10 research outputs found

    Tripod Position and Pursed Lip Breathing on Respiration Rate in COPD Patients

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    Many people with COPD develop emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Both conditions cause obstruction of airflow in the respiratory system and cause an increase in the frequency of external respiration. One of the non-pharmacological management is tripod position and pursed lip breathing. This study aimed to determine the effect of giving a tripod position and pursed lip breathing on respiration rate in COPD patients. The design of this study used a one group pretest-post test design. The population in this study were all COPD patients at Bangil Hospital, Pasuruan in June 2021. The sampling technique of this study was consecutive sampling, the sample was obtained by 25 respondents. The instrument used observation and SOP. The results showed that the average respiration rate before giving the combination of tripod position and pursed lip breathing was 28.8x/minute, and the average value of respiration rate after giving the tripod position and pursed lip breathing was 23.2x/minute. Wilcoxon test results value = 0.000 on respiration rate before and after the combination of tripod position and pursed lip breathing, which means that tripod position and pursed lip breathing are proven to be effective on respiration rate in COPD patients. Tripod position and pursed lip breathing will loosen the chest cavity, provide positive pressure on the lungs so that air can go in and out more smoothly and reduce shortness of breath


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    The innovative learning model used in Research Based learning requires students to learn actively, independently and not be limited to the space and time that has been scheduled on campus. Searching for data and learning information to support Research Based learning uses the internet network a lot. Besides being able to be more effective and efficient in all respects, the internet network is also very much needed anytime and anywhere by students. In the future, online learning platforms have great potential to be developed not only in times of pandemics like today. And the easiest learning platform for students to use is through mobile learning (m-learning) because it can be ascertained that all young people, in this case students, have phones cell (phones cell). Training activities aim to increase the knowledge and motivation of lecturers in developing learning strategies using Research Based learning in the application of m-learning. So that it can present inspiring and scientific learnin

    Literature Review: Analysis to Reduce Maternal Mortality

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    The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high. Hard efforts are needed so that the Sustainable Development Goals target of 70 per 100,000 live births in 2030 can be achieved. The purpose of the study was to identify aspects related to the trend issue of maternal mortality, the determinants of causes, strategic efforts and the role of family planning in reducing maternal mortality. This literature review describes sixteen peer-reviewed journals based on inclusion criteria. The results of the analysis of the literature review found that aspects of findings related to maternal mortality were as follows: trends issue maternal mortality (Maternal mortality is more common in developing countries), causative factors (Status health (nutrition, comorbidities and maternal complications), reproductive status (age, parity, gestational distance), access to health services and policies/regulations, health behavior (contraception use, socioeconomic)), strategic efforts (maternal and neonatal health management, Quality antenatal services, safe delivery and family planning) and family plans (Support system (women's status, family and community status)). The review analysis provides directions and patterns of strategic work steps, collaboration of various support systems ranging from the role of individuals, families, communities, health services and the government in ensuring maternal and child health

    Range of Motion Spherical Grip Affected the Upper Extremity Muscle Strength in Post Stroke Patients

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    Stroke is a medical emergency. Post-stroke patients generally experience muscle weakness in the limbs, postural disturbances and muscle atrophy. The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of ROM Spherical Grip exercise on post-stroke patients. The type of the study was pre-experimental with one group pre-test-post-test design. The independent variable was Range Of Motion (ROM) Spherical Grip. The dependent variable was the degree of upper extremity muscle strength in post-stroke infarct patients who had hemiparesi. The sampling technique used a consecutive sampling technique. The sample was 33 respondents. The data were taken by measuring the muscle strength before and after being given the intervention. The instrument used an observation sheet for assessing muscle strength and manual muscle testing (MMT) physical examinations in post-stroke patients. The results of this study showed that most of the muscle strength before giving the Spherical Grip ROM exercise was Poor (there was movement but could not fight gravity) as many as 14 respondents (42.4%). After the intervention of the Spherical Grip ROM exercise, the muscle strength was mostly Fair (can move against gravity) as many as 19 respondents (57.6%). There is an increase in upper extremity muscle strength before and after being given ROM Spherical Grip exercise in post-stroke patients who experience hemiparesis. This showed that the Spherical Grip could improve the tone of those who experience weakness and if done continuously could increase muscle strength in post-stroke patients. It is hoped that with this research Spherical grip exercises can be used as one of the treatments for stroke patients who experience decreased upper extremity muscle strength and collaborate with physiotherapy also assisted by taking drugs according to doctor's advice


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    Menstruation is one factor that can reduce hemoglobin levels in young women. Hemoglobin is a protein in the form of an iron-rich oxygen-carrying pigment. Pharmacological therapy that can increase hemoglobin levels include the consumption of honey. This study aims to determine the effect of honey consumption on changes in hemoglobin levels during menstruation in adolescent girls at Ma'had Aly Pondok Boarding School Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo Situbondo Year 2017 This research design using pre-experiment design. A sample of 15 respondents who confirm the inclusion criteria. Sampling technique is by proportional stratified random sampling . From the 15 respondents , all of them in the given consumption of honey . The data obtained were processed with SPSS 16 software. The Analysis of the data used is the Wilcoxon signed rank test trials . The results showed that the effect of honey on changes in Haemoglobin levels during menstruation in adolescent girls, performed by statistical test using Wilcoxon test with the help of SPSS for 16.0 windows obtained result p = 0,001 <α = 0,05. Thus Ho is rejected and H1 accepted which means there is influence of giving honey to changes of hemoglobin level during menstruation in adolescent daughter. Honey is able to increase hemoglobin levels because the iron content contained in honey is very effective in raising the levels of hemoglobin in the blood, especially during menstruation. Therefore, it is expected that honey still needs to be continued so that the risk of anemia in adolescent menstruation can be minimize


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    Efforts to reduce maternal mortality through the provision of quality services must still be carried out despite the limited conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Problems in pregnant women, childbirth and postpartum must be monitored even though ANC visits are limited. The purpose of this community service activity is to form a WhatsApp group as a medium to facilitate collaborative maternal services with the Punggul-Mojokerto Village Polindes Midwife and increase knowledge of reproductive mothers. The implementation of this activity will be carried out in September 2021, starting with the preparation stage to the evaluation stage. The outputs of this activity are the formation of WAG, consultation and mentoring activities for high risk pregnant women, preventive and promotive efforts in order to improve maternal and child health, available modules and booklets related to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, as well as increasing knowledge of reproductive mothers on maternal problems

    The Effectiveness of Virgin Coconut Oil on the Decrease of Blood Glucose Levels on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) was medical complication that occurs during pregnancy and caused preterm labor.  Efforts reduce blood glucose levels and improve pancreatic performance must be safe both for mother and fetus. The research aimed to prove VCO can reduce blood glucose levels in GDM. The research design was quasi-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test. The research started on March to September 2020. The population was pregnant mother with GDM from two hospitals in Mojokerto East Java. The sample was 46 respondents with purposive sampling. The treatment given was VCO at a dose of 5 ml, 6 times a day and lowcarb diet. The instrument used to measure the fasting blood glucose was glucose stick.  The data was analyzed with paired t-test. The result showed blood glucose levels before intervention average of 155.19 mg/dL and after 153.50 mg/dL. The t-test value 14.442 and p value 0.000 which meant that VCO and low carb diet was more effective in reducing blood glucose levels on GDM. The administration of VCO with a low carb diet is an effort to restrict glucose intake in the body without hypoglycemia. It is safe to use for both mother and fetus as an alternative non-pharmacological therapy on GDM and prevent preterm labo


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    ABSTRACT   The number of people with HIV / AIDS is like an iceberg, which appears to be only a small part. At present, HIV cannot be cured. This condition has a comprehensive impact on patients. Through Self-forgiveness, it is expected that patients can reduce negative feelings or emotions, so that they will be motivated to change their behavior for the better. The research objective proved the relationship self forgiveness with quality of life in HIV/AIDS patients. The research design was analytic correlation with Cross Sectional approach. The Sample was all patient of HIV / AIDS (selected who were diagnosed with HIV / AIDS because of sexual relations) who undergoing treatment in Polyclinic VCT Mojokerto Regency amounting to 122 people, with consecutive sampling. The independent variable was self forgiveness and the dependent variable was quality of life in HIV/AIDS patients. The instrument used a HFS (Heartland Forgiveness Scale) questionnaire for self-forgiveness. WHOQOL-HIV BREF for quality of life. The result of Spearman-Rho Correlation showed significant = 0.000, so a positive relationship between Self-Forgiveness and Quality of Life in HIV / AIDS. Respondents who have high self-forgiveness, also have a good quality of life, as many as 55 respondents (44.8%) and very good, that is as many as 25 respondents (20.7%). Forgiveness can affect the physical health of individuals and the factors that affect self-forgiveness, namely, the emergence of empathy, emotional intelligence, self-reflection, and personality characteristics. Improvement of quality of life can occur if the HIV / AIDS patient has been able to accept his condition, transforming himself into an open person and always apply the forgiveness attitude and can forgive or forgive the incident ever done by himself or others, so as to neutralize the negative feelings into positive. Keywords: Self Forgiveness. Quality of Life, HIV/AIDS &nbsp


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    Perkawinan anak merupakan bentuk pelanggaran hak anak untuk tumbuh dan berkembang Perkawinan anak mendorong terciptanya kondisi tidak terpenuhinya hak dasar untuk mendapatkan perlindungan dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi, hak sipil, hak kesehatan, hak sosial dan hak pendidikan. Kehamilan pada usia anak berisiko meningkatkan kematian ibu serta kematian bayi Angka rata-rata nasional proporsi perempuan usia 20-24 tahun 2018 yang berstatus kawin pada usia kurang dari 18 tahun sebanyak 10,2%.. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi untuk meningkatkan self awareness tentang pendewasaan usia perkawinan di  lingkungan  pondok pesantren hidayatul Mubtadiat kabupaten Mojokerto .  Pada  kegiatan  ini  didapatkan  self awareness santri sebelum diberikan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi mempuyai nilai rata-rata 57,8  dan setelah diberikan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi mempunyai self awareness nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 66,2. Komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi tentang pendewasaan usia perkawinan ini perlu dilanjutkan dan disebarluaskan pada generasi muda agar dapat menurubkan angka perkawinan anak dan mencegah angka kematian Ibu dan Bayi di Indonesi


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    Late delivery of breast milk is a common problem in postpartum mothers and may result in early breastfeeding unfulfilled resulting in adverse health effects for both mother and baby. Shiatzu Techniqu is one form of non-pharmacologic therapy to accelerate the expenditure time of breast milk. This study aims to determine the influence of Shiatzu Technique in accelerating the time spent on breastfeeding post partum mother. This research type is quasi experiment with Post Control Only Control With Group Design design, with two groups each consisting of 80 respondents taken with concecutive technique. Data analysis using T-Two Sample Test as comparative test and expenditure time of ASI on control group that did not done shiatzu technique and experiment group performed shitzu technique with α <0.05. The results of the differences from both groups were tested with T-Two Sample Test with the result value Ï = 0.003. The result of the differences from both groups tested with T-Two Sample Test with the result value Ï = 0.003 means there is a significant difference between the control group and the experimental group. In the control group most of the time Breastmilk expenditure was Normal (25-72 hours) whereas in the experimental group its Rapid Breastfeeding (1-24 hours). Faster breastfeeding time in the post partum mothers of the experimental group was due to two interventions given that early Initiation of Breastfeeding was also continued by Shiaztu Technique. Thus, in postoperative mothers with no contraindications, Shiatzu Technque was very effective given to speed up the release of breast milk