154 research outputs found

    Schauder theorems for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equations in infinite dimension

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    We prove Schauder type estimates for stationary and evolution equations driven by the classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator in a separable Banach space, endowed with a centered Gaussian measure

    Traces of Sobolev functions on regular surfaces in infinite dimensions

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    In a Banach space XX endowed with a nondegenerate Gaussian measure, we consider Sobolev spaces of real functions defined in a sublevel set O={xX:  G(x)<0}O= \{x\in X:\;G(x) <0\} of a Sobolev nondegenerate function G:XRG:X\mapsto \R. We define the traces at G1(0)G^{-1}(0) of the elements of W1,p(O,μ)W^{1,p}(O, \mu) for p>1p>1, as elements of L1(G1(0),ρ)L^1(G^{-1}(0), \rho) where ρ\rho is the surface measure of Feyel and de La Pradelle. The range of the trace operator is contained in Lq(G1(0),ρ)L^q(G^{-1}(0), \rho) for 1q<p1\leq q<p and even in Lp(G1(0),ρ)L^p(G^{-1}(0), \rho) under further assumptions. If OO is a suitable halfspace, the range is characterized as a sort of fractional Sobolev space at the boundary. An important consequence of the general theory is an integration by parts formula for Sobolev functions, which involves their traces at G1(0)G^{-1}(0)

    Maximal L2L^2 regularity for Dirichlet problems in Hilbert spaces

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    We consider the Dirichlet problem λULU=F\lambda U - {\mathcal{L}}U= F in \mathcal{O}, U=0 on O\partial \mathcal{O}. Here FL2(O,μ)F\in L^2(\mathcal{O}, \mu) where μ\mu is a nondegenerate centered Gaussian measure in a Hilbert space XX, L\mathcal{L} is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator, and O\mathcal{O} is an open set in XX with good boundary. We address the problem whether the weak solution UU belongs to the Sobolev space W2,2(O,μ)W^{2,2}(\mathcal{O}, \mu). It is well known that the question has positive answer if O=X\mathcal{O} = X; if OX\mathcal{O} \neq X we give a sufficient condition in terms of geometric properties of the boundary O\partial \mathcal{O}. The results are quite different with respect to the finite dimensional case, for instance if \mathcal{O} is the ball centered at the origin with radius rr we prove that UW2,2(O,μ)U\in W^{2,2}(\mathcal{O}, \mu) only for small rr

    Strong convergence of solutions to nonautonomous Kolmogorov equations

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    We study a class of nonautonomous, linear, parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients on Rd\mathbb R^{d} which admit an evolution system of measures. It is shown that the solutions of these equations converge to constant functions as t+t\to+\infty. We further establish the uniqueness of the tight evolution system of measures and treat the case of converging coefficients

    Surface measures in infinite dimension

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    We construct surface measures associated to Gaussian measures in separable Banach spaces, and we prove several properties including an integration by parts formula

    Semilinear nonautonomous parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients in the linear part

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    We study the Cauchy problem for the semilinear nonautonomous parabolic equation ut=A(t)u+ψ(t,u)u_t=\mathcal{A}(t)u+\psi(t,u) in [s,τ]×Rd[s,\tau]\times {{\mathbb R}^d}, τ>s\tau> s , in the spaces Cb([s,τ]×Rd)C_b([s, \tau]\times{{\mathbb R}^d}) and in Lp((s,τ)×Rd,ν)L^p((s, \tau)\times{{\mathbb R}^d}, \nu). Here ν\nu is a Borel measure defined via a tight evolution system of measures for the evolution operator G(t,s)G(t,s) associated to the family of time depending second order uniformly elliptic operators A(t)\mathcal{A}(t). Sufficient conditions for existence in the large and stability of the null solution are also given in both CbC_b and LpL^p contexts. The novelty with respect to the literature is that the coefficients of the operators A(t)\mathcal{A}(t) are allowed to be unbounded