые наследственные нарушения соединительной ткани и их связь с инсультом у детей, а также представлен клинический случай

    Особенности инсульта у детей с наследственными дисплазиями соединительной ткани

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    IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Substratul genetic al accidentului vascular cerebral (AVC) ischemic şi hemoragic este adesea poligenic sau multifactorial. AVC la copii poate să rezulte deseori dintr-o boală monogenică. În afară de arteriopatii şi tulburări metabolice, mai multe displazii ale ţesutului conjunctiv pot cauza AVC la copii. Displaziile ereditare ale ţesutului conjunctiv (DEŢC) reprezintă un grup de patologii ereditare, monogenice, determinate de mutaţii în genele responsabile de sinteza şi metabolismul colagenului. În timp ce unele dintre aceste boli au fost recunoscute de zeci de ani drept cauze ale AVC, cum ar fi sindromul Ehlers-Danlos, tipul vascular, altele au ajuns recent în atenţie ca fi ind implicate în patogeneza AVC, cum ar fi cele legate de colagenul de tip IV. În această lucrare sunt abordate unele tulburări ereditare ale ţesutului conjunctiv şi relaţia lor cu AVC la copii, subliniind principalele caracteristici clinice care pot duce la diagnosticarea lor, dar şi prezentarea unui caz clinic.The genetic substrate of the ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke is often polygenic or multifactorial. Stroke in children can often result from a monogenic disease. Apart from arteriopathies and metabolic disorders, hereditary dysplasia of connective tissue (HDCT) also can cause stroke in children. HDCT represents a group of hereditary, monogenic pathologies determined by mutations in the genes responsible for collagen synthesis and metabolism. While some of these diseases have been recognized for decades as causes of stroke, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (the vascular type), others have recently come to scientists’ attention as being involved in the pathogenesis of stroke, such as the diseases caused by mutations in collagen type IV. We approach some hereditary connective tissue disorders and their relationship to stroke in children, highlighting the main clinical features that can lead to their diagnosis, as well as presenting a clinical case.Генетический субстрат ишемического и геморрагического инсульта часто является полигенным или мультифакториальным. Инсульт у детей часто может быть результатом моногенного заболевания. Помимо артериопатий и нарушений обмена веществ, наследственные дисплазии соединительной ткани (HДCT) также могут вызывать инсульт у детей. HДCT представляют собой группу наследственных, моногенных патологий, определяемых мутациями в генах, ответственных за синтез и метаболизм коллагена. Хотя некоторые из этих заболеваний были признаны десятилетиями как причины инсульта, такие как синдром Элерса-Данлоса (сосудистый тип), другие недавно привлекли внимание ученых к участию в патогенезе инсульта, таких как болезни, вызванные мутациями в коллагене типа IV. В данной работе рассматриваются некоторые наследственные нарушения соединительной ткани и их связь с инсультом у детей, а также представлен клинический случай


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Tulburările de somn (TS) pot afecta semnificativ procesul de recuperare al copiilor cu patologii neurologice. Recunoașterea TS și intervenția timpurie pentru rezolvarea lor scad semnificativ morbiditatea, îmbunătățesc eficacitatea recuperării și cresc calitatea vieții. Scopul lucrării. Estimarea TS la copiii cu patologii neurologice pentru ameliorarea calității vieții acestor copii. Material și metode. Studiul a inclus un grup de 50 copii (29 b, 21 f) cu epilepsie (EP), 59 copii (35 b, 24 f) cu accident vascular cerebral (AVC) și 34 copii (29 b,5 f) cu paralizie cerebrală (PC) internați în secțiile de neurologie ale Institutul Mamei și Copilului. TS au fost evaluate utilizând Scala tulburărilor de somn pentru copii (SDSC). Pentru analiza statistică s-a utilizat programul Excel. Rezultate. Conform scorului T standardizat al SDSC, 84% din copiii cu EP, 76,3% din copiii cu AVC și 79,4% din copiii cu PC au raportat o calitate slabă a somnului. Analizând subdomeniile SDSC, în grupul cu EP a predominat hipersomnolența diurnă patologică (85%), tulburările de respirație în somn (64%) și tulburările de tranziție somn-veghe (24%), în grupul cu AVC - tulburările de inițiere și menținere a somnului (62,2%), hipersomnolența diurnă patologică (37,8%), tulburările de respirație în somn (28,9%), iar în grupul cu PC au fost tulburările de inițiere și menținere a somnului (64,7%), hipersomnolența diurnă patologică (35,3%) și tulburările de tranziție somn-veghe (23,5%). Concluzii. Incidența TS în grupul copiilor cu patologii neurologice este înaltă, cele mai frecvente fiind tulburările de inițiere și menținere a somnului și hipersomnolența diurnă patologică. În procesul de evaluare al acestor copii este important să minimalizăm factorii de risc care pot declanșa TS.Background. Sleep disorders (SD) can significantly affect the recovery process of children with neurological pathologies. Therefore, recognition of SD and early intervention for their resolution significantly decrease morbidity, improve recovery effectiveness, and increase quality of life. Objective of the study. To estimate SD in children with neurological pathologies to enhance their quality of life. Material and methods. The study included a group of 50 children (29 b, 21 g) with epilepsy (EP), 59 children (35 b, 24 g) with stroke and 34 children (29 b, 5 g) with cerebral palsy (CP) hospitalized in the pediatric neurology departments of the PHMI Institute of Mother and Child. SD were assessed using the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC). The Excel program was used for statistical analysis. Results. According to the SDSC standardized T-score, 84% of children with EP, 76.3% with stroke, and 79.4% with CP reported poor sleep quality. Analyzing the SDSC subdomains, pathological daytime hypersomnolence (85%), sleep-disordered breathing (64%) and sleep-wake transition disorders (24%) predominated in the EP group, in the group with stroke were sleep initiation and maintenance disorders (62.2%), pathological daytime hypersomnolence (37.8%), sleep breathing disorders (28.9%), and in the group with CP were sleep initiation and maintenance disorders (64.7%), pathological daytime hypersomnolence (35.3%) and sleep-wake transition disorders (23.5%). Conclusions. The incidence of SD in children with neurological pathologies is high, the most common SD being sleep initiation and maintenance disorders and pathological daytime hypersomnolence. In the process of evaluation of these children, it is essential to minimize the risk factors that can trigger SD