17 research outputs found

    Sydsvenska dialektordböcker och en sydsvensk dialektdatabas

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    Two Southern Swedish dialect dictionaries, SkÄnska dialektord (2012, 2014) and Blekingska dialektord (2013), are based on a database assembled at the Dialect and Place-name Archive in Lund, the Southern and Western Swedish dialect database (www.sprakochfolkminnen. se). Both the user of the database and the person consulting the dictionaries have three ways to access the content: Information about the words can be sought via a section with normalized headwords, or via another section with dialectal forms (the pronunciation of the words) or via the meaning of the words. Problems in connection with the choice of headword are discussed. It is above all the normalized form that causes difficulties. The purpose of these headwords is to show implicitly the origin of the word and help a person with the standard language as the starting point to find information about the dialect

    Bonniers svenska ordbok. 6. uppl.

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    Anmeldt vĂŠrk:Bonniers svenska ordbok. 6. uppl. Stockholm: Bonniers 1994. Pris ca300:-

    Kritiken av SAOB

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    The great historical dictionary of the Swedish language, Dictionary of the Swedish Academy (SAOB), has been published since 1893 onwards. It has not been the object  of very many critical reviews. During the first years of publication SAOB was superficially described in praising articles. In the early years of the 20th century some more seriously critical articles were published, the heaviest one though restricted to lamenting omissions and accusing the editors of neglecting the language of modern authors and ordinary people. In recent decades SAOB has been the object of description in informal reviews, which have been only incidentally critical. The dictionary has not been offered substantial and helpful criticism since 1913, perhaps with the exception of a couple of articles reviewing the effects of reforming the editorial work in the twenties. All reviews show a complete lack of concern for semantic principles of the definitions. Also lemmatization as well as user-convenience is rarely or hardly ever an issue. A comprehensive and creative criticism has never been offered. The scale of the work may have daunted reviewers. The fact that the dictionary is not yet completed may be a reason for critics to wait. The fierce defence provided by SAOB when attacked is probably a third reason why there has never been an effecti ve dialogue between the dictionary and its critics

    Avledningar i Svenska Akademiens ordbok

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    The Germanic dictionaries on historical principles endeavour to describe relations between words, both förmal and semantic relations within the lexicon of a special language as well as etymological relations to words in other languages. One of the described relations is the connection between a derivation and its base. The purpose of this paper is to give an account of this kind of description in The Swedish Academy Dictionary

    Svensk ordbok 1948

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    Ordbog over det norrĂžne prosasprog / A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose.

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    Anmeldt vérk:Ordbog over det norrþne prosasprog / A Dictionary ofOld Norse Prose. Registre.Ordbog over det norrþne prosasprog / A Dictionary ofOld Norse Prose. 1: a–bam. + ONP 1: Nþgle / Ke

    VÀrdering av SAOB:s korpus och sprÄkprovssamling

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    The Swedish Academy Dictionary bases its description of the Swedish language from 1521 till today on a collection of about 7.5 million slips containing a full sentence illustrating the use of a word or an expression. These are excerpts made from about 20,000 sources. Texts that have been systematically excerpted, thus contributing about three words per page, number about 11,000.The collected material gives a good coverage of written standard Swedish of various styles. The quotations have mainly been made by selected and properly instructed persons. This is one reason for the reasonably high quality and usefulness of the material. The enormous amount of concerted work carried out on word selection and lemmatization is another. Concordances based on mainly 20th-century texts are used to fill in the material and to check the analysis based on the slips. Concordances of older texts are not yet available in great enough number to be of any importance

    Serenius ordböcker och 1700-talets ordförrÄd

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    The article is a review of a dissertation by Lena Rogström, University of Gothenburg: Jacob Serenius lexikografiska insats. The dissertation is a monographic study of three dictionaries by Jacob Serenius: Dictionarium Anglo-Swethico-Latinum (1734), Dictionarium Swethico-Anglo-Latinum (1741) and English and Swedish Dictionary (1757). After a presentation of the disposition and the major results of the lexicographical examination some questions are discussed, mostly concerning the vocabulary of the dictionaries in relation to the vocabulary of Swedish of the 18th century

    Ordbok eller encyklopedi - en frÄga om hÀnsyn till anvÀndaren?

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    This article investigates the possibility of distinguishing between, on the one hand, dictionaries describing linguistic phenomena and, on the other hand, dictionaries prirnarily providing information about extra-linguistic matters. The description of meaning is considered to be a normal feature of what we call dictionaries, but there is sometirnes uncertainty or disagreement about what meaning is and how it can be delirnited from information about the things denoted by the words. It can be difficult or irnpossible to find theoretically tenable criteria for the difference between meaning and encyclopaedic information. This is not, however, the same as saying that there is no difference

    Historisk ordbok med speciell nutidsanknytning

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    Rester i modernt sprÄk av Àldre ord eller Àldre betydelser kan betraktas som semantiska spÄr. En ordbok med semantiska spÄr som urvalskriterium skulle utgöra en historisk ordbok med speciell anknytning till nutidssprÄket och samtidigt begrÀnsa sitt omfÄng till ord som kan tÀnkas vÀcka intresse hos en reflekterande sprÄkiakttagare. I detta bidrag beskrivs i synnerhet betydelsemÀssiga arkaismer, s.k. förstenade betydelser. Det redovisas ocksÄ hur dessa kan upptÀckas via beskrivningsfraser i nÄgra svenska ordböcker