15 research outputs found

    Female rats are less susceptible during puberty to the lethal effects of percutaneous exposure to VX

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    Nerve agents with low volatility such as VX are primarily absorbed through the skin when released during combat or a terrorist attack. The barrier function of the stratum corneum may be compromised during certain stages of development, allowing VX to more easily penetrate through the skin. However, age-related differences in the lethal potency of VX have yet to be evaluated using the percutaneous (pc) route of exposure. Thus, we estimated the 24 and 48 h median lethal dose for pc exposure to VX in male and female rats during puberty and early adulthood. Pubescent, female rats were less susceptible than both their male and adult counterparts to the lethal effects associated with pc exposure to VX possibly because of hormonal changes during that stage of development. This study emphasizes the need to control for both age and sex when evaluating the toxicological effects associated with nerve agent exposure in the rat model. Keywords: Median lethal dose, Nerve agent, Percutaneous, Puberty, Rat, V

    Transcriptional analysis of rat piriform cortex following exposure to the organophosphonate anticholinesterase sarin and induction of seizures

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    Abstract Background Organophosphorus nerve agents irreversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase, causing a toxic buildup of acetylcholine at muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. Current medical countermeasures to nerve agent intoxication increase survival if administered within a short period of time following exposure but may not fully prevent neurological damage. Therefore, there is a need to discover drug treatments that are effective when administered after the onset of seizures and secondary responses that lead to brain injury. Methods To determine potential therapeutic targets for such treatments, we analyzed gene expression changes in the rat piriform cortex following sarin (O-isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate)-induced seizure. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were challenged with 1 Ă— LD50 sarin and subsequently treated with atropine sulfate, 2-pyridine aldoxime methylchloride (2-PAM), and the anticonvulsant diazepam. Control animals received an equivalent volume of vehicle and drug treatments. The piriform cortex, a brain region particularly sensitive to neural damage from sarin-induced seizures, was extracted at 0.25, 1, 3, 6, and 24 h after seizure onset, and total RNA was processed for microarray analysis. Principal component analysis identified sarin-induced seizure occurrence and time point following seizure onset as major sources of variability within the dataset. Based on these variables, the dataset was filtered and analysis of variance was used to determine genes significantly changed in seizing animals at each time point. The calculated p-value and geometric fold change for each probeset identifier were subsequently used for gene ontology analysis to identify canonical pathways, biological functions, and networks of genes significantly affected by sarin-induced seizure over the 24-h time course. Results A multitude of biological functions and pathways were identified as being significantly altered following sarin-induced seizure. Inflammatory response and signaling pathways associated with inflammation were among the most significantly altered across the five time points examined. Conclusions This analysis of gene expression changes in the rat brain following sarin-induced seizure and the molecular pathways involved in sarin-induced neurodegeneration will facilitate the identification of potential therapeutic targets for the development of effective neuroprotectants to treat nerve agent exposure.</p

    Transcriptional responses of the nerve agent-sensitive brain regions amygdala, hippocampus, piriform cortex, septum, and thalamus following exposure to the organophosphonate anticholinesterase sarin

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    Abstract Background Although the acute toxicity of organophosphorus nerve agents is known to result from acetylcholinesterase inhibition, the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of neuropathology following nerve agent-induced seizure are not well understood. To help determine these pathways, we previously used microarray analysis to identify gene expression changes in the rat piriform cortex, a region of the rat brain sensitive to nerve agent exposure, over a 24-h time period following sarin-induced seizure. We found significant differences in gene expression profiles and identified secondary responses that potentially lead to brain injury and cell death. To advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in sarin-induced toxicity, we analyzed gene expression changes in four other areas of the rat brain known to be affected by nerve agent-induced seizure (amygdala, hippocampus, septum, and thalamus). Methods We compared the transcriptional response of these four brain regions to sarin-induced seizure with the response previously characterized in the piriform cortex. In this study, rats were challenged with 1.0 Ă— LD50 sarin and subsequently treated with atropine sulfate, 2-pyridine aldoxime methylchloride, and diazepam. The four brain regions were collected at 0.25, 1, 3, 6, and 24 h after seizure onset, and total RNA was processed for microarray analysis. Results Principal component analysis identified brain region and time following seizure onset as major sources of variability within the dataset. Analysis of variance identified genes significantly changed following sarin-induced seizure, and gene ontology analysis identified biological pathways, functions, and networks of genes significantly affected by sarin-induced seizure over the 24-h time course. Many of the molecular functions and pathways identified as being most significant across all of the brain regions were indicative of an inflammatory response. There were also a number of molecular responses that were unique for each brain region, with the thalamus having the most distinct response to nerve agent-induced seizure. Conclusions Identifying the molecular mechanisms involved in sarin-induced neurotoxicity in these sensitive brain regions will facilitate the development of novel therapeutics that can potentially provide broad-spectrum protection in five areas of the central nervous system known to be damaged by nerve agent-induced seizure.</p

    A D 1 Agonist in the MPOA Facilitates Copulation in Male Rats

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    apomorphine, microinjected into the medial preoptic area (MPOA), enhances the copulatory behavior of male rats, while pharmacological blockade of endogenous dopamine inhibits sexual behavior. We now report that MPOA injections of 10 /~g of the selective D ~ agonist dihydroxyphenyl-tetrahydrothienopyridine (THP) significantly increased the number of ejaculations, while decreasing the latency to ejaculate in a 30-min test. These effects were not observed following coadministration of the selective D ~ antagonist SCH-23390 with 10 #g THP. This enhancement may be related to a Dr-stimulated facilitation of penile erections. Dihydroxyphenyl-tetrahydrothienopyridine (THP) Dopamine D ~ receptor Copulation Medial preoptic area DOPAMINERGIC drugs facilitate sexual behavior in men and male rats (3). Copulatory behavior of the male rat is a complex process requiring the integration of genital, motivational, and somatomotor systems. One brain site where dopaminergic activity appears to facilitate all three of the above behavioral factors is the medial preoptic area (MPOA) (15, 20,23). Dopamine in the MPOA influences genital reflexes, probabl