893 research outputs found

    Construction of a giant vortex state in a trapped Fermi system

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    A superfluid atomic Fermi system may support a giant vortex if the trapping potential is anharmonic. In such a potential, the single-particle spectrum has a positive curvature as a function of angular momentum. A tractable model is put up in which the lowest and next lowest Landau levels are occupied. Different parameter regimes are identified and characterized. Due to the dependence of the interaction on angular momentum quantum number, the Cooper pairing is at its strongest not only close to the Fermi level, but also close to the energy minimum. It is shown that the gas is superfluid in the interior of the toroidal density distribution and normal in the outer regions. Furthermore, the pairing may give rise to a localized density depression in configuration space.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure file

    Rotating states for trapped bosons in an optical lattice

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    Rotational states for trapped bosons in an optical lattice are studied in the framework of the Hubbard model. Critical frequencies are calculated and the main parameter regimes are identified. Transitions are observed from edge superfluids to vortex lattices with Mott insulating cores, and subsequently to lattices of interstitial vortices. The former transition coincides with the Mott transition. Changes in symmetry of the vortex lattices are observed as a function of lattice depth. Predictions for experimental signatures are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in EP

    Stability of the solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation

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    We examine the static and dynamic stability of the solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and demonstrate the intimate connection between them. All salient features related to dynamic stability are reflected systematically in static properties. We find, for example, the obvious result that static stability always implies dynamic stability and present a simple explanation of the fact that dynamic stability can exist even in the presence of static instability.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    The Surface of a Bose-Einstein Condensed Atomic Cloud

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    We investigate the structure and collective modes of a planar surface of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensed gas at zero temperature. In the long-wavelength limit we find a mode similar to the gravity wave on the surface of a fluid with the frequency ω\omega and the wavenumber qq related by ω2=Fq/m\omega^2=Fq/m. Here FF is the force due to the confining potential at the surface and mm is the particle mass. At shorter wavelengths we use a variational approach and find corrections to ω2\omega^2 of order q4lnqq^4 \ln{q}. We demonstrate the usefulness of the concept of an effective surface tension for describing both static and dynamic properties of condensed atomic clouds.Comment: 8 pages, REVTEX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dipole and monopole modes in the Bose-Hubbard model in a trap

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    The lowest-lying collective modes of a trapped Bose gas in an optical lattice are studied in the Bose-Hubbard model. An exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is performed in a one-dimensional five-particle system in order to find the lowest few eigenstates. Dipole and breathing character of the eigenstates is confirmed in the limit where the tunneling dominates the dynamics, but under Mott-like conditions the excitations do not correspond to oscillatory modes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Center of mass rotation and vortices in an attractive Bose gas

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    The rotational properties of an attractively interacting Bose gas are studied using analytical and numerical methods. We study perturbatively the ground state phase space for weak interactions, and find that in an anharmonic trap the rotational ground states are vortex or center of mass rotational states; the crossover line separating these two phases is calculated. We further show that the Gross-Pitaevskii equation is a valid description of such a gas in the rotating frame and calculate numerically the phase space structure using this equation. It is found that the transition between vortex and center of mass rotation is gradual; furthermore the perturbative approach is valid only in an exceedingly small portion of phase space. We also present an intuitive picture of the physics involved in terms of correlated successive measurements for the center of mass state.Comment: version2, 17 pages, 5 figures (3 eps and 2 jpg

    Dynamical stability of a doubly quantized vortex in a three-dimensional condensate

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    The Bogoliubov equations are solved for a three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate containing a doubly quantized vortex, trapped in a harmonic potential. Complex frequencies, signifying dynamical instability, are found for certain ranges of parameter values. The existence of alternating windows of stability and instability, respectively, is explained qualitatively and quantitatively using variational calculus and direct numerical solution. It is seen that the windows of stability are much smaller for a cigar shaped condensate than for a pancake shaped one, which is consistent with the findings of recent experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Automating Security Analysis: Symbolic Equivalence of Constraint Systems

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    We consider security properties of cryptographic protocols, that are either trace properties (such as confidentiality or authenticity) or equivalence properties (such as anonymity or strong secrecy). Infinite sets of possible traces are symbolically represented using deducibility constraints. We give a new algorithm that decides the trace equivalence for the traces that are represented using such constraints, in the case of signatures, symmetric and asymmetric encryptions. Our algorithm is implemented and performs well on typical benchmarks. This is the first implemented algorithm, deciding symbolic trace equivalence

    Correlations and superfluidity of a one-dimensional Bose gas in a quasiperiodic potential

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    We consider the correlations and superfluid properties of a Bose gas in an external potential. Using a Bogoliubov scheme, we obtain expressions for the correlation function and the superfluid density in an arbitrary external potential. These expressions are applied to a one-dimensional system at zero temperature subject to a quasiperiodic modulation. The critical parameters for the Bose glass transition are obtained using two different criteria and the results are compared. The Lifshits glass is seen to be the limiting case for vanishing interactions.Comment: Published in PRA, typos correcte

    Information Research

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    Introduction. This study explored how various meanings are attributed to the term facts in Swedish schools and how this may shape conditions for students' learning. The understanding of information activities as social, communicative, and discursive, which motivates the study, is informed by a sociocultural perspective of learning and information interaction. Method. The study re-analyses empirical data from four previous research projects, where material was collected through various qualitative methods, mainly interviews, observations, and document analysis. The material involved 14 classes from year 2 to year 12.Analysis. The data were analysed thematically. In the material, 565 occurrences of facts are identified and categorised. Results. The analysis generated three themes. Firstly, facts were associated with specific genres or modalities. Secondly, facts were seen as distinguishable, external, and tangible. Thirdly, facts came across as having strong connections to neutrality and they were viewed as evidence. Conclusions. The analysis showed variation in how the study participants talked about facts. Despite the dominant associations, each theme displayed more complex meanings of the term, which indicates that fact cannot be equated to how the term has been used as an analytical term in previous research. The frequent use of the term facts can be understood as a result of the strong focus on students seeking and using certain types of information for writing school reports. The results show how important it is that information researchers adopt an open and explorative approach to the meaning of the language used in school activities that they study