309 research outputs found

    Cadherin-7 enhances Sonic Hedgehog signalling by preventing Gli3 repressor formation during neural tube patterning

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    Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) is a ventrally enriched morphogen controlling dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube. In the dorsal spinal cord, Gli3 protein bound to suppressor-of-fused (Sufu) is converted into Gli3 repressor (Gli3R), which inhibits Shh-target genes. Activation of Shh signalling prevents Gli3R formation, promoting neural tube ventralization. We show that cadherin-7 (Cdh7) expression in the intermediate spinal cord region is required to delimit the boundary between the ventral and the dorsal spinal cord. We demonstrate that Cdh7 functions as a receptor for Shh and enhances Shh signalling. Binding of Shh to Cdh7 promotes its aggregation on the cell membrane and association of Cdh7 with Gli3 and Sufu. These interactions prevent Gli3R formation and cause Gli3 protein degradation. We propose that Shh can act through Cdh7 to limit intracellular movement of Gli3 protein and production of Gli3R, thus eliciting more efficient activation of Gli-dependent signalling

    Gaussian maximally multipartite entangled states

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    We study maximally multipartite entangled states in the context of Gaussian continuous variable quantum systems. By considering multimode Gaussian states with constrained energy, we show that perfect maximally multipartite entangled states, which exhibit the maximum amount of bipartite entanglement for all bipartitions, only exist for systems containing n=2 or 3 modes. We further numerically investigate the structure of these states and their frustration for n<=7.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, comments are welcom

    Molecular mechanisms of neurogenic aging in the adult mouse subventricular zone

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    In the adult rodent brain, the continuous production of new neurons by neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) residing in specialized neurogenic niches and their subsequent integration into pre-existing cerebral circuitries supports odour discrimination, spatial learning, and contextual memory capabilities. Aging is recognized as the most potent negative regulator of adult neurogenesis. The neurogenic process markedly declines in the aged brain, due to the reduction of the NSPC pool and the functional impairment of the remaining NSPCs. This decline has been linked to the progressive cognitive deficits of elderly individuals and it may also be involved in the onset/progression of neurological disorders. Since the human lifespan has been dramatically extended, the incidence of age-associated neuropsychiatric conditions in the human population has increased. This has prompted efforts to shed light on the mechanisms underpinning the age-related decline of adult neurogenesis, whose knowledge may foster therapeutic approaches to prevent or delay cognitive alterations in elderly patients. In this review, we summarize recent progress in elucidating the molecular causes of neurogenic aging in the most abundant NSPC niche of the adult mouse brain: the subventricular zone (SVZ). We discuss the age-associated changes occurring both in the intrinsic NSPC molecular networks and in the extrinsic signalling pathways acting in the complex environment of the SVZ niche, and how all these changes may steer young NSPCs towards an aged phenotype

    Entanglement frustration in multimode Gaussian states

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    Bipartite entanglement between two parties of a composite quantum system can be quantified in terms of the purity of one party and there always exists a pure state of the total system that maximizes it (and minimizes purity). When many different bipartitions are considered, the requirement that purity be minimal for all bipartitions gives rise to the phenomenon of entanglement frustration. This feature, observed in quantum systems with both discrete and continuous variables, can be studied by means of a suitable cost function whose minimizers are the maximally multipartite-entangled states (MMES). In this paper we extend the analysis of multipartite entanglement frustration of Gaussian states in multimode bosonic systems. We derive bounds on the frustration, under the constraint of finite mean energy, in the low and high energy limit.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to "Folding and Unfolding: Interactions from Geometry. Workshop in honour of Giuseppe Marmo's 65th birthday", 8-12 June 2011, Ischia (NA) Ital

    Dorsoventral patterning of the Xenopus eye involves differential temporal changes in the response of optic stalk and retinal progenitors to Hh signalling

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    Background: Hedgehog (Hh) signals are instrumental to the dorsoventral patterning of the vertebrate eye, promoting optic stalk and ventral retinal fates and repressing dorsal retinal identity. There has been limited analysis, however, of the critical window during which Hh molecules control eye polarity and of the temporal changes in the responsiveness of eye cells to these signals. Results: In this study, we used pharmacological and molecular tools to perform stage-specific manipulations of Hh signalling in the developing Xenopus eye. In gain-of-function experiments, most of the eye was sensitive to ventralization when the Hh pathway was activated starting from gastrula/neurula stages. During optic vesicle stages, the dorsal eye became resistant to Hh-dependent ventralization, but this pathway could partially upregulate optic stalk markers within the retina. In loss-of-function assays, inhibition of Hh signalling starting from neurula stages caused expansion of the dorsal retina at the expense of the ventral retina and the optic stalk, while the effects of Hh inhibition during optic vesicle stages were limited to the reduction of optic stalk size. Conclusions: Our results suggest the existence of two competence windows during which the Hh pathway differentially controls patterning of the eye region. In the first window, between the neural plate and the optic vesicle stages, Hh signalling exerts a global influence on eye dorsoventral polarity, contributing to the specification of optic stalk, ventral retina and dorsal retinal domains. In the second window, between optic vesicle and optic cup stages, this pathway plays a more limited role in the maintenance of the optic stalk domain. We speculate that this temporal regulation is important to coordinate dorsoventral patterning with morphogenesis and differentiation processes during eye development

    The role of histone lysine methylation in the response of mammalian cells to Ionizing radiation

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    Eukaryotic genomes are wrapped around nucleosomes and organized into different levels of chromatin structure. Chromatin organization has a crucial role in regulating all cellular processes involving DNA-protein interactions, such as DNA transcription, replication, recombination and repair. Histone post-translational modifications (HPTMs) have a prominent role in chromatin regulation, acting as a sophisticated molecular code, which is interpreted by HPTM-specific effectors. Here, we review the role of histone lysine methylation changes in regulating the response to radiation-induced genotoxic damage in mammalian cells. We also discuss the role of histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and histone demethylases (HDMs) and the effects of the modulation of their expression and/or the pharmacological inhibition of their activity on the radio-sensitivity of different cell lines. Finally, we provide a bioinformatic analysis of published datasets showing how the mRNA levels of known HMTs and HDMs are modulated in different cell lines by exposure to different irradiation conditions


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    La Sindrome da Affaticamento Cronico/Encefalomielite Mialgica (CFS/ME), è una grave malattia multisistemica caratterizzata da anomalie immunologiche e disfunzioni del metabolismo energetico. Recenti evidenze suggeriscono l’esistenza di una forte correlazione tra disbiosi e condizione patologica. La presente ricerca ha analizzato la composizione del microbiota intestinale ed orale in pazienti con CFS/ME rispetto a controlli sani e ha determinato se eventuali differenze osservate potrebbero essere utili in futuro per l'identificazione di biomarcatori diagnostici. La composizione batterica fecale e salivare dei pazienti con CFS/ME è stata studiata mediante sequenziamento Illumina degli ampliconi del gene 16S rRNA. Il microbiota fecale dei pazienti con CFS/ME ha mostrato una significativa riduzione di Lachnospiraceae, in particolare di Anaerostipes, rispetto ai gruppi di soggetti senza CFS/ME e un incremento di Phascolarctobacterium faecium e unclassified Ruminococcus. Bacteroides vulgatus, unclassified Bacteroides, Bacteroides uniformis e unclassified Barnesiella sono risultati significativamente più abbondanti nei pazienti con CFS/ME. Il microbiota orale dei pazienti con CFS/ME ha mostrato un aumento significativo di Rothia dentocariosa. Il profilo metabolico fecale di un sottogruppo di pazienti con CFS/ME ha mostrato un aumento complessivo di SCFA e di derivati dell'indolo rispetto ai gruppi non CFS/ME, suggerendo un aumento dei processi di fermentazione. I nostri risultati supportano l'ipotesi autoimmune per la CFS/ME e se saranno confermati da studi più ampi, le differenze rilevate nei profili microbici dei pazienti CFS/ME potrebbero essere utilizzate come markers per una diagnosi più accurata e per lo sviluppo di strategie terapeutiche specifiche.The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), is a severe multisystemic disease characterized by immunological abnormalities and dysfunction of energy metabolism. Recent evidence suggest that there is a strong correlation between dysbiosis and pathological condition. The present research investigated the composition of the intestinal and oral microbiota in CFS/ME patients in comparison to healthy controls and determined whether any observed differences could be useful for the identification of diagnostic biomarkers. The fecal and salivary bacterial composition in CFS/ME patients was investigated by Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. The fecal microbiota of CFS/ME patients showed a significant reduction of Lachnospiraceae, particularly Anaerostipes, compared to the non-CFS/ME groups, and an increase of Phascolarctobacterium faecium and unclassified Ruminococcus. Bacteroides vulgatus, unclassified Bacteroides, Bacteroides uniformis and unclassified Barnesiella resulted significantly more abundant in CFS/ME patients. The oral microbiota of CFS/ME patients showed a significant increase of Rothia dentocariosa. The fecal metabolic profile of a subgroup of CFS/ME patients revealed an overall increase of SCFAs and indole derivatives compared to the non-CFS/ME groups, suggesting an increase in the fermentation processes. Our results support the autoimmune hypothesis for CFS/ME condition and if confirmed by larger studies, the differences detected in the microbial profiles of CFS/ME patients may be used as markers for a more accurate diagnosis and for the development of specific therapeutic strategies

    Molecular signatures of the aging brain: finding the links between genes and phenotypes

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    Aging is associated with cognitive decline and increased vulnerability to neurodegenerative diseases. The progressive extension of the average human lifespan is bound to lead to a corresponding increase in the fraction of cognitively impaired elderly individuals among the human population, with an enormous societal and economic burden. At the cellular and tissue levels, cognitive decline is linked to a reduction in specific neuronal subpopulations, a widespread decrease in synaptic plasticity and an increase in neuroinflammation due to an enhanced activation of astrocytes and microglia, but the molecular mechanisms underlying these functional changes during normal aging and in neuropathological conditions remain poorly understood. In this review, we summarize very recent and outstanding progress in elucidating the molecular changes associated with cognitive decline through the genome-wide profiling of aging brain cells at different molecular levels (genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic). We discuss how the correlation of different molecular and phenotypic traits driven by mathematical and computational analyses of large datasets has led to the prediction of key molecular nodes of neurodegenerative pathways, and provide a few examples of candidate regulators of cognitive decline identified with these approaches. Furthermore, we highlight the dysregulation of the synaptic transcriptome in neuronal cells and of the inflammatory transcriptome in glial cells as some of the key events during normal and neuropathological human brain aging

    Risk stratification of neck lesions detected sonographically during the follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer

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    Context: The European Thyroid Association (ETA) has classified post-treatment cervical ultrasound findings in thyroid cancer patients based on their association with disease persistence/recurrence. Objective: To assess this classification's ability to predict the growth and persistence of such lesions during active post-treatment surveillance of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). Design: Retrospective, observational study Setting: Thyroid cancer center, large Italian teaching hospital. Patients: Center referrals (2005–2014) were reviewed and patients selected with pathologically confirmed DTC; total thyroidectomy, with or without neck dissection and/or radioiodine remnant ablation; abnormal findings on ≥2 consecutive post-treatment neck sonograms; subsequent follow-up consisting of active surveillance. Baseline ultrasound abnormalities (thyroid bed masses, lymph nodes) were classified according to the ETA system. Patients were divided into group S (those with ≥1 lesion classified as ‘suspicious’) and group I (‘indeterminate’ lesions only). We recorded baseline and follow-up clinical data through 30 June 2015. Main Outcomes: Patients with growth (> 3 mm, largest diameter) of ≥1 lesion during follow-up, patients with ≥1 persistent lesion at the final visit. Results: The cohort included 58 (9%) of the 637 DTC cases screened. A total of 113 lesions were followed (18 thyroid bed masses, 95 lymph nodes). During surveillance (median 3.7 years), group I had significantly lower rates than group S of lesion growth (8% vs. 36%, p=0.01) and persistence (64% vs. 97%, p=0.014). Median time to scan normalization: 2.9 years. Conclusions: The ETA's evidence-based classification of sonographically detected neck abnormalities can help identify PTC patients eligible for more relaxed follow-up

    Neuroserpin polymers cause oxidative stress in a neuronal model of the dementia FENIB

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    The serpinopathies are human pathologies caused by mutations that promote polymerisation and intracellular deposition of proteins of the serpin superfamily, leading to a poorly understood cell toxicity. The dementia FENIB is caused by polymerisation of the neuronal serpin neuroserpin (NS) within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of neurons. With the aim of understanding the toxicity due to intracellular accumulation of neuroserpin polymers, we have generated transgenic neural progenitor cell (NPC) cultures from mouse foetal cerebral cortex, stably expressing the control protein GFP (green fluorescent protein), or human wild type, G392E or delta NS. We have characterised these cell lines in the proliferative state and after differentiation to neurons. Our results show that G392E NS formed polymers that were mostly retained within the ER, while wild type NS was correctly secreted as a monomeric protein into the culture medium. Delta NS was absent at steady state due to its rapid degradation, but it was easily detected upon proteasomal block. Looking at their intracellular distribution, wild type NS was found in partial co-localisation with ER and Golgi markers, while G392E NS was localised within the ER only. Furthermore, polymers of NS were detected by ELISA and immunofluorescence in neurons expressing the mutant but not the wild type protein. We used control GFP and G392E NPCs differentiated to neurons to investigate which cellular pathways were modulated by intracellular polymers by performing RNA sequencing. We identified 747 genes with a significant upregulation (623) or downregulation (124) in G392E NS-expressing cells, and we focused our attention on several genes involved in the defence against oxidative stress that were up-regulated in cells expressing G392E NS (Aldh1b1, Apoe, Gpx1, Gstm1, Prdx6, Scara3, Sod2). Inhibition of intracellular anti-oxidants by specific pharmacological reagents uncovered the damaging effects of NS polymers. Our results support a role for oxidative stress in the cellular toxicity underlying the neurodegenerative dementia FENIB
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