38,444 research outputs found

    Tuning the magnetism of ordered and disordered strongly-correlated electron nanoclusters

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    Recently, there has been a resurgence of intense experimental and theoretical interest on the Kondo physics of nanoscopic and mesoscopic systems due to the possibility of making experiments in extremely small samples. We have carried out exact diagonalization calculations to study the effect of energy spacing Δ\Delta in the conduction band states, hybridization, number of electrons, and disorder on the ground-state and thermal properties of strongly-correlated electron nanoclusters. For the ordered systems, the calculations reveal for the first time that Δ\Delta tunes the interplay between the {\it local} Kondo and {\it non local} RKKY interactions, giving rise to a "Doniach phase diagram" for the nanocluster with regions of prevailing Kondo or RKKY correlations. The interplay of Δ\Delta and disorder gives rise to a Δ\Delta versus concentration T=0 phase diagram very rich in structure. The parity of the total number of electrons alters the competition between the Kondo and RKKY correlations. The local Kondo temperatures, TKT_K, and RKKY interactions depend strongly on the local environment and are overall {\it enhanced} by disorder, in contrast to the hypothesis of ``Kondo disorder'' single-impurity models. This interplay may be relevant to experimental realizations of small rings or quantum dots with tunable magnetic properties.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Physics of Spin in Solids: Materials, Methods, and Applications, (2004

    Tunable "Doniach Phase Diagram" for strongly-correlated nanoclusters

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    Exact diagonalization calculations reveal that the energy spacing Δ\Delta in the conduction band tunes the interplay between the {\it local} Kondo and {\it non local} RKKY interactions, giving rise to a "Doniach phase diagram" for a nanocluster with regions of prevailing Kondo or RKKY correlations. The parity of the total number of electrons alters the competition between the Kondo and RKKY correlations. This interplay may be relevant to experimental realizations of small rings or quantum dots with tunable magnetic properties. Below a critical value Vc_c of the hybridization the susceptibility exhibits a low-T exponential activation behavior determined by the interplay of the spin gap and Δ\Delta.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Integer quantum Hall effect and topological phase transitions in silicene

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    We numerically investigate the effects of disorder on the quantum Hall effect (QHE) and the quantum phase transitions in silicene based on a lattice model. It is shown that for a clean sample, silicene exhibits an unconventional QHE near the band center, with plateaus developing at ν=0,±2,±6,,\nu=0,\pm2,\pm6,\ldots, and a conventional QHE near the band edges. In the presence of disorder, the Hall plateaus can be destroyed through the float-up of extended levels toward the band center, in which higher plateaus disappear first. However, the center ν=0\nu=0 Hall plateau is more sensitive to disorder and disappears at a relatively weak disorder strength. Moreover, the combination of an electric field and the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction (SOI) can lead to quantum phase transitions from a topological insulator to a band insulator at the charge neutrality point (CNP), accompanied by additional quantum Hall conductivity plateaus.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Ultraviolet/X-ray variability and the extended X-ray emission of the radio-loud broad absorption line quasar PG 1004+130

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    We present the results of recent Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Hubble Space Telescope observations of the radio-loud (RL), broad absorption line (BAL) quasar PG 1004+130. We compare our new observations to archival X-ray and UV data, creating the most comprehensive, high signal-to-noise, multi-epoch, spectral monitoring campaign of a RL BAL quasar to date. We probe for variability of the X-ray absorption, the UV BAL, and the X-ray jet, on month-year timescales. The X-ray absorber has a low column density of NH=8×10204×1021N_{H}=8\times10^{20}-4\times10^{21} cm2^{-2} when it is assumed to be fully covering the X-ray emitting region, and its properties do not vary significantly between the 4 observations. This suggests the observed absorption is not related to the typical "shielding gas" commonly invoked in BAL quasar models, but is likely due to material further from the central black hole. In contrast, the CIV BAL shows strong variability. The equivalent width (EW) in 2014 is EW=11.24±\pm0.56 \AA, showing a fractional increase of ΔEW/EW\Delta EW / \langle EW \rangle=1.16±\pm0.11 from the 2003 observation, 3183 days earlier in the rest-frame. This places PG 1004+130 among the most highly variable BAL quasars. By combining Chandra observations we create an exposure 2.5 times deeper than studied previously, with which to investigate the nature of the X-ray jet and extended diffuse X-ray emission. An X-ray knot, likely with a synchrotron origin, is detected in the radio jet ~8 arcsec (30 kpc) from the central X-ray source with a spatial extent of ~4 arcsec (15 kpc). No similar X-ray counterpart to the counterjet is detected. Asymmetric, non-thermal diffuse X-ray emission, likely due to inverse Compton scattering of Cosmic Microwave Background photons, is also detected.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Using Muonic Hydrogen in Optical Spectroscopy Experiment to Detect Extra Dimensions

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    Considering that gravitational force might deviate from Newton's inverse-square law (ISL) and become much stronger in small scale, we propose a kind of optical spectroscopy experiment to detect this possible deviation and take electronic, muonic and tauonic hydrogen atoms as examples. This experiment might be used to indirectly detect the deviation of ISL down to nanometer scale and to explore the possibility of three extra dimensions in ADD's model, while current direct gravity tests cannot break through micron scale and go beyond two extra dimensions scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. To appear in IJT

    Bound States and Critical Behavior of the Yukawa Potential

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    We investigate the bound states of the Yukawa potential V(r)=λexp(αr)/rV(r)=-\lambda \exp(-\alpha r)/ r, using different algorithms: solving the Schr\"odinger equation numerically and our Monte Carlo Hamiltonian approach. There is a critical α=αC\alpha=\alpha_C, above which no bound state exists. We study the relation between αC\alpha_C and λ\lambda for various angular momentum quantum number ll, and find in atomic units, αC(l)=λ[A1exp(l/B1)+A2exp(l/B2)]\alpha_{C}(l)= \lambda [A_{1} \exp(-l/ B_{1})+ A_{2} \exp(-l/ B_{2})], with A1=1.020(18)A_1=1.020(18), B1=0.443(14)B_1=0.443(14), A2=0.170(17)A_2=0.170(17), and B2=2.490(180)B_2=2.490(180).Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables. Version to appear in Sciences in China

    Hysteresis and Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Antiferromagnetic Nd2xCexCuO4Nd_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_{4}

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    The out-of-plane resistivity (ρc\rho_c) and magnetoresistivity (MR) are studied in antiferromangetic (AF) Nd2xCexCuO4Nd_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_{4} single crystals, which have three types of noncollinear antiferromangetic spin structures. The apparent signatures are observed in ρc(T)\rho_c(T) measured at the zero-field and 14 T at the spin structure transitions, giving a definite evidence for the itinerant electrons directly coupled to the localized spins. One of striking feature is an anisotropy of the MR with a fourfold symmetry upon rotating the external field (B) within ab plane in the different phases, while twofold symmetry at spin reorientation transition temperatures. The intriguing thermal hysteresis in ρc(T,B)\rho_c(T,B) and magnetic hysteresis in MR are observed at spin reorientation transition temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure