628 research outputs found

    Learning Discriminative Stein Kernel for SPD Matrices and Its Applications

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    Stein kernel has recently shown promising performance on classifying images represented by symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices. It evaluates the similarity between two SPD matrices through their eigenvalues. In this paper, we argue that directly using the original eigenvalues may be problematic because: i) Eigenvalue estimation becomes biased when the number of samples is inadequate, which may lead to unreliable kernel evaluation; ii) More importantly, eigenvalues only reflect the property of an individual SPD matrix. They are not necessarily optimal for computing Stein kernel when the goal is to discriminate different sets of SPD matrices. To address the two issues in one shot, we propose a discriminative Stein kernel, in which an extra parameter vector is defined to adjust the eigenvalues of the input SPD matrices. The optimal parameter values are sought by optimizing a proxy of classification performance. To show the generality of the proposed method, three different kernel learning criteria that are commonly used in the literature are employed respectively as a proxy. A comprehensive experimental study is conducted on a variety of image classification tasks to compare our proposed discriminative Stein kernel with the original Stein kernel and other commonly used methods for evaluating the similarity between SPD matrices. The experimental results demonstrate that, the discriminative Stein kernel can attain greater discrimination and better align with classification tasks by altering the eigenvalues. This makes it produce higher classification performance than the original Stein kernel and other commonly used methods.Comment: 13 page

    Use the Detection Transformer as a Data Augmenter

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    Detection Transformer (DETR) is a Transformer architecture based object detection model. In this paper, we demonstrate that it can also be used as a data augmenter. We term our approach as DETR assisted CutMix, or DeMix for short. DeMix builds on CutMix, a simple yet highly effective data augmentation technique that has gained popularity in recent years. CutMix improves model performance by cutting and pasting a patch from one image onto another, yielding a new image. The corresponding label for this new example is specified as the weighted average of the original labels, where the weight is proportional to the area of the patches. CutMix selects a random patch to be cut. In contrast, DeMix elaborately selects a semantically rich patch, located by a pre-trained DETR. The label of the new image is specified in the same way as in CutMix. Experimental results on benchmark datasets for image classification demonstrate that DeMix significantly outperforms prior art data augmentation methods including CutMix.Comment: 13 page

    Learning Discriminative Bayesian Networks from High-dimensional Continuous Neuroimaging Data

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    Due to its causal semantics, Bayesian networks (BN) have been widely employed to discover the underlying data relationship in exploratory studies, such as brain research. Despite its success in modeling the probability distribution of variables, BN is naturally a generative model, which is not necessarily discriminative. This may cause the ignorance of subtle but critical network changes that are of investigation values across populations. In this paper, we propose to improve the discriminative power of BN models for continuous variables from two different perspectives. This brings two general discriminative learning frameworks for Gaussian Bayesian networks (GBN). In the first framework, we employ Fisher kernel to bridge the generative models of GBN and the discriminative classifiers of SVMs, and convert the GBN parameter learning to Fisher kernel learning via minimizing a generalization error bound of SVMs. In the second framework, we employ the max-margin criterion and build it directly upon GBN models to explicitly optimize the classification performance of the GBNs. The advantages and disadvantages of the two frameworks are discussed and experimentally compared. Both of them demonstrate strong power in learning discriminative parameters of GBNs for neuroimaging based brain network analysis, as well as maintaining reasonable representation capacity. The contributions of this paper also include a new Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) constraint with theoretical guarantee to ensure the graph validity of GBN.Comment: 16 pages and 5 figures for the article (excluding appendix

    OPML: A One-Pass Closed-Form Solution for Online Metric Learning

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    To achieve a low computational cost when performing online metric learning for large-scale data, we present a one-pass closed-form solution namely OPML in this paper. Typically, the proposed OPML first adopts a one-pass triplet construction strategy, which aims to use only a very small number of triplets to approximate the representation ability of whole original triplets obtained by batch-manner methods. Then, OPML employs a closed-form solution to update the metric for new coming samples, which leads to a low space (i.e., O(d)O(d)) and time (i.e., O(d2)O(d^2)) complexity, where dd is the feature dimensionality. In addition, an extension of OPML (namely COPML) is further proposed to enhance the robustness when in real case the first several samples come from the same class (i.e., cold start problem). In the experiments, we have systematically evaluated our methods (OPML and COPML) on three typical tasks, including UCI data classification, face verification, and abnormal event detection in videos, which aims to fully evaluate the proposed methods on different sample number, different feature dimensionalities and different feature extraction ways (i.e., hand-crafted and deeply-learned). The results show that OPML and COPML can obtain the promising performance with a very low computational cost. Also, the effectiveness of COPML under the cold start setting is experimentally verified.Comment: 12 page

    A Novel Unsupervised Camera-aware Domain Adaptation Framework for Person Re-identification

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    Unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification (Re-ID) faces two key issues. One is the data distribution discrepancy between source and target domains, and the other is the lack of labelling information in target domain. They are addressed in this paper from the perspective of representation learning. For the first issue, we highlight the presence of camera-level sub-domains as a unique characteristic of person Re-ID, and develop camera-aware domain adaptation to reduce the discrepancy not only between source and target domains but also across these sub-domains. For the second issue, we exploit the temporal continuity in each camera of target domain to create discriminative information. This is implemented by dynamically generating online triplets within each batch, in order to maximally take advantage of the steadily improved feature representation in training process. Together, the above two methods give rise to a novel unsupervised deep domain adaptation framework for person Re-ID. Experiments and ablation studies on benchmark datasets demonstrate its superiority and interesting properties.Comment: Accepted by ICCV201

    Subject-adaptive Integration of Multiple SICE Brain Networks with Different Sparsity

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    As a principled method for partial correlation estimation, sparse inverse covariance estimation (SICE) has been employed to model brain connectivity networks, which holds great promise for brain disease diagnosis. For each subject, the SICE method naturally leads to a set of connectivity networks with various sparsity. However, existing methods usually select a single network from them for classification and the discriminative power of this set of networks has not been fully exploited. This paper argues that the connectivity networks at different sparsity levels present complementary connectivity patterns and therefore they should be jointly considered to achieve high classification performance.In this paper, we propose a subject-adaptive method to integrate multiple SICE networks as a unified representation for classification. The integration weight is learned adaptively for each subject in order to endow the method with the flexibility in dealing with subject variations. Furthermore, to respect the manifold geometry of SICE networks, Stein kernel is employed to embed the manifold structure into a kernel-induced feature space, which allows a linear integration of SICE networks to be designed. The optimization of the integration weight and the classification of the integrated networks are performed via a sparse representation framework. Through our method, we provide a unified and effective network representation that is transparent to the sparsity level of SICE networks, and can be readily utilized for further medical analysis. Experimental study on ADHD and ADNI data sets demonstrates that the proposed integration method achieves notable improvement of classification performance in comparison with methods using a single sparsity level of SICE networks and other commonly used integration methods, such as Multiple Kernel Learning

    METransformer: Radiology Report Generation by Transformer with Multiple Learnable Expert Tokens

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    In clinical scenarios, multi-specialist consultation could significantly benefit the diagnosis, especially for intricate cases. This inspires us to explore a "multi-expert joint diagnosis" mechanism to upgrade the existing "single expert" framework commonly seen in the current literature. To this end, we propose METransformer, a method to realize this idea with a transformer-based backbone. The key design of our method is the introduction of multiple learnable "expert" tokens into both the transformer encoder and decoder. In the encoder, each expert token interacts with both vision tokens and other expert tokens to learn to attend different image regions for image representation. These expert tokens are encouraged to capture complementary information by an orthogonal loss that minimizes their overlap. In the decoder, each attended expert token guides the cross-attention between input words and visual tokens, thus influencing the generated report. A metrics-based expert voting strategy is further developed to generate the final report. By the multi-experts concept, our model enjoys the merits of an ensemble-based approach but through a manner that is computationally more efficient and supports more sophisticated interactions among experts. Experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of our proposed model on two widely used benchmarks. Last but not least, the framework-level innovation makes our work ready to incorporate advances on existing "single-expert" models to further improve its performance.Comment: Accepted by CVPR202

    Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for the Symmetric Arrowhead Solution of Matrix Equation AXB=C

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    Based on the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm, the constrained matrix equation AXB=C and the associate optimal approximation problem are considered for the symmetric arrowhead matrix solutions in the premise of consistency. The convergence results of the method are presented. At last, a numerical example is given to illustrate the efficiency of this method
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