4 research outputs found

    Periodic actin structures in neuronal axons are required to maintain microtubules

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    Axons are the cable-like neuronal processes wiring the nervous system. They contain parallel bundles of microtubules as structural backbones, surrounded by regularly-spaced actin rings termed the periodic membrane skeleton (PMS). Despite being an evolutionarily-conserved, ubiquitous, highly-ordered feature of axons, the function of PMS is unknown. Here we studied PMS abundance, organisation and function, combining versatile Drosophila genetics with super-resolution microscopy and various functional readouts. Analyses with 11 different actin regulators and 3 actin-targeting drugs suggest PMS to contain short actin filaments which are depolymerisation resistant and sensitive to spectrin, adducin and nucleator deficiency - consistent with microscopy-derived models proposing PMS as specialised cortical actin. Upon actin removal we observed gaps in microtubule bundles, reduced microtubule polymerisation and reduced axon numbers suggesting a role of PMS in microtubule organisation. These effects become strongly enhanced when carried out in neurons lacking the microtubule-stabilising protein Short stop (Shot). Combining the aforementioned actin manipulations with Shot deficiency revealed a close correlation between PMS abundance and microtubule regulation, consistent with a model in which PMS-dependent microtubule polymerisation contributes to their maintenance in axons. We discuss potential implications of this novel PMS function along axon shafts for axon maintenance and regeneration

    Long time-lapse nanoscopy with spontaneously blinking membrane probes

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    Imaging cellular structures and organelles in living cells by long time-lapse super-resolution microscopy is challenging, as it requires dense labeling, bright and highly photostable dyes, and non-toxic conditions. We introduce a set of high-density, environment-sensitive (HIDE) membrane probes, based on the membrane-permeable silicon-rhodamine dye HMSiR, that assemble in situ and enable long time-lapse, live-cell nanoscopy of discrete cellular structures and organelles with high spatiotemporal resolution. HIDE-enabled nanoscopy movies span tens of minutes, whereas movies obtained with labeled proteins span tens of seconds. Our data reveal 2D dynamics of the mitochondria, plasma membrane and filopodia, and the 2D and 3D dynamics of the endoplasmic reticulum, in living cells. HIDE probes also facilitate acquisition of live-cell, two-color, super-resolution images, expanding the utility of nanoscopy to visualize dynamic processes and structures in living cells

    The development and functions of multiciliated epithelia

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