224 research outputs found
Shifted limited-memory variable metric methods for large-scale unconstrained optimization
AbstractA new family of numerically efficient full-memory variable metric or quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained minimization is given, which give simple possibility to derive related limited-memory methods. Global convergence of the methods can be established for convex sufficiently smooth functions. Numerical experience by comparison with standard methods is encouraging
Automatic differentiation and its program realization
summary:Automatic differentiation is an effective method for evaluating derivatives of function, which is defined by a formula or a program. Program for evaluating of value of function is by automatic differentiation modified to program, which also evaluates values of derivatives. Computed values are exact up to computer precision and their evaluation is very quick. In this article, we describe a program realization of automatic differentiation. This implementation is prepared in the system UFO, but its principles can be applied in other systems. We describe, how the operations are stored in the first part of the derivative computation and how the obtained records are effectively used in the second part of the computation
Mechanismy regulace exprese genů pro ornitin transkarbamylázu a beta-glukocerebrosidázu a jejich význam v diagnostice
4 Abstrakt KoneÄŤná diagnĂłza d diÄŤnĂ˝ch metabolickĂ˝ch poruch je obvykle urÄŤena na základ vyšet enĂ enzymovĂ© aktivity (coĹľ je mnohdy komplikovanĂ©) a/nebo za pomoci molekulárn genetickĂ©ho vyšet enĂ. VĂ˝sledky standardnĂ mutaÄŤnĂ analĂ˝zy však mohou bĂ˝t n kdy zavád jĂcĂ, zejmĂ©na v p Ăpad rozsáhlĂ˝ch reorganizacĂ na Ăşrovni chromozomu ÄŤi u mutacĂ v regulaÄŤnĂch oblastech. P edkládaná práce je zam ena na charakterizaci komplexnĂch mutacĂ v genu pro ornitin transkarbamylázu (OTC), studium regulaÄŤnĂch oblastĂ OTC a genu pro β-galaktozidázu (GBA). V rámci studie provedenĂ© na souboru ÄŤĂtajĂcĂm 37 pacient s kongenitálnĂ hyperamonĂ©miĂ II. typu (OTCD) bylo identifikováno a charakterizováno 14 novĂ˝ch mutacĂ vÄŤetn t Ă rozsáhlĂ˝ch delecĂ. Byl zaznamenán i p Ăpad symptomatickĂ© heterozygotky pro hypomorfnĂ mutaci p.R129H, u nĂĹľ byl fenotyp OTCD z ejm podmĂn n posunem v X-inaktivaci ve prosp ch mutovanĂ© alely. Nález byl podloĹľen sledovánĂm nevĂ˝hodnĂ© X-inaktivace ve t ech r znĂ˝ch perifernĂch tkánĂch. Za účelem prov enĂ patogenity promotorovĂ© variace c.-366A>G v OTC nalezenĂ© v jednĂ© rodin s mĂrnĂ˝m fenotypem OTCD byly identifikovány t i alternativnĂ počátky transkripce (PT) a vymezen promotor lidskĂ©ho OTC. TranskripÄŤnĂ aktivita promotoru, stejn tak jako aktivita nov nalezenĂ©ho distálnĂho enhanceru, byla ov ena funkÄŤnĂ esejĂ. VĂ˝sledky...5 Abstract Definitive diagnosis of inherited metabolic disorders commonly depends on the measurement of enzyme activity (which is often complicated) and/or molecular genetic testing. Yet even the standard mutation analysis can bring false negative results in the case of gross chromosomal rearrangements or incorrect regulation of gene expression due to the mutations in regulatory regions. In the present study I focused on characterization of complex mutations affecting the gene encoding ornithin transcarbamylase (OTC) followed by studies of regulatory regions of OTC and GBA (the gene encoding β-glucocerebrosidase). In the first study we identified 14 novel mutations including three large deletions in a cohort of 37 patients with OTC deficiency (OTCD). Subsequently we evaluated clinical significance of all these mutations. We also found a heterozygote carrying a hypomorphic mutation and manifesting OTCD most likely due to unfavorable X-inactivation which was observed independently in three different peripheral tissues. In order to evaluate the clinical significance of a promoter variation c.-366A>G found in a family with mild OTCD we identified three alternative transcription start sites (TSSs) of human OTC and delimited the promoter. We also found a distal enhancer and performed functional analysis of both...First Faculty of Medicine1. lĂ©kaĹ™ská fakult
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