29 research outputs found

    Sensitivitas Ekstrak Daun Xylocarpus SP. terhadap Bakteri Pseudomonas SP.

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    This research was conducted from November 2016 until April 2017 in the Parasites and Fish Disease Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, University of Riau and Integrated Chemical Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Health Muhammadiyah University of Riau. The aims of this research was to determine the sensitivity of Xylocarpus sp. leaf extract on Pseudomonas sp., the range of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Xylocarpus sp. leaf extract can inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas sp. and know the toxicity of Xylocarpus sp. leaf extract against African catfish, the LC50 test conducted by immersion for 24 hours. This research used an experimental method. The treatment that being used were giving Xylocarpus sp. leaf extract at a concentration of D1 (100%), D2 (90%), D3 (80%), D4 (70%), D5 (60%), D6 (50%), D7 (40%), D8 (30%), D9 (20%), D10 (10%) and Kp : control (cloramphenicol). The results showed showed that Xylocarpus sp. leaf extract can inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas sp. at a concentration of 10% with an average of 8,12 mm zone of inhibition. MIC test showed a concentration of 8,5% average number of colonies of bacteria as much as 248,67 × 108CFU/mL can inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas sp. LC50 Xylocarpus sp. leaf extract against African catfish by immersion for 24 hours in the concentration 8,6% (860 ppm)

    Description of Leukocyt of Siam Patin Fish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) That Feed by Addition of Harumanis Mango Seeds (Mangifera Indica L.)

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    Harumanis mango seed (Mangifera indica L.) is a natural ingredient that can be used as an immunostimulant. The phytochemical content in harumanis mango seeds (M. indica L.) include tannins, flavonoids, saponins and ascorbic acid. This study aims to get the best dose of adding harumanis mango seed solution (M. indica L.) to the feed. The method used was an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of one factor with four treatment levels which included P0 without the addition of harumanis mango seed solution, P1 addition of harumanis mango seed solution at a dose of 1.6 mL/Kg of feed, P2 addition harumanis mango seed solution at a dose of 1.8 mL/Kg of feed and P3 addition of harumanis mango seed solution at a dose of 2 mL/Kg of feed. Test fish used were Siamese catfish (P. hypophthalmus) measuring 8-12 cm which were kept in cages for 60 days. The results showed that administration of harumanis mango seed solution to feed affected the image of leukocytes of Siamese catfish (P. hypophthalmus) (P < 0,05). The best dose is in the treatment of P3 (2 mL/Kg of feed) with an average total leukocytes 9.76 x 104 cells/mm3, leukocrit levels of 1.67%, lymphocytes 82.00%, neutrophils 7.67%, monocytes 10, 33%, phagocytic activity 31.67% and absolute weight growth of 37.70 g, and 95% survival

    Erythrocyte Profile of Pangasius Hypophthalmus Feed with Rhizophora Apiculata Leaf Extract and Maintained in Net Cages

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    Ekstrak daun R. apiculata memiliki manfaat sebagai suplemen herbal yang dapat ditambahkan ke dalam pakan, karena mengandung senyawa flavonoid, tanin, saponin, terpenoid, dan steroid yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan ikan jambal siam (P. hypophthalmus). Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 2019. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan dosis terbaik ekstrak daun R. apiculata yang ditambahkan ke dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ikan jambal siam yang dilihat dari total eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, kadar hematokrit, dan morfologi eritrosit. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL)satu faktor empat taraf perlakuan terdiri dari P0;(tanpa penambahan ekstrak). P1;(1,5 mg/kg). P2;(1,7 mg/kg). dan P3;(1,9 mg/kg) dan dilakukan ulangan sebanyak tiga kali sehingga diperlukan 12 unit percobaan. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 60 hari di dalam keramba dengan ukuran 1x1,5x1 m3. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali,yaitu pada awal pemeliharaan, hari ke-30, dan hari ke-60. Dosis terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan P2 (1,7 mg/kg) dilihat dari total eritrosit 2,57x106 sel/mm3, kadar hemoglobin 13,13 g/dL, nilai hematokrit 38,43%, pertumbuhan bobot mutlak 38,93 g, kelulushidupan 97,33%, dan menunjukkan morfologi eritrosit yang normal didukung oleh kualitas air selama penelitian seperti DO 6,4-6,9mg/L, pH 6,1-6,8, Suhu 28,2-29,5 0C, dan Amoniak 0,04-0,08 mg/L

    Histopatology of Mystus Nemurus of Liver That Immersed with Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb Extract and Were Infected by Edwardseilla Tarda

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    This study was conducted over three months in the laboratory of Fish Diseases and Parasites, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Riau Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was to determine the structure of (Mystus nemurus) liver that were immersed with Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract and were infected by Edwardseilla tarda and to find out best dose Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract for the prevention of Edwardsiella tarda infections. The method used is an experimental method at a dose of treatment and analyzed descriptive. The treatment used is an extract of Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB with different concentrations, they were: Kn (Fishes were not receive any treantent), Kp (Fishes were not receive any treatment but were infected with E. tarda), P1 (immersed in curcuma with concentration 0,2 g/l), P2 (immersed in curcuma with concentration 0,4 g/l), P3 (immersed in curcuma with concentration 0,6 g/l) and were infected with E. tarda (0.1 ml of 108 of E. tarda), Fish organ (liver) were processed for histological studied (formalin fixed, alcohol series, 6 sliced and HE Stained). Result indicate that the structure of liver of the treated fish showing abnormality symptoms, such as necrosis, congestion, fatted degeneration and hemorrhage. From these, it can be concluded that immirsion in Curcuma with 0.6 g / l concentration is capable of inhibiting bacterial Edwardsiella tarda

    The Effect of the Addition of Ginger (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb) to Feed to Total Erythrocytes, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin and Growth of Catfish (Mystus Nemurus)

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    This research was done in March - April 2014 in Fish Disease Parasite and Laboratories and an Experiment of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the addition of curcuma on feed to the total of erythrocytes , hematocrit , hemoglobin and the growth of catfish. A research method used is the design of random complete with one factor which feed containing curcuma with four standard treatment consists of , P0: control without given ) curcuma solution , the P1 ( curcuma solution with a dose of 2 g/kilogram feed ) , the P2 ( curcuma solution with a dose of 4 g/kilogram feed ) , the P3 ( curcuma solution with a dose of 6 g/kilogram feed ). The results of research shows that the addition of a solution on feed curcuma doesn't impact the condition of fish blood because of poor environmental conditions. It can increase the growth of absolute weight catfish .The total erythrocytes is ranged between 1,25-1,91 mm3/ million cells , hematocrit 13,8-18,5 % and the percentage of hemoglobin 3,9-4,2 g/dL