25 research outputs found

    Influence of some technological factors and of biological characteristics on seed production in monoic hemp, under conditions of the agricultural Research Station of Secuieni, Neamţ County

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    The monoic hemp varieties, created at the Agricultural Research Station of Secuieni, Neamţ County, are characterized by high fibre content in the stem and high seed production/area unit. Next to the creation of productive varieties, the growing technology has an important role, too. The experiments set up at the Agricultural Research Station of Secuieni, under conditions of year 2007, which was very dry, pointed out that the varieties had a high drought resistance and that the two technological links (fertilization and sowing period) influenced the quantitative, qualitative and economic crop level. The seed yields, obtained under conditions of year 2007, were between 596 and 800 kg/ha. Applying fertilizers has resulted in yield increases between 7 and 34% and improved the seed value. The best time for hemp sowing is when a temperature of 7-80C is found in soil. The duration of different phenological phases has shown a great variability and was influenced by sowing period, fertilization and climatic conditions of the year

    Research on the effect of wheat yield fertilization in the long term experience at ARDS Secuieni

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    The rational application of fertilizers ensure along with other means of increasing production, the raising of soil fertility and thr practice of a large productivity agriculture and economic efficiency. The fertilizer dose schedule is a tehnological activity, base don the agrochemical data from the field and from plamnned harvest. This paper presents experimental results for 2006-2009 period obtained in a long experience on the influence of phosphorum and nitrogen fertilizer on winter wheat production at ARDS Secuieni. The experience had in study: A – P2O5 dose: 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 kg/ha; B – N dose: 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 kg/ha. The cultivated variety: Crina. The productions were influenced by the dosage of fertilizer applied but also by the climatic conditions during the research. The productions in the unfertilized variant were 3269-6590 kg wheat/ha (period average was 4910 kg wheat/ha). By applying the P2O5 and N fertilizers the production increases were 5-33% representing 228-1617 kg wheat/ha. By applying phosphorus fertilizers the productions increases were 358-614 kg wheat/ha representing 6-11% and by applying nitrogen fertilizers increases ranging from 543-1150 kg wheat/ha representing 10-22%. The marginal increases in pjosphorus fertilizer application were 3,83-8,95 kg wheat/kg P2O5 and 7,18-13,57 kg wheat/kg N in nitrogen fertilizer application, in both cases were inversely proportional with the doses of fertilizers applied

    Study of nitrogen fertilization at maize crop in A.R.D.S. Secuieni conditions

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    In the structure of chemical fertilizers, the nitrogenous ones occupy the main place by their contribution in the determination of crop increase, favorably influencing the accumulation of protein substances in maize. The paper presents the results obtained at A.R.D.S. Secuieni in a long-lasting experience with chemical fertilizers at maize crops. The researchers investigated the influence of nitrogen fertilizers on corn crops at A.R.D.S. Secuieni during 2014 – 2016 and had two directions of approach: - the study of the technical efficiency regarding the contribution of nitrogen fertilizers on the obtained yields, the production increase and the marginal increase, in order to optimize the soil - plant system (maximizing the yield and rationalization of the fertilizer); - the study of the economic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers application (values of production increase, costs, income, profit, profit rate, unit costs) by differential application of fertilizer inputs

    Research on the influence of fertilization on the structure of vegetation cover in temporary meadows with mixed use under the center of Moldova condition

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    At the A.R.D.S. Secuieni it was researched the evolution of different mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes with mixed use, evidenced by their contribution to the structure of the vegetation, considering the percentage of participation of the species in the seed norm and mode of use. The results obtained on the evolution of the structure of vegetation cover at the mixtures with mixed use, was observed that was obtained five harvests, the first harvest being done in hayfield regime, and the next four were harvested by grazing simulation, at an interval of 28 days. At the mixture b2, composed of Dactylis glomerata 20% + Lolium perenne 70% + Lotus corniculatus 5% + Trifolium pratense 5%, in 2014, in the hayfield regime, in structure of vegetation cover the dominant percentage was in favor of the perennial grasses, comprised between 57% in the fertilized variant with N40P40 and 67% at the N80P40 variant. On the other four harvests, the perennial grasses tended to slightly decrease from one harvest to another except for the fertilized variant with N80+40P40, where the participation of the grasses had a tendency to increase between 46-61%. In 2015, the percentage of participation of the perennial grasses in the structure of the vegetal cover was maintained throughout the five harvests. The highest percentages of legumes were in fertilized variants with N40P40 and N80P40, the values being between 12-15%

    Research regarding the long-term fertilization on the winter wheat yield, at A.R.D.S. Secuieni

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    Winter wheat is a demanding plant to the fertilizers application having an high consumption of nutrients: N – 24 – 36 kg/t wheat; P2O5 – 12 – 18 kg/t wheat; K2O – 18 – 36 kg/t wheat; CaO – 6 – 10 kg/t wheat; MgO – 3 – 45 kg/t wheat. The radicular system is poorly developed, exploring a low volume of soil, with low power of absorption and leaching of the nutrient elements. One of the important links in this crop technology is the application of fertilizers which influence the quantity, quality and economic levels of the obtained yields. The paper aims to interpret from a technical point of view the obtained data and production functions resulting from the application of different doses of fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus. The data come from a long experience with chemical fertilizers for wheat, located at A.R.D.S. Secuieni during 2013-2015. Through the application of fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus at wheat (compared with the control variant N0P0) were obtained production increases between 12 - 58% representing 1018 kg wheat/ha - 2909 kg wheat/ha. The phosphorus fertilizers brought average increases compared with the unfertilized variant P2O5 of 7 – 17% representing 451 kg wheat/ha – 987 kg wheat/ha. In the case of nitrogen fertilizers the average increases compared to the control variant N0 were of 14 – 36% representing 763 kg wheat/ha – 1954 kg wheat/ha. Wheat production increases were related with the applied fertilizer doses settling highly significant correlations. The production increases achieved by applying 1 kg a.s. of fertilizer had average values of 5.71 – 11.27 kg wheat/kg P2O5 at the fertilizers with phosphorus and 12.21 – 19.07 kg wheat/kg N at the fertilizers with nitrogen. These increases were directly correlated with the fertilizer doses used in winter wheat crop

    Considerații clinico-paraclinice ale pneumoniilor comunitare trenante cauzate de virusul SARS-CoV-2

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    Disciplina de sinteze clinice, Departamentul Medicină Internă, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu"Introducere Datele din literatura de specialitate și experiența noastră din ultimul an au demonstrat că lupta cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 nu se încheie cu gestionarea perioadei acute. Astfel noțiunea de pneumonie trenantă capătă o nouă dimensiune, însemnând nu doar rezoluție radiologică întârziată, dar și persistența simptomelor și semnelor peste 4 săptămâni de la debut. Obiectiv Studierea particularităților clinice, biologice și radiologice ale pneumoniilor trenante cauzate de virusul SARS-CoV-2. Material și metode Studiul: transversal Material: 120 pacienți (vârsta medie 62,7±11,9 ani) cu pneumonii cauzate de virusul SARS-CoV-2 Perioada spitalizării: 08.2020-05.2021 Criterii de includere: ❑ Vârsta pacienților mai mare de 18 ani ❑ Spitalizare anterioară în secțiile COVID ❑ Durata clinico-radiologică a pneumoniei mai mare de 4 săptămâni ❑ Respitalizare în secțiile PostCOVID ale SCM „Sfânta Treime” Rezultate. Pneumoniile cu durata de 4-8 săptămâni (lotul 1) au constituit 87 (72,5%), cu durata de 8-12 săptămâni (lotul 2) – 33 (27,5%). Persistența dispneei și tusei la externare a fost de 3 ori mai frecventă în lotul 2. Rezoluție radiologică completă sau incompletă la externare a fost constatată în 2/3 pacienți din ambele loturi, tendință spre fibroză fiind observată mai frecvent în lotul 1 – 26,4% vs 12,1% (p> 0,05). Concluzii Evoluția trenantă a pneumoniilor cauzate de virusul SARS-CoV-2 s-a confirmat prin persistența simptomelor respiratorii și rezoluție radiologică întârziată, fiind influențată de necesitatea ventilației non-invazive în secțiile COVID și de o serie de factori extrapulmonari (agravarea insuficienței cardiace preexistente, creatinina serică crescută, anemia și imposibilitatea de autodeplasare)

    Research regarding the behaviour of some perennial grasses and legumes mixtures in order to establish temporary grassland exploited in meadow regime

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    In making perennial grasses and legume mixtures is envisaged that the species or varieties used to properly reflect the stationary conditions, the annual climatic variations sometimes influence different the components behavior, and therefore the productivity. The researches were conducted during 2013-2015 in the Agricultural Research - Development Station Secuieni, where was followed the influence of four nitrogen doses on a phosphorus agrofond in an experience of five mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes used in meadow regime. The nitrogen fertilizers are used in smaller doses in mixtures, because this element is provided by symbiotic bacteria living on the roots of legumes. The results showed that the dynamic of biomass accumulation was done in three growth cycles, for the first cycle it took 53 days, for the second cycle 42 days and for the third cycle 52 days. The highest production of 24.03 t/ha dry substance it was recorded at Festuca arundinacea 30% + Dactylis glomerata 20% + Festuca pratensis 20% + Medicago sativa 20% + Trifolium pratense 10% mixture and fertilized with N80+40P40 dose, and the lowest of 14.59 t/ha d.s. was obtained at Dactylis glomerata 30% + Lolium perene 40% + Medicago sativa 20% + Lotus corniculatus 10% mixture in the unfertilized variant

    The influence of the nutrition space on the herb and seed yields at Moldavian dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.), in A.R.D.S. Secuieni pedoclimatic conditions

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    The Dracocephalum moldavica (L.) species, known under the popular name of moldavian dragonhead, is used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry due to its high content in active principles. To ensure the necessary of raw material at A.R.D.S. Secuieni are conducted researches regarding the development of the cultivation technology for its introduction into culture and extension in agriculture. In the conditions of 2015 – 2016 agricultural year, due to the observations made, it was found that the fresh herba, dry herba and seed yields were positively influenced by the distance between the rows (average factor A), but also by the distance between plants per row (average factor B). The obtained data have showed that the highest average yields of fresh herba (34063,33 kg/ha), dry herba (9313,33 kg/ha) and seeds (1069 kg/ha) were obtained at the a1xb1 interaction sown at 25 cm between rows and in continuous row (control variant). In the experience with the nutrition space, it was found that, the plants harvested for herba had a vegetation period of 109 days requiring 1877,9 oC and 325,2 mm of rainfall, and the plants harvested for seed developed in 137 days, the sum of accumulated temperatures being of 2492,1 o C and of rainfall of 355 mm

    Evidence of West Nile virus (WNV) circulation in wild birds and WNV RNA negativity in mosquitoes of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania, 2016

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    West Nile virus (WNV) is a zoonotic flavivirus whose transmission cycle in nature includes wild birds as amplifying hosts and ornithophilic mosquito vectors. Bridge vectors can transmit WNV to mammal species potentially causing West Nile Fever. Wild bird migration is a mode of WNV introduction into new areas. The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) is a major stopover of wild birds migrating between Europe and Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of WNV in the DDBR during the 2016 transmission season in wild birds and mosquitoes. Blood from 68 wild birds (nine different species) trapped at four different locations was analyzed by competitive ELISA and Virus Neutralization Test (VNT), revealing positive results in 8/68 (11.8%) of the wild birds by ELISA of which six samples (three from juvenile birds) were confirmed seropositive by VNT. Mosquitoes (n = 6523, 5 genera) were trapped with CDC Mini Light traps at two locations and in one location resting mosquitoes were caught. The presence of WNV RNA was tested in 134 pools by reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). None of the pools was positive for WNV-specific RNA. Based on the obtained results, WNV was circulating in the DDBR during 2016

    Species diversity, host preference and arbovirus detection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in south-eastern Serbia

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    BackgroundCulicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) is a genus of small biting midges (also known as no-see ums) that currently includes 1368 described species. They are proven or suspected vectors for important pathogens affecting animals such as bluetongue virus (BTV) and Schmallenberg virus (SBV). Currently little information is available on the species of Culicoides present in Serbia. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine species diversity, host preference and the presence of BTV and SBV RNA in Culicoides from the Stara Planina Nature Park in south-eastern Serbia.ResultsIn total 19,887 individual Culicoides were collected during three nights of trapping at two farm sites and pooled into six groups (Obsoletus group, Pulicaris group, Others group and further each group according to the blood-feeding status to freshly engorged and non-engorged). Species identification was done on subsamples of 592 individual Culicoides specimens by morphological and molecular methods (MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and PCR/sequencing). At least 22 Culicoides species were detected. Four animal species (cow, sheep, goat and common blackbird) as well as humans were identified as hosts of Culicoides biting midges. The screening of 8291 Culicoides specimens in 99 pools for the presence of BTV and SBV RNA by reverse-transcription quantitative PCR were negative.ConclusionsThe biodiversity of Culicoides species in the natural reserve Stara Planina was high with at least 22 species present. The presence of C. imicola Kieffer was not recorded in this area. Culicoides showed opportunistic feeding behaviour as determined by host preference. The absence of SBV and BTV viral RNA correlates with the absence of clinical disease in the field during the time of sampling. These data are the direct outcome of a training programme within the Institutional Partnership Project AMSAR: Arbovirus monitoring, research and surveillance-capacity building on mosquitoes and biting midges funded by the programme SCOPES of the Swiss National Science Foundation