19 research outputs found

    Causality effects on accelerating light pulses

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    We study accelerating and decelerating shape-preserving temporal Airy wave-packets propagating in dispersive media. We explore the effects of causality, and find that, whereas decelerating pulses can asymptotically reach zero group velocity, pulses that accelerate towards infinite group velocity inevitably break up, after a specific critical point. The trajectories and the features of causal pulses are analyzed, along with the requirements for the existence of the critical point and experimental schemes for its observation. Finally, we show that causality imposes similar effects on accelerating pulses in the presence of local Kerr-like nonlinearities

    Phase Retrieval of Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We propose and demonstrate numerically a measurement scheme for complete reconstruction of the quantum wavefunctions of Bose-Einstein condensates, amplitude and phase, from a time of flight measurement. We identify a fundamental ambiguity present in the measurement of vortices and show how to overcome it by augmenting the measurement to allow reconstruction of matter-wave vortices and arrays of vortices

    Probing topological invariants in the bulk of a non-Hermitian optical system

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    Topological insulators are insulating in the bulk but feature conducting states on their surfaces. Standard methods for probing their topological properties largely involve probing the surface, even though topological invariants are defined via the bulk band structure. Here, we utilize non-hermiticy to experimentally demonstrate a topological transition in an optical system, using bulk behavior only, without recourse to surface properties. This concept is relevant for a wide range of systems beyond optics, where the surface physics is difficult to probe


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    Topological, NOON, with disorder Originally published in Optica on 20 September 2016 (optica-3-9-925

    Topological Insulator Lasers

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    We present, in theory and experiments, the first Topological Insulator Lasers: lasers where the cavity acts as a superconductor for light , maintaining slope high efficiency even in the presence of defects and disorder