6 research outputs found


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    Embryo implantation is an absolute requirement for an embryo to keep their growth. There are many successes inways to improve the embryo quality, especially in the in assisted reproductive technology. In contrast, endometrial receptivity has failed to benefit from parallel improvement of the embryo. Here, the researcher investigates the expression pattern of NF-κB and V3 integrin post hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The design of this experiment was pre-posttest control groups design. The animals were divided into two groups (either ontain six animals), control and treatment groups. The control group got 1 ATA for 90 minutes for ten sessions, started in the first day of the estrous cycle and the treatment group got 2.4 ATA, three times for 30 minutes with air breaks for 5 minutes, started in the first day of the estrous cycle. After the treatments were done,all animals were rested for one estrous cycle. In the next first day of estrous cycle, they mated with vasectomized mouse. The next day, all of animalswere checked for vaginal plug. They which negative were droppedout; the positivewas said in the day one of pseudo pregnancy. In the fourth day of pseudo pregnancy,hysterectomy was done then checked for implanted embryo. If they were positive, it dropped out. The negative was checked for the expression of NF-κB and V3 integrin with immunohistochemistry method. The results of NF-κB examination were 1.033 ± 1.2853 for control group and 3.233 ± 3.1111 for treatment group (p < 0.05).The expressions of V3 integrin were 0.83 ± 1.1103, for control group and 6.53 ±1.64216 for treatment group (p=0.003). It can be concluded that hyperbaric oxygen treatment affects the window of implantation in the female mouse (Rattusnovergicus, Wistar�s strain)

    Folic Acid Supplementation in Pregnant Mice: An Approach to reduce the Expression of TNF-A and Placental Apoptosis Index in Maternal Stress

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Maternal stress is harmful to the placenta. It induces apoptosis. Maternal folic acid (FA) supplementation is mandatory in Indonesia and other countries. FA is known as an antioxidant and probably reduces the apoptosis index in placenta with maternal stress. Aim: To investigate the folic acid supplementation in pregnant stress mice (Mus Musculus) on the apoptosis index and placental TNFa expression. Methods: Twenty-one Mus musculus strainded balb/c female mice were randomly divided into three groups. The first group was normal mice, the second group was given stress, and the third group was given stress and folic acid supplementation (3 mg/kg body weight/day in 0,5ml suspension). The ovulation was induced by pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin and HCG. The stress was given by immobilizing the mice in a transparent pipe and giving bright light twice a day on gestational day 10-15. On gestational day 16, the mice were sacrificed, and the placenta tissue was taken. The expression of TNF-a and apoptotic index was calculated by multiplying the score for % stained cells and staining intensity. Result: The expression of TNF-a (mean±SD) of the normal, second, and third groups were 2.1±0.37, 5.9±1.01, and 3.2±1.78. The apoptotic index (mean±SD) of the normal, second, and third groups were 2.7±1.09, 6.3±0.87, and 3.2±0.65. Conclusion: Folic acid supplementation reduces TNF-a and apoptotic index expression in the placenta with maternal stress, and there is a positive correlation between TNF-a and apoptotic index

    The success rate of intrauterine insemination in sperm preparation swim-up method at room temperature compared to the incubator temperature

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    HIGHLIGHTS • There were no significant differences in TMSC, sperm motility, sperm morphology, and DFI in sperm preparation using the swim-up method at 27°C and 37°C. However, this study provided an overview of the average improvement of DFI at 27°C compared to 37°C. • There was no significant difference in the pregnancy rate of IUI in sperm preparation using the swim-up method at 27°C and 37°C.   ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of temperature during sperm preparation on total sperm motile count (TMSC), sperm motility, sperm morphology, DNA fragmentation index (DFI), and pregnancy rate. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental laboratory study with pre- and post-test control group was conducted at Sekar Fertility Clinic, Dr. Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, Indonesia. A total of 20 sperm samples from infertile patients were prepared using the swim-up method at 27°C (group 1) and 37°C (group 2). TMSC, motility, morphology, and DFI examinations were performed. In addition, IUI was performed to confirm pregnancy rate. Sperm DNA fragmentation was determined using Sperm Chromatin Dispersion/SpermFunc DNAf test. Sperm DNA fragmentation was characterized by a halo <30% of the volume of the sperm head. Results: Group 1 had mean TMSC of 13.77 ± 9.30, while group 2 had 14.82 ± 8.82; p=0.218. Group 1 had a motility value 82.25+12.77 and group 2 had 82.55 ± 11.69; p=0.968. The morphological value for group 1 was 11.25 ± 5.15 and group 2 was 11.6 ± 5.34; p=0.626. The mean DFI for group 1 was 17.79 ± 10.88 and group 2 was 18.18 ± 12.95; p=0.765. Pregnancy rate in group 1 was 10% and group 2 was 20%; p=1.000. Conclusion: There were no significant differences in TMSC, sperm motility, sperm morphology, DFI, and pregnancy rate in sperm preparation using the swim-up method at 27°C and 37°C


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    Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. ED affects 10-25 percent of middle age and elderly men. Vasculogenic ED is the most common cause of type II ED (organic). Atherosclerosis is considered to be the most common cause of vasculogenic ED. It is now widely accepted that ED is not only related to sexual activity but also act as a predictor for systemic endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular events in the future. Atherosclerosis restricts the inflow of blood into the penis leads tissue hypoxia. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is 100 percent oxygen at a pressure more than 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA). HBOT increases eNOS in Rat cavernous injury model. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether hyperoxia that induced by HBOT can improve the endothelial dysfunction and the IIEF-5 Score in ED Man Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental and the study design was pre-posttest design. We conduct eight males with ED. The dosage of HBOT was 2.4 ATA 3x30 minutes, air breaks for 5 minutes as long as five sessions. The blood was drawn a day before treatement and day five after treatment to measure the hs-CRP and the IIEF-5 Score taken at a day before treatment and seven days after treatment. Results: Pre-treatment hs-CRP was 0.439± 0.321 and post treatment was 0.151± 0.046 (P ≥ 0.01) and the pre-treatment IIEF-5 score was 14± 4.567 and the post treatment IIEF-5 score was 16.25 ± 2.964 (P≥0.01) Conclusion: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy doesn’t improve the hs-CRP and IIEF-5 score in Erectile dysfunction male

    Pemberian Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik Tidak Memberikan Pengaruh Positif pada Ketebalan Endometrium pada Tikus Model Sindrom Ovari Polikistik dengan Resistensi Insulin

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    Sindrom ovari polikistik (SOPK) meningkatkan risiko hiperplasia dan keganasan endometrium. Faktor yang memicu kejadian tersebut adalah hiperandrogen, anovulasi kronik, dan hiperinsulinemia. Terapi oksigen hiperbarik (TOHB) diketahui memberikan manfaat positif bagi sensitivitas insulin. Berdasar atas hal tersebut maka ingin diketahui pengaruh terapi oksigen hiperbarik terhadap endometrium pada tikus model SOPK resistensi insulin. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian dengan desain post-test only control group menggunakan 28 tikus betina (Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar) yang kemudian dibagi menjadi empat kelompok: Kelompok normal, SOPK, TOHB 5 sesi dengan SOPK dan TOHB 10 sesi dengan SOPK. Model tikus SOPK diperoleh dengan menyuntikkan testosteron propionat 10 mg/100 gram bobot/ kali selama 28 hari berturut-turut. Pada tikus normal diberikan suntikan propilen glikol sebanyak 1 mL selama 28 hari. Dilakukan pengukuran ketebalan endometrium secara histopatologik. Penelitian dilakukan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga, dan LAKESLA TNI AL  Drs. Med. R. Riyadi S, Phys pada periode Juni-September 2016. Didapatkan ketebalan endometrium pada kelompok normal (mean ± SD) (µm)) 1.109,98 ± 53,96; kelompok SOPK 35.651,47 ± 400,54; kelompok TOHB 5 sesi dengan SOPK 2.266,13 ±2 62,08; dan kelompok TOHB 10 sesi dengan SOPK 2.144,83 ± 305,83. Kelompok SOPK memiliki endometrium lebih tebal dibanding dengan kelompok normal. Tidak terdapat perbedaan ketebalan endometrium pascapemberian TOHB 5 sesi maupun 10 sesi. Kata kunci: Hiperplasia endometrium, sindrom ovari polikistik, terapi oksigen hiperbarik   Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Does Not Improve the Endometrial Thickness in PCOS Rat with Insulin Resistance Model Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) increases the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and malignancy. Chronic anovulation, hyperandrogen, and hyperinsulinemia are known as the pathogenesis of endometrial hyperplasia and malignancy in PCOS women. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has positive effects to improve peripheral insulin sensitivity. This study aimed to understand the effect of HBOT on endometrial thickness in PCOS rat with insulin resistance model. A laboratory experimental study was conducted involving twenty-eight healthy female rats divided into 4 groups: normal group, PCOS group, 5 session HBOT PCOS group, and 10 Session HBOT PCOS group. To induce a PCOS rat model with insulin resistance, testosterone propionate (10 mg/100-gram body weight) was administered for 28 days. Normal group was administered with 1 mL propylene glycol. Histopathological evaluation of endometrium of all groups was performed. This study was conducted in June-September 2016 in the School of Medicine Airlangga University, School of Veterinary Medicine Airlangga University, and LAKESLA TNI AL  Drs. Med. R. Riyadi S, Phys. The endometrial thickness (mean ± SD (µm)) of the normal, PCOS p, 5-session HBOT PCOS, and 10-session HBOT PCOS were 1,109.98 ± 53.96, 35,651.47 ± 400.54, 2,266.13 ± 262.08, and 2,144.83 ± 305.83, respectively. The endometrium of PCOS group was thicker than that of the normal group. Five  and ten sessions do not decrease the endometrial thickness when compared to PCOS group. Key words: Endometrial hyperplasia, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, polycystic ovary syndrom

    Folic Acid Supplementation in Pregnant Mice: An Approach to reduce the Expression of TNF-A and Placental Apoptosis Index in Maternal Stress

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Maternal stress is harmful to the placenta. It induces apoptosis. Maternal folic acid (FA) supplementation is mandatory in Indonesia and other countries. FA is known as an antioxidant and probably reduces the apoptosis index in placenta with maternal stress. Aim: To investigate the folic acid supplementation in pregnant stress mice (Mus Musculus) on the apoptosis index and placental TNFa expression. Methods: Twenty-one Mus musculus strainded balb/c female mice were randomly divided into three groups. The first group was normal mice, the second group was given stress, and the third group was given stress and folic acid supplementation (3 mg/kg body weight/day in 0,5ml suspension). The ovulation was induced by pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin and HCG. The stress was given by immobilizing the mice in a transparent pipe and giving bright light twice a day on gestational day 10-15. On gestational day 16, the mice were sacrificed, and the placenta tissue was taken. The expression of TNF-a and apoptotic index was calculated by multiplying the score for % stained cells and staining intensity. Result: The expression of TNF-a (mean±SD) of the normal, second, and third groups were 2.1±0.37, 5.9±1.01, and 3.2±1.78. The apoptotic index (mean±SD) of the normal, second, and third groups were 2.7±1.09, 6.3±0.87, and 3.2±0.65. Conclusion: Folic acid supplementation reduces TNF-a and apoptotic index expression in the placenta with maternal stress, and there is a positive correlation between TNF-a and apoptotic index