6 research outputs found

    Scientifical-methodical and organizational accompaniment process of the students’ education in the child's surgery, orthopaedy and traumatology department of "DMA Ministry of Health of Ukraine" for innovations implementation in the higher medical educational establishments of Ukraine

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    Науково-методичний та організаційний супровід процеса навчання студентів на кафедрі дитячої хірургії, ортопедії та травматології ДЗ «ДМА МОЗ України» в упровадженні інновацій в вищих медичних навчальних закладах України. Покращення підготовки фахівців є державним завданням, що стоїть перед фахівцями вищої школи. В умовах реформування вищої медичної освіти та інноваційних перетворень суспільства в Україні зростають вимоги до якості підготовки лікарів. Вимоги до якості підготовки лікарів постійно зростають, що вимагає пошуку нових форм та методик ведення навчального процесу. В основі Болонського процесу передбачається уніфікація навчального процесу, використання різноманітних форм навчання, спрямованих на максимальну реалізацію активності самостійності та ініціативності студентів. Майбутній лікар, це, насамперед, спеціаліст, який повинен бути взмозі самостійно прийняти рішення від якого залежить життя та здоров’я його пацієнтів. Важливим завданням при створенні програми є розробка системи оцінки знань та навичок студентів в балах. Поточний, проміжний та підсумковий контроль документується в індивідуальному плані навчального процесу студента. В цьому документі також передбачена конвертація кількості балів в оцінки за шкалою ЕСТS. Сучасний швидкий розвиток знань та інноваційні перетворення суспільства виставляє нові вимоги та завдання до системи освіти. Вдосконалення методів викладання, розробка та розвиток нових форм викладання набувають на сучасному етапі важливого значення в підготовці студента. За умови дотримання всіх перерахованих вимог після закінчення ВНЗ держава отримає сформованого кваліфікованого фахівця, здібного самостійно та разом з колегами приймати виважені рішення в конкретній реальній ситуації, використовуючи у своїй діяльності ті високі духовні якості, котрі сформують та розвинуть його викладачі в процесі навчання, враховуючи зміни, які відбуваються в нашому суспільстві. State Establishment «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MHU» Child’s surgery, orthopedics and travmatology department. Improvement preparation of specialists is a national task, standing before specialists of a higher school. In the conditions of the higher medical education reformation and innovative transformations of the society in Ukraine increasing requirements to the quality of doctors’ preparation. Requirements to a quality of preparation doctors increasing constantly, that carried out to the search of new forms and methodologies of educational process. Standartization of educational process, using different forms of educating, should be focused on the maximal realization of self-preparation activity and initiativeness of students, which are laying on a basis of Bologna process. Future doctor is, foremost, a specialist, which must be able to make a decision oriented on the life and health of his patients. The important task at the creation of any program is development the system of estimation knowledge and skills of students in points. Current, intermediate and final control is documented in the individual plan of educational process of student. In this document, converting the amount of points is carried out estimations by a scale ECT. Fungal development in the area of medical knowledge and proposes of an innovative transformations of society should provide a new system of requirements and education tasks. Perfection of the teaching methods, development and progress of new forms of teaching, acquire on a modern stage an important value in the student preparation. On the condition of observance all enumerated requirements, after graduation from the institution, government should get a formed skilled specialist capable independently and together with colleagues to accept the self-weighted decisions in a certain real situation, using in their professional activity those high spiritual qualities, which chould formed and developed his teachers in the process of educating, taking into account changes in our society

    Influence the octenidine dihydrochloride on the tissues of knee joints of immature laboratory rats

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    An effect of antiseptics on the joints tissue growing organism requires further study, which is primarily due to the need of foresight and reducing the consequences of carried diseases. The aim. of the reserch is to determine the concentration of the octenidine dihydrochloride ("Octenisept"), antiseptics, whose effectiveness is proved concerning to a wide range of microorganisms, in which it can be used in septic diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the growing organism. The research of influence on the joints tissue the octenidine dihydrochloride in different partings studied in experiments on 40 immature 2-month-old white laboratory rats. Reactive and inflammatory changes, which expressed in different degrees, noted in the synovial layer of the animals‘ joint capsule, virtually in all animals in an experimental and control group. Significant differences observed in animals of the first control group (6 hours after washing the joint) where the thickness index of synovial layer, concerning the intact animals were by 16, 8 % higher. The thickness of the capsule was significantly higher than in the capsule of the intact animals and animals in the knee joint study group. Thus, in the group of animals where the joint was washed on octenidine dihydrochloride at 1:4 dilution, the thickness of the capsule was by 33.6 % more, in the group of animals with joint lavage octenidine dihydrochloride at a dilution of 1:3 through 6:00 capsule thickness values were (about intact animals) by 38.8 % higher, and after 12 hours - by 22.5 %. Based on the results obtained on the effect of octenidine dihydrochloride (taken at different dilutions) in the tissue of the knee joint, revealed that it has no toxic effect on articular cartilage and synovial membrane and other components of the joint. Using of the preparation at the 1:4 dilution does not cause inflammatory changes in the tissues of the joints, laboratory animals, allowing its using in this concentration in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the growing organism

    Analysis influence of an experimental hemodynamic overload on the secretory components state of a heart

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    In this research were described mast cells and secretory myocardiocytus of a heart at the people with different age groups – youth, mature, elderly and senile, in a norm, and numerous changes of the heat parts in the conditions of experimental aortic narrowing and at the action of epinephrin and deхamethazon. It was found out the distinctions in morphology of secretory components in the different departments of heart. With age there is multiplying the amount of connecting tissue and amount of secretory myocardiocytus, which was also correlated with different types of mast cells changes. Hemodynamic overload and adrenalin activates the secretory components of heart, and deхamethazon activates the secretory myocardiocytus, but reduces activity of mast cells

    Efficiency of probiotic autosymbions association (A. viridans and B. subtilis 3 strains) research

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    Research protective action towards liquid probiotic mixture, have been selected from autostrain A.viridans (a) N 1 and B.subtilis 3 (autoprobiotic complex), carried out in the experimental models as well as external inflammatory processes, caused by Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, have been shown its effectiveness, probably, correspond to the probiotic properties due to synergistic effect

    Influence of Sanitary – Domestic Conditions in the Rural Settlements of Dnepropetrovsk Region on the Peasants’ Healh

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    Purpose of research: implementation results of sociological survey to the practice of hygienic researches at the subjective estimation of the drinking water quality and sanitary conditions of people’s life. Materials and methods. At our study was used standardized "Questionnaire survey about quality of piped drinking water, which enters to the building (apartment)", which contained 25 questions. In the sociological survey were participated 150 respondents. Results. Peasants of Dnepropetrovsk region considered that the following indicators of drinking water quality impact on their health: deterioration quality of piped drinking water, smell – 22.6%, color – 14.6 %, rust – 13.3 %, precipitate – 8.0 %, turbidity and suspended solids – 10.6 %, taste and aftertaste – 13.3 %, foam and impurities – 10.6 % (p<0.05). Some of peasants (14.6 %) have unsatisfactory sanitary conditions, living on 5 – 6 persons in 1 rooms flat (p<0.05). Conclusions. Results of sociological survey shown that among rural residents increased the demand for a consumption of pre-treated drinking water, due to the deterioration quality of tap water in the rural area. It was determined, that increased frequency of use the bottled drinking water – daily it was used by 13 rural respondents (17.3%), once a week – 21 respondents (28%), 2-3 times a week – 8 respondents (10.6%)

    Role of lecture in the modern education system

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    In the article review discusses topical issues towards numerous forms of presentation as well as lecture: basic principles of lecture material preparing, basic points of the lecture standardization, modern technological capabilities providing while preparing lectures, motivational capabilities of lectures for students. High requirements for professional training on the subject, the information technologies accelerated development, ability for scientific and pedagogical activity — such requirements should be carried out for University lecturer. Today should be appointed the skills focused on a foreign language and a communication with native speakers. Lecture form of the teachers’ activity should be focused on an audience’s attention for a long period of time. Therefore, careful preparation on the lecture, accumulation of new scientific data, choice of modern technologies for presentation, adaptation of lectures in order to suit the audience, connection between theoretical topics with practical assignment should be carried out on the practical clinical activities, individual approach of the lecturer as well as themes presentation are key components for teachers’ activity during lecture preparation and presentation of material. В статье обсуждаются актуальные вопросы такой формы изложения материала как лекция: основные принципы подготовки лекционного материала, стандартизация основных положений лекции, использование современных технологических возможностей в подготовке лекций, мотивационные возможности лекций для работы со студентами. Высокие требования к профессиональной подготовке по предмету, ускоренное развитие информационных технологий, задатки к научной и педагогической работе — такие требования всегда выдвигались к лектору вуза. На сегодняшний день к ним прибавилось знание иностранного языка и свободное общение с носителями языка. Лекционная форма работы требует от преподавателя умения удерживать внимание аудитории на протяжении относительно длительного времени. Поэтому тщательная подготовка лекции, накопление новых научных данных, выбор современных технологий для изложения материала, адаптация лекции под особенности аудитории слушателей, связь теоретической темы с применением данных знаний в клинической практической деятельности, индивидуальный подход лектора к изложению темы — это основные составляющие при подготовке к лекционной форме изложения материала