16 research outputs found

    Evolution of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)-like and Zona Pellucida Domains Containing Shell Matrix Proteins in Mollusks

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    Several types of shell matrix proteins (SMPs) have been identified in molluskan shells. Their diversity is the consequence of various molecular processes, including domain shuffling and gene duplication. However, the evolutionary origin of most SMPs remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the evolutionary process EGF-like and zona pellucida (ZP) domains containing SMPs. Two types of the proteins (EGF-like protein (EGFL) and EGF-like and ZP domains containing protein (EGFZP)) were found in the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata. In contrast, only EGFZP was identified in the gastropods. Phylogenetic analysis and genomic arrangement studies showed that EGFL and EGFZP formed a clade in bivalves, and their encoding genes were localized in tandem repeats on the same scaffold. In P. fucata, EGFL genes were expressed in the outer part of mantle epithelial cells are related to the calcitic shell formation. However, in both P. fucata and the limpet Nipponacmea fuscoviridis, EGFZP genes were expressed in the inner part of the mantle epithelial cells are related to aragonitic shell formation. Furthermore, our analysis showed that in P. fucata, the ZP domain interacts with eight SMPs that have various functions in the nacreous shell mineralization. The data suggest that the ZP domain can interact with other SMPs, and EGFL evolution in pterimorph bivalves represents an example of neo-functionalization that involves the acquisition of a novel protein through gene duplication

    Histone functions as a cell-surface receptor for AGEs

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    peer reviewedReducing sugars can covalently react with proteins to generate a heterogeneous and complex group of compounds called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are generally considered as pathogenic molecules, mediating a pro-inflammatory response and contributing to the development of a number of human diseases. However, the intrinsic function of AGEs remains to be elucidated. We now provide multiple lines of evidence showing that AGEs can specifically bind histone localized on the cell surface as an AGE-binding protein, regulate the function of histone as a plasminogen receptor, and result in the regulation of monocytes/macrophage recruitment to the site of inflammation. Our finding of histone as a cell-surface receptor for AGEs suggests that, beside our common concept of AGEs as danger-associated molecular patterns mediating a pro-inflammatory response, they may also be involved in the homeostatic response via binding to histone. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are believed to be pathogenic molecules that mediate pro-inflammatory responses. Here the authors identify histone as a cell-surface receptor for AGEs and show that AGEs may also be involved in the homeostatic response via binding to histone

    Structural and functional analyses of calcium ion response factors in the mantle of Pinctada fucata

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    The pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata, is cultured for pearl production in Japan. The shell of the pearl oyster consists of calcium carbonate and a small amount of organic matrix. Despite many studies of the shell matrix proteins, the mechanism by which calcium elements are transported from the mantle to the shell remains unclear. Investigating the molecular mechanism of calcium transportation, we prepared artificial seawater with a high concentration of calcium ions (10ASW) to induce calcification in the pearl oyster. When pearl oysters were cultured in 10ASW, unusual nanoparticles were precipitated on the surface of the nacreous layer. SDS-PAGE and 2D-PAGE analyses revealed that some calcium-sensing proteins (Sarcoplasmic Ca-binding Protein (Pf-SCP) and Pf-filamin A) might be related to the synthesis of these nanoparticles. The recombinant proteins of Pf-SCP can bind to calcium ions and accumulate nanoparticles of calcium carbonate crystals. However, transcriptomic analysis of the pearl oysters grown in 10ASW showed that the matrix protein genes in the shell did not differ before and after treatment with 10ASW. These results suggest that, despite increasing calcium transportation to the shell, treatment with a high concentration of calcium ions does not induce formation of the organic framework in the shell microstructure. These findings offer meaningful insights into the transportation of calcium elements from the mantle to the shell

    The Mode of Action of Cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro) in Inhibiting Aflatoxin Production of Aspergillus flavus

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    Cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro) inhibits aflatoxin production in aflatoxigenic fungi without affecting fungal growth. The mode of action of cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro) in inhibiting aflatoxin production of Aspergillus flavus was investigated. A glutathione S-transferase (GST) of the fungus, designated AfGST, was identified as a binding protein of cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro) in an experiment performed using cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro)-immobilized Sepharose beads. Cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro) specifically bound to recombinant AfGST and inhibited its GST activity. Ethacrynic acid, a known GST inhibitor, inhibited the GST activity of recombinant AfGST and aflatoxin production of the fungus. Ethacrynic acid reduced the expression level of AflR, a key regulatory protein for aflatoxin production, similar to cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro). These results suggest that cyclo(l-Ala-l-Pro) inhibits aflatoxin production by affecting GST function in A. flavus, and that AfGST inhibitors are possible candidates as selective aflatoxin production inhibitors

    Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dots Using Fusarium oxysporum

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    CdSe quantum dots are often used in industry as fluorescent materials. In this study, CdSe quantum dots were synthesized using Fusarium oxysporum. The cadmium and selenium concentration, pH, and temperature for the culture of F. oxysporum (Fusarium oxysporum) were optimized for the synthesis, and the CdSe quantum dots obtained from the mycelial cells of F. oxysporum were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Ultra-thin sections of F. oxysporum showed that the CdSe quantum dots were precipitated in the intracellular space, indicating that cadmium and selenium ions were incorporated into the cell and that the quantum dots were synthesized with intracellular metabolites. To reveal differences in F. oxysporum metabolism, cell extracts of F. oxysporum, before and after CdSe synthesis, were compared using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The results suggested that the amount of superoxide dismutase (SOD) decreased after CdSe synthesis. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that cytoplasmic superoxide increased significantly after CdSe synthesis. The accumulation of superoxide may increase the expression of various metabolites that play a role in reducing Se4+ to Se2− and inhibit the aggregation of CdSe to make nanoparticles