74 research outputs found

    Modeling the formation of attentive publics in social media: the case of Donald Trump

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    Previous research has shown the importance of Donald Trump’s Twitter activity, and that of his Twitter following, in spreading his message during the primary and general election campaigns of 2015–2016. However, we know little about how the publics who followed Trump and amplified his messages took shape. We take this case as an opportunity to theorize and test questions about the assembly of what we call “attentive publics” in social media. We situate our study in the context of current discussions of audience formation, attention flow, and hybridity in the United States’ political media system. From this we derive propositions concerning how attentive publics aggregate around a particular object, in this case Trump himself, which we test using time series modeling. We also present an exploration of the possible role of automated accounts in these processes. Our results reiterate the media hybridity described by others, while emphasizing the importance of news media coverage in building social media attentive publics.Accepted manuscrip

    Trump, Twitter, and news media responsiveness: a media systems approach

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    How populists engage with media of various types, and are treated by those media, are questions of international interest. In the United States, Donald Trump stands out for both his populism-inflected campaign style and his success at attracting media attention. This article examines how interactions between candidate communications, social media, partisan media, and news media combined to shape attention to Trump, Clinton, Cruz, and Sanders during the 2015–2016 American presidential primary elections. We identify six major components of the American media system and measure candidates’ efforts to gain attention from them. Our results demonstrate that social media activity, in the form of retweets of candidate posts, provided a significant boost to news media coverage of Trump, but no comparable boost for other candidates. Furthermore, Trump tweeted more at times when he had recently garnered less of a relative advantage in news attention, suggesting he strategically used Twitter to trigger coverage.Accepted manuscrip

    Implementasi Algoritma Rijndael 128 Pada Aplikasi Chatting Berbasis Html5 Websocket

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    In the past, web-based chat application didn\u27t consider security as part of must-have requirement, thus many insecure examples were broken in short time after it was released. Data sniffing is one common attack that could be used to attack insecure applications because the data was transferred using an insecure medium, which is HTTP. We propose a new web-based chat application that is built based on HTML5 WebSocket technology using Socket.IO library to improve confidentiality of the messages sent between two or multiple parties. We combine it with NodeJS and Express to facilitate real-time discussion between client and server and vice versa. We also use Rijndael (known as AES - Advanced Encryption Standard) to make sure that the message stays confidential and only known by sender and receiver. To satisfy the integrity property, we apply SHA-3 hash function. By combining SSL/TLS, AES, and SHA-3 hash function, we have added multiple layer of security inside this application and no additional effort needed by the user. Based on conducted experiments, we can conclude that this application could satisfy security requirements (confidentiality and integrity), either on the client or server side

    Pandangan Generasi Tua Dan Generasi Muda Tionghoa Surabaya Terhadap Penerapan Feng Shui Tangga

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    Penelitian ini berisi tentang bagaimana peranan, eksistensi, dan kelanjutan Fēng Shuǐ di tengah masyarakat Indonesia-Tionghoa saat ini, terutama mengenai Fēng Shuǐ tangga yang seringkali dilupakan. Penelitian ini juga meneliti faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap masyarakat Indonesia-Tionghoa terhadap Fēng Shuǐ dan upaya yang dapat dilakukan sehingga Fēng Shuǐ sebagai salah satu kebudayaan Tionghoa dapat terus bertahan di tengah masyarakat Indonesia-Tionghoa, dengan memfokuskan penelitian pada pandangan penerapan Fēng Shuǐ tangga yang seringkali dilupakan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan wawancara mendalam dengan delapan orang generasi tua berusia minimal 60 tahun dan enam orang generasi muda berusia 19-27 tahun sebagai obyek penelitian. Hasil penemuan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya faktor-faktor penyebab yang mempengaruhi eksistensi Fēng Shuǐ; perbedaan sudut pandang di antara generasi tua dan generasi muda mengenai bagaimana cara mereka memahami, menerima dan mempertahankan eksistensi Fēng Shuǐ; pandangan mengenai penting atau tidaknya Fēng Shuǐ tangga dari segi Fēng Shuǐ sebagai ilmu alam yang didominasi oleh generasi muda dan dari segi Fēng Shuǐ sebagai ilmu mistis yang didominasi oleh generasi tua; latar belakang pembelajaran Fēng Shuǐ berdasarkan prinsip keselarasan alam yang menentukan pandangan mengenai pentingnya Fēng Shuǐ tangga; adanya kesalahan pemahaman nilai filosofis dalam penghitungan Fēng Shuǐ anak tangga; pengaruh leluhur dan lingkungan yang menentukan sudut pandang orang Tionghoa dalam menilai Fēng Shuǐ tangga; serta penghitungan jumlah anak tangga dan posisi tangga yang tidak boleh berhadapan langsung dengan pintu sebagai pengetahuan yang paling banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat Indonesia-Tionghoa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, solusi untuk dapat terus mempertahankan Fēng Shuǐ adalah menyediakan sumber-sumber yang dapat menjelaskan konsep aturan dalam Fēng Shuǐ secara logis

    Pembuatan Game Edukasi Bahasa Inggris Untuk Anak Kelas 1-2 SD Menggunakan Flash

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    Elementary school children generally like to play games, as a survey reported that more than a quarter of children around the world have their handheld computers before they reach eight years of age. Children may reason that games can be used as a mean of refreshing when they get bored in study. However, in reality many children play games not useful to improve their knowledge and even become addicted and forget to study.In this manuscript, author make an English educational game targeted for elementary 1-2 school children. Children are expected to enjoy the game while learning English.This application has been reviewed by some elementary school English teachers. They responded that the game's content matches well with the teaching material taught in their class

    Learning the Concept of Area and Perimeter by Exploring Their Relation

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    Learning the concept of perimeter and area is not easy for students in grade 3 of primary school. A common mistake is that students think that if the area is the same, the perimeter also has to be the same. It is difficult for them to understand that for a given area, there are many possibilities of perimeter and vice versa. When student are not aware of this relation they might confuse about the concept in their continuation of learning process. This research was conducted to study if it would support students\u27 understanding of the concept of perimeter and area if we let them explore the relation between perimeter and area in the very first phase of the learning process. Design research was chosen as the method to study this issue and the three basic principles in The Realistic Mathematics approach were applied in this study to support the learning process of perimeter and area. Real life context such as picture frames was choosen in developing a sequence of learning line to reach the learning goal of perimeter and area. The partipants of this research were students and mathematics teacher of grade 3 in one of the elementary school in Surabaya. Two classes were taken to involve in the first cycle and second cycle respectively. The teaching experiment shows that the class activities such as making photo frame, measuring photo paper with sticky paper and arranging shapes with wooden matches are activities which can be used to reveal the relation of perimeter and area. From those activities students build their own understanding that in fact area and perimeter are not in one to one correspondence, they found that for the given area they might find different perimeter or vice versa. They also found the reason why they multiply length and width to count the area of rectangular or square shape from sticky paper activity. Somehow some students were found still struggle with their understanding of area and perimeter. They often simply count the area and perimeter but when it comes into comparing the area or perimeter they still struggle to differentiate between area and perimeter

    Pemanfaatan Dublin Core Metadata Term Dalam Pengembangan Perpustakaan Digital Berbasis Semantik

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    Pemanfaatan metadata yang disediakan secara online, sebagai contoh metadata dalam dublin core, memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar dalam pertukaran informasi digital saat ini. Galeri, Perpustakaan, Arsip, Museum saat ini mulai membuka data dalam menyamakan penemuan standar yang lebih baik bagi sumber daya elektronik dimasa depan.Temu kembali informasi bersejarah menjadi tujuan yang paling utama. Dublin Core adalah satu set metadata yang terdiri dari 15 set elemen telah dibangun untuk mendukung temu kembali informasi perpustakaan dengan lebih mudah. Dublin core term telah terstandarmelalui sebuah konsensus internasonal danpenggunaannya lebih sederhana dibanding MARC dalam pengelolaan data di perpustakaan. Oleh karenanya perpustaaan dan museum saat ini mulai menggunakan kosakata standar dari Dublin Core – hal ini dilakukan untuk mendukung wacana perpustakaan dengan akses yang terbuka. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan 15 term dalam Dublin Coredalam studi kasus perpustakaan serta mengujinya melalui uji validator RDF