1,341 research outputs found

    Helium and Hydrogen Line Ratios and The Stellar Content of Compact HII Regions

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    We present observations and models of the behaviour of the HI and HeI lines between 1.6 and 2.2um in a small sample of compact HII regions. As in our previous papers on planetary nebulae, we find that the `pure' 1.7007um 4^3D-3^3P and 2.16475um 7^(3,1)G-4^(3,1)F HeI recombination lines behave approximately as expected as the effective temperature of the central exciting star(s) increases. However, the 2.058um 2^1P-2^1S HeI line does not behave as the model predicts, or as seen in planetary nebulae. Both models and planetary nebulae showed a decrease in the HeI 2^1P-2^1S/HI Br gamma ratio above an effective temperature of 40000K. The compact HII regions do not show any such decrease. The problem with this line ratio is probably due to the fact that the photoionisation model does not account correctly for the high densities seen in these HII regions, and that we are therefore seeing more collisional excitation of the 2^1P level than the model predicts. It may also reflect some deeper problem in the assumed model stellar atmospheres. In any event, although the normal HeI recombination lines can be used to place constraints on the temperature of the hottest star present, the HeI 2^1P-2^1S/HI Br gamma ratio should not be used for this purpose in either Galactic HII regions or in starburst galaxies, and conclusions from previous work using this ratio should be regarded with extreme caution. We also show that the combination of the near infrared `pure' recombination line ratios with mid-infrared forbidden line data provides a good discriminant of the form of the far ultraviolet spectral energy distribution of the exciting star(s). From this we conclude that CoStar models are a poor match to the available data for our sources, though the more recent WM-basic models are a better fit.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Antiferromagnetic ordering and dipolar interactions of YbAlO3_3

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    In this paper we report low-temperature magnetic properties of the rare-earth perovskite material YbAlO3_3. Results of elastic and inelastic neutron scattering experiment, magnetization measurements along with the crystalline electrical field (CEF) calculations suggest that the ground state of Yb moments is a strongly anisotropic Kramers doublet, and the moments are confined in the abab-plane, pointing at an angle of φ=±23.5∘\varphi = \pm 23.5^{\circ} to the aa-axis. With temperature decreasing below TN=0.88T_{\rm N}=0.88 K, Yb moments order into the coplanar, but non-collinear antiferromagnetic (AFM) structure AxGyAxGy, where the moments are pointed along their easy-axes. In addition, we highlight the importance of the dipole-dipole interaction, which selects the type of magnetic ordering and may be crucial for understanding magnetic properties of other rare-earth orthorhombic perovskites. Further analysis of the broad diffuse neutron scattering shows that one-dimensional interaction along the cc-axis is dominant, and suggests YbAlO3_3 as a new member of one dimensional quantum magnets.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Deep near-infrared luminosity function of a cluster of galaxies at z=0.3

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    The deep near-infrared luminosity function of AC118, a cluster of galaxies at z=0.3, is presented. AC118 is a bimodal cluster, as evidenced both by our near-infrared images of lensed galaxies, by public X-ray Rosat images and by the spatial distribution of bright galaxies. Taking advantage of the extension and depth of our data, which sample an almost unexplored region in the depth vs. observed area diagram, we derive the luminosity function (LF), down to the dwarf regime (M*+5), computed in several cluster portions. The overall LF, computed on a 2.66 Mpc2 areas (H_0=50 km/s/Mpc), has an intermediate slope (alpha=-1.2). However, the LF parameters depend on the surveyed cluster region: the central concentration has 2.6^{+5.1}_{-1.7} times more bright galaxies and 5.3^{+7.2}_{-2.3} times less dwarfs per typical galaxy than the outer region, which includes galaxies at an average projected distance of ~580 kpc (errors are quoted at the 99.9 % confidence level). The LF in the secondary AC118 clump is intermediate between the central and outer one. In other words, the near-infrared AC118 LF steepens going from high to low density regions. At an average clustercentric distance of ~580 kpc, the AC118 LF is statistically indistinguishable from the LF of field galaxies at similar redshift, thus suggesting that the hostile cluster environment plays a minor role in shaping the LF at large clustercentric distances, while it strongly affects the LF at higher galaxy density.Comment: ApJ, in press. The whole paper with all high resolution images is available at http://www.na.astro.it/~andreon/listapub.htm

    Static and Dynamic Magnetism in Underdoped Superconductor BaFe1.92_{1.92}Co0.08_{0.08}As2_2

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    We report neutron scattering measurements on single crystals of BaFe1.92_{1.92}Co0.08_{0.08}As2_2. The magnetic Bragg peak intensity is reduced by 6 % upon cooling through TC_C. The spin dynamics exhibit a gap of 8 meV with anisotropic three-dimensional (3d) interactions. Below TC_C additional intensity appears at an energy of ∼\sim4.5(0.5) meV similar to previous observations of a spin resonance in other Fe-based superconductors. No further gapping of the spin excitations is observed below TC_C for energies down to 2 meV. These observations suggest the redistribution of spectral weight from the magnetic Bragg position to a spin resonance demonstrating the direct competition between static magnetic order and superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Completeness in Photometric and Spectroscopic Searches for Clusters

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    We investigate, using simulated galaxy catalogues, the completeness of searches for massive clusters of galaxies in redshift surveys or imaging surveys with photometric redshift estimates, i.e. what fraction of clusters (M>10^14/h Msun) are found in such surveys. We demonstrate that the matched filter method provides an efficient and reliable means of identifying massive clusters even when the redshift estimates are crude. In true redshift surveys the method works extremely well. We demonstrate that it is possible to construct catalogues with high completeness, low contamination and both varying little with redshift.Comment: ApJ in press, 15 pages, 10 figure

    Magnetic ground state of the Ising-like antiferromagnet DyScO3_3

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    We report the low temperature magnetic properties of the DyScO3_3 perovskite, which were characterized by means of single crystal and powder neutron scattering, and by magnetization measurements. Below TN=3.15T_{\mathrm{N}}=3.15 K, Dy3+^{3+} moments form an antiferromagnetic structure with an easy axis of magnetization lying in the abab-plane. The magnetic moments are inclined at an angle of ∼±28∘\sim\pm{28}^{\circ} to the bb-axis. We show that the ground state Kramers doublet of Dy3+^{3+} is made up of primarily ∣±15/2⟩|\pm 15/2\rangle eigenvectors and well separated by crystal field from the first excited state at E1=24.9E_1=24.9 meV. This leads to an extreme Ising single-ion anisotropy, M⊥/M∥∼0.05M_{\perp}/M_{\|}\sim{0.05}. The transverse magnetic fluctuations, which are proportional to M⊥2/M∥2M^{2}_{\perp}/M^{2}_{\|}, are suppressed and only moment fluctuations along the local Ising direction are allowed. We also found that the Dy-Dy dipolar interactions along the crystallographic cc-axis are 2-4 times larger than in-plane interactions.Comment: 9 pages and 6 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Aquarius Superclusters - I. Identification of Clusters and Superclusters

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    We study the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters in a 10^deg x 6^deg field in the Aquarius region. In addition to 63 clusters in the literature, we have found 39 new candidate clusters using a matched-filter technique and a counts-in-cells analysis. From redshift measurements of galaxies in the direction of these cluster candidates, we present new mean redshifts for 31 previously unobserved clusters, while improved mean redshifts are presented for 35 other systems. About 45% of the projected density enhancements are due to the superposition of clusters and/or groups of galaxies along the line of sight, but we could confirm for 72% of the cases that the candidates are real physical associations similar to the ones classified as rich galaxy clusters. On the other hand, the contamination due to galaxies not belonging to any concentration or located only in small groups along the line of sight is ~ 10%. Using a percolation radius of 10 h^{-1} Mpc (spatial density contrast of about 10), we detect two superclusters of galaxies in Aquarius, at z = 0.086 and at z = 0.112, respectively with 5 and 14 clusters. The latter supercluster may represent a space overdensity of about 160 times the average cluster density as measured from the Abell et al. (1989) cluster catalog, and is possibly connected to a 40 h^{-1} Mpc filament from z ~ 0.11 to 0.14.Comment: LateX text (21 pages) and 12 (ps/eps/gif) figures; figures 5a, 5b and 6 are not included in the main LateX text; to be published in the Astronomical Journal, March issu
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