4 research outputs found


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    Sea cucumbers is a group of marine invertebrates belonging to class  holothuroidea. At this time, the hunting for sea cucumber is not just targetted on the expensive species, but also the cheap one. The exploitation pressure has caused population decline which  can cause changes in their community structure. This research was aimed to understand the types of sea cucumber, analyze the structure of the community sea cucumber which includes the density of individuals, diversity index, the dominance index, interspecific  and the dispersion pattern. Sample collection was done at night at the lowest tide in December, 2013. Based on the research activities in the coastal areas of Ondong, west Siau district, Siau-Tagulandang-Biaro regency, 7 species of holothuroidea were found : Holothuria atra, Holothuria leucospilota, Actinopyga echinites, Actinopyga lecanora, Bohadschia argus, Bohadschia marmorata and bohadschia vitiensis, respectively with mean individual density of 0.797 ind/m2, diversity index (H’ = 1.718), equity index or harmony (e = 0. 883), dominance index (C = 0.218), interspecific association between 7 species forming 5 pairs of positive associations and 16 pairs of negative association andrandomdistribution. Keywords : Structure communities, sea cucumber, Ondong, Sitaro   ABSTRAK Teripangadalah sekelompokinvertebrata lautyang termasuk dalam kelasHolothuroidea. Pada saat ini, perburuanuntukteripangtidak hanyaditargetkanpada spesiesmahal, tetapi jugayang murah. Tekananeksploitasitelah menyebabkanpenurunan populasiyang dapat menyebabkanperubahan pada strukturkomunitasnya. Penelitian inibertujuan untukmemahami jenisteripang, menganalisisstrukturteripangyang meliputikepadatanindividu, indeks keanekaragaman, indeksdominasi, asosiasi antar spesies danpola penyebaran. Pengambilan sampeldilakukanpada malam harisaat surut terendahpada bulan Desember2013.Berdasarkankegiatan penelitiandiwilayah pesisirOndong, kecamatan SiaubaratKabupatenSiau-Tagulandang-Biaro, ditemukan 7spesiesteripang : Holothuriaatra, Holothurialeucospilota, Actinopygaechinites, Actinopygalecanora, Bohadschiaargus, Bohadschiamarmoratadanbohadschiavitiensis,masing-masing dengankepadatan individurata-rata0.797ind/m, indeks keanekaragaman(H' = 1.718), indekskemerataan atau keserasian(e = 0.883), indeksdominansi(C = 0.218), asosiasiantar 7spesiesmembentuk5pasangasosiasipositif dan16pasangasosiasinegatif danpenyebaran acak.   Kata kunci : Struktur komunitas, teripang, Ondong, Sitaro   1Bagian dari skripsi 2Mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan FPIK-UNSRAT 3Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulang

    The use of fish silage in different composition for the growth of carp Cyprinus carpio L.

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    This study aims to examine the fish silage for total gain weight, growth rate, and the specific growth rate of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), which is cultivated in 12 nets (1x0,5x1m), with the density of 10 fish (3-5 cm) on each net. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications; treatment A with 10% fish silage, treatment B with fish silage 20%, treatment C with 30% fish silage and treatment D were commercial pellet. The ANOVA test showed that the treatment effect among feed A, B, C, and D tested did not give a significant difference to total gain weight, growth rate and the specific growth of carp fry.Keyword: common carp, fish silage, fish feed, growth ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah pemberian silase ikan bagi pertumbuhan mutlak, pertumbuhan nisbi, dan pertumbuhan harian ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L.), yang dipelihara dalam petak-petak jaring berukuran 1x 0,5 x 1 m, dengan padat penebaran 10 ekor ikan berukuran  3-5 cm. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan; perlakuan A pelet berkomposisi silase ikan 10%, perlakuan B pelet berkomposisi silase ikan 20 %, perlakuan C pelet berkomposisi silase ikan 30 % dan perlakuan D adalah pelet komersil. Uji ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh perlakuan di antara pakan A, B, C, dan D yang diujicobakan tidak memberikan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan mutlak, pertumbuhan nisbi dan pertumbuhan harian benih ikan mas.Kata kunci : ikan mas, silase ikan, pakan ikan, pertumbuha

    In Vitro Culture of Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii under Different Formulation of Growth Stimulating Substances and Culture Media

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    This study aims at obtaining a sustainably superior seed stock following the characteristics of the parent plant, determining the best formulation of the growth stimulating substance. In general, cytokinin and auxin combination was used, but this study also added with the combination of cytokinin and giberelin and cytokinin and abscisic acid (AA).Parameters measured were bud length, number of buds, and survival rate. Bacterial Vibrio sp test was also done as a cause of the explant mortality. Results showed that the longest bud was recorded in treatment C (S+A 1:2.5) cultured in a jar, 1.343 mm long, 38% of survival, while the highest number of buds was found in treatment B (S+A 1 : 2) 8.86. The shortest bud was recorded in treatment J (S + AA 1:2.5) cultured in a jar, 0.093 mm long, 2.64 buds, 10% of survival, while the explant cultured in the bottle had a length of 0.051 mm long, 1.50 buds, 4% of survival. As conclusion, the best growth stimulating substance was found in the treatment C for the bud length and the survival rate, while the best number of bud was recorded in the treatment B. The best culture tank was topless bottle (aerated). In vitro culture could also use S + G formulation. The explant mortality was caused by Vibrio charchariae. The use of S + AA formulation had lower growth than that of control treatment.Keywords :in vitro, growth stimulating substance, culture media, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Vibrio charchariae ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh benih unggul secara berkelanjutan yang mengikuti karakteristik dari tanaman induk, menentukan formulasi terbaik dari substansi pertumbuhan merangsang. Secara umum, kombinasi sitokinin dan auksin digunakan, tetapi penelitian ini juga menambahkankombinasi sitokinin, giberelin, sitokinin dan asam absisat (AA). Parameter yang diukur adalah panjang tunas, jumlah tunas, dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup. Bakteri Vibrio Uji sp juga dilakukan sebagai penyebab kematian eksplan . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tunas terpanjang terdapat pada perlakuan C (S + A 1: 2,5)  kultur dalam toples, 1,343 mm, 38% hidup, sementara jumlah tertinggi tunas ditemukan pada perlakuan B (S + A 1: 2) 8.86 . Jumlah tunas paling sedikit terdapat pada perlakuan J (S + AA 1: 2,5) yang dikultur dalam toples, 0,093 mm, 2,64 tunas, 10% hidup, sedangkan eksplan yang dikultur dalam botol memiliki panjang 0.051 mm, 1. 50 tunas , 4% bertahan hidup. Sebagai kesimpulan, pertumbuhan terbaik merangsang zat ditemukan dalam perlakuan C untuk panjang tunas dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup, sementara jumlah tunas terbanyak ditemukan pada perlakuan B. Penggunaan wadah budaya terbaik adalah topless yang diaerasi. Kultur in vitro juga dapat menggunakan formulasi S + G. Kematian eksplan disebabkan oleh Vibrio charchariae . Penggunaan formulasi S + AA memiliki pertumbuhan yang lebih rendah dari pada pengobatan kontrol .Kata kunci : in vitro, zat perangsang tumbuh, media kultur, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Vibrio charcharia


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the association between the phylum Echinodermataand the seagrass community in the waters of Mangon Village. This research was conducted in thewaters of Mangon Village, Sanana District, Sula Islands Regency in October 2022. The researchmethod used was the quadratic transect method. This method consists of 2 research stations which areabout 500m apart. The transect line is drawn straight from the beach to the sea for 100m then aquadratic plot is placed in a zig-zag manner to the left and right of the transect line. There were 10 plotsthat were observed and spaced 10m each and 3 repetitions were carried out with a distance of 50m pertransect. From this method the results obtained in the waters of Mangon Village showed that at stationone, the species found at two stations in Mangon Village waters were 7 species of Echinodermata and6 species of seagrass. Based on the person product moment correlation value, there is a correlation inthe form of a positive association between seagrasses and echinoderms at the study site. Theenvironmental parameters owned by the waters of Mangon Village, Sula Islands Regency, namely,temperature has a range of 24-28˚C, salinity has a range of 28 – 340/00, and pH has a range of 7,08-8,08. The substrate obtained is sand and sand mixed with coral fragments.Keywords: Association of Echinodermata with Seagrass Community, Mangon Village Waters ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui asosiasi antara filum Echinodermata denganKomunitas padang lamun di perairan Desa Mangon. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Desa MangonKecamatan Sanana Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula pada bulan Oktober 2022. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan adalah metode transek kuadrat, Dalam metode ini terdiri dari 2 stasiun penelitian yangmemiliki jarak sekitar 500m. Garis transek ditarik lurus dari pantai menuju laut sepanjang 100mkemudian diletakkan plot kuadrat secara zig-zag disamping kiri-kanan pada garis transek. Terdapat 10buah plot yang diamati dan diberi jarak masing-masing 10m dan dilakukan sebanyak 3 kalipengulangan dengan jarak 50m per transek. Dari Metode tersbut hasil yang didapatkan di perairanDesa Mangon menunjukan bahwa pada stasiun satu, Spesies yang ditemukan pada dua stasiun diPerairan Desa Mangon adalah 7 spesies Echinodermata dan 6 spesies lamun. Berdasarkan nilaikorelasi person product moment, terdapat korelasi dalam bentuk asosisasi positif antara lamun danEchinodermata di lokasi penelitian. Parameter lingkungan yang dimiliki oleh perairan Desa MangonKabupaten Kepulauan Sula yaitu, suhu memiliki kisaran 24-28˚C, salinitas memiliki kisaran 28 - 340/00,dan pH memiliki kisaran 7,08-8,08. Substrat yang di dapat yaitu pasir dan pasir bercampur pecahankarang. Kata Kunci: Asosiasi Echinodermata, Komunitas Padang Lamun, Perariran Desa Mango