40 research outputs found

    Al-Qarinah: antara kekuatan dan keperluan dalam mensabitkan kesalahan jenayah (zina)

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    Justice is the ultimate objective of any judiciary system. The absolute justice is only belongs to Islamic judiciary system. However it is highly dependant on the quality of the implementation methodology that man could produce. In the Islamic judiciary system, especially to convict a zina, there are various methods in establishing evidence. Some of the methods are unanimously accepted while some others are not unanimously accepted. Al-qarinah is among those which are not unanimously accepted by the Islamic jurists. The Islamic law is actually dynamic. The dynamism lies on its flexibility, which is the main characteristic of the law itself. It is because the fiqh law is not isolated from reality, but derived from the analysis on the contemporary environments. The development in science and technology has changed the human civilisation and perception towards life. The development of knowledge in producing evidence scientifically such as DNA test, fingerprint etc. coupled with the more complex criminal behaviour, demand us to take a detailed and in-depth study to determine the status of al-qarinah in the contemporary Islamic judiciary system in order to make sure an Islamic law is relevant and effort to give a justice and positive perception among nation toward Islam

    Arousing elements in children’s digital interactive storybook

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    This paper reports an ongoing study on making children’s digital storybook arousing.The problem being addressed in this paper is the lack of proper elements for guiding designers to incorporate into children’s digital storybook. Without the proper elements, designers tend to design digital storybook based on their preferences, instead of those usable to the children.This may lead to discouraging state when children interact with the digital storybook. To address that, this paper aims at determining the most common interface components for digital interactive storybook that make children feel aroused when interacting with. In accomplishing that, a series of field study was carried out, involving a sample of interactive digital storybook.Data were collected from 13 children aged seven to nine through observation and interview.In the end, a set of most common elements that make children aroused when interacting with interactive digital storybook were gathered


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    Purpose of the study: This article focuses on a few issues namely the most common form of forgery that occurred especially in Syariah Court Islamic judicial institutions (or better known as Syariah courts) in Malaysia and the extent of respondents’ knowledge on the method used in verifying the authenticity of document that meets the Syariah requirement. Methodology: Research information has been obtained through the quantitative method and from respondents consists of 78 lecturers of Syariah law and 103 practitioners who involve directly in the legislation of Syariah Court in Federal Territories (Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur and Labuan), Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Main Findings: The result shows that the forms of forgery are changing in accordance with time and facilities. Based on the respondents’ perception, the most common form of document falsification is a forgery of a medical certificate and the least is a forgery of the grant of ownership (property/transportation). Besides, the knowledge of Syariah law practitioners on fraud in a document is at a moderate level. Applications of this study: This study is significant to understand the issue of fraud in documents and eventually suggests the relevant ways to counter the matters in the future. The ability of Islamic judicial institutions to be adaptive for such challenges is essential to reduce the disorderly pile of cases involving fraud, especially in the Syariah courts. Novelty/Originality of this study: The research found that it is crucial for the Syariah law practitioners to raise and upgrade their ability to deal with fraud cases in the document to increase the public confidence towards the Syariah judiciary


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    Purpose of the study: This article focuses on the definition of ‘illegitimate children’ in Muslim society in Malaysia based on its perspective of Shariah law, Islamic family law, civil law in Malaysia, and the existing perception of the Muslim society in Malaysia. This study also aims to compare the legal terms of ' illegitimate children' from various perspectives with the layman definition of illegitimate children. Methodology: Research information has been obtained through the documentary data collection based on report and annual data from the Malaysian government, non-government agencies and relevant turath scriptures to obtain the best definition of “illegitimate child”. Once data have been collected, the data have been analysed using a content analysis method through deductive or inductive reasoning. Main Findings: The result shows that the term ‘illegitimate children’ is based on the opinions of the Muslim Scholars which is the child conceived from adultery act without a legal marriage. However, the definition of illegitimate children is broad and varies among the existing authoritative bodies in Malaysia, which include a child conceived from an adultery act, unregistered because of lack of proper documentation for registration. Applications of this study: The results of this study are expected to assist the authorities especially Malaysian Islamic Development Office - Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), National Registration Department (JPN), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), Islamic State Department of Malaysia, Shariah Courts in Malaysia and other agencies and NGOs in formulating strategies and taking follow-up actions. In addition, this study will become a reference to individuals, researchers, academicians, students, and the public in Malaysia. Novelty/Originality of this study: The misunderstanding about the definition of an illegitimate child according to JPN, added by the fact that JPN does not have the jurisdiction at all to determine the validity of the child that is supposed to be placed under the Shariah Court, has triggered an ongoing polemic in the Muslim community in Malaysia, concerning this child status issue

    Juvenile delinquent pupils' perceptions on the teaching of Islamic education: a preliminary study

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    The Islamic Education subject is compulsory for all Muslim pupils in Malaysia. Based on the concept of ‘Education for All’, pupils in the Integrity Schools in Malaysia are also given access to Islamic Education to ensure they are not neglected in the national education development. This is clearly stated in the National Education Philosophy. Therefore, as Malaysian citizens, the delinquent pupils have the right for a comprehensive education. Formal education in Integrity Schools for juvenile delinquents was established in 2008. The pupils are taught Islamic Education, similar to that taught within the national education system. Despite the fact the pupils are regarded as delinquents, they must still be taught and nurtured with Islamic values and morals so they can grow to become responsible individuals in the future. They are the generation that will inherit and shade the colours of the future society. Henceforth, this research seeks to study the perceptions of pupils from the Integrity Schools with regard to Islamic Education, particularly their interests towards it, and the impact it would have on how they practise Islamic values in their lives

    Religious education and training in developing future human resource professionals : views from experts and teachers

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    The development of human capital focuses not only on acquiring technology and economic knowledge but also focuses on acquiring spiritual, social and political knowledge. Human capital development (HCD) processes relate closely to education and training. An individual who is exposed with technology and economic knowledge infused or integrated with religious education and training would be able to function productively, ethically, able to provide justice and tolerant to diversity of needs, problems and challenges facing a society and/or organization in a borderless competitive markets. The role of Islamic education and training is complementary in developing all-round professionals who are able to balance the demands and challenges of technology, economy, spirituality and quality of life in a developed nation. The main purpose of this study was to explore Islamic religious experts and excellent Islamic teachers’ views on developing future human resource professionals. A qualitative design was employed to explore themes related to the focus of the study among Islamic experts and excellent Islamic teachers. Participants of the study comprised eight (8) Islamic religious experts and 12 excellent Islamic teachers. In-depth interviews with the participants were conducted to gather the data. The findings indicated that Islamic religious experts and excellent Islamic teachers viewed the process and practices of HRD would be greatly strengthened through understanding and application of the contents of the al-Quran and Hadiths and able to apply and practice Islamic concepts and ethics in carrying out HRD functions. Implications that can be drawn from the findings suggest that religious concepts and ethics should be integrated or infused in the pre-service curriculum to prepare for a “balanced” HRD professional. In-service training programs for HRD professionals, on the other hand, should also include religious concepts and ethics to fortify them with the foundations of integrity, professionalism and accountability

    Malaysian graduates of Middle-Eastern universities: perspectives on human capital development

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    Malaysian youth who graduate from Middle-Eastern Universities are important and suitable human capital for Malaysia as they are equally knowledgeable and skilful as any local or western university graduates. In fact, the additional components in their study programmes such as Islamic philosophy, principles and ethics based on the al-Quran and Hadith form the foundation for integrity and accountability. Science, technology and Islamic knowledge are critical ingredients of human capital development in any organisation to ensure high productivity embedded with integrity, professionalism and accountability. The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting human capital development among Malaysian graduates of Middle-Eastern universities. The factors identified were their preparation before leaving for their studies, their studying practices, their academic achievements, their personality development and their experiences (good and bad) while they were in Middle-Eastern universities. This study used the quantitative design on 386 Malaysian graduates who graduated from Middle-Eastern universities; these graduates were serving in several government and private-sector agencies. The findings indicated that all the independent variables had significant positive relationship with the dependent variable, that is, the process of human capital development with r values ranging from .280 (preparation before going to Middle- Eastern universities) to .546 (personality development). The findings of this study suggest that Malaysian graduates of Middle- Eastern universities are an important source of human capital that can steer the future development of the nation alongside their peers who graduate from local and western universities

    Private Islamic primary school teachers' commitment in human capital development in Malaysia

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    In general, education is a continuous process to educate and develop individuals to a more meaningful life in this world and in the hereafter. In order to educate, the role of education is to nuture and develop human interests, the importance of which had been acknowledged by most societies. Thus various measures and efforts have been made to strengthen the educational process to be followed by each generation level. Currently, PIPS is an alternative education for parents in Malaysia other than the National Schools under the Ministry of Education. The mushrooming of the Private Islamic Primary Schools has been seen as a result of the high demand from the society. The society, particularly the parents have put high expectations in the education in these schools which emphasized not only the religious subjects but also the academic ones to produce a balanced and integrated human capital. Thus, this study was carried out to explore the PIPS teachers’ commitment in fulfilling the responsibilities and trusts undertaken to realise the noble needs

    Amalan pengajaran guru pendidikan Islam dalam menerapkan nilai akhlak murid banduan muda: satu tinjauan awal

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    Salah satu bentuk pembelajaran yang semakin mendapat tempat di negara ini ialah pembelajaran tahfiz. Pembelajaran tahfiz negara ini yang ditawarkan di sekolah agama kerajaan turut meliputi aliran akademik. Oleh itu, murid yang mengikuti pembelajaran tahfiz ini perlu memiliki komitmen yang tinggi bagi memastikan mereka mampu mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik. Selain itu, aspek adab dan amalan tertentu juga penting dilaksanakan murid bagi menyokong pembelajaran tahfiz yang diikuti. Kajian yang dijalankan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bagi meneroka adab dan amalan yang dilaksanakan oleh murid aliran tahfiz tersebut. Temu bual mendalam dijalankan terhadap dua belas orang murid tahfiz yang telah mengikuti aliran ini sekurang-kurangnya tiga tahun. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa antara adab yang dilaksanakan oleh subjek kajian ialah menjaga niat, menjaga adab dengan guru, adab dengan ibubapa, adab dengan rakan serta memuliakan alQuran. Manakala daripada aspek amalan pula, subjek kajian dilihat berusaha untuk membiasakan diri dengan amalan sunat seperti solat sunat, bangun untuk solat malam, puasa sunat, membaca surah tertentu, berdamping dengan penghafaz al-Quran serta berusaha menghindari maksiat. Dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa murid yang mengikuti aliran tahfiz perlu melaksanakan beberapa adab dan amalan penting khusus bagi memudahkan pembelajaran tahfiz yang diikuti. Kajian ini mengemukakan cadangan agar pihak sekolah yang menawarkan aliran tahfiz tidak mengabaikan aspek adab dan amalan bagi dilaksanakan murid. Cadangan turut dikemukakan agar guru dan ibubapa juga memberi penekanan kepada aspek adab dan amalan ibadah yang perlu dilaksanakan bagi menyokong proses pembelajaran tahfiz

    Pemahaman dan pengalaman guru Pendidikan Islam menerapkan elemen amalan dalam pengajaran

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    This study discusses the Islamic education?s teachers? understanding and experience in inculcating the deed (ibadah) element in their teaching practices. This study employed the qualitative approach. In-depth interview, observation and document analysis were conducted for the data collection purpose. The result shows that teachers? understanding of the said element refers to the concept of worship that needs to be performed in line with the ?shariah? and needs to be practiced in our daily life. Meanwhile, teachers? experience in inculcating the ?ibadah? element is done through demonstrations, consistent practices, monitoring, advising and highlighting the significance of the ?ibadah?. In conclusion, this study illustrates that the ?ibadah? element is well-understood and applied by the teachers. However, some aspects may need to be improved. Finally, this study also discusses the implications and suggestions for future research