15 research outputs found

    Anteromedial positioning of the femoral tunnel in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is the best option to avoid revision: a single surgeon registry

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    Abstract Purpose The aim of the study is to compare the risk of revision of single-bundle hamstring anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction between the anteromedial, transtibial and outside-in techniques. Methods This cohort study was based on data from a single surgeon’s registry. Patients who underwent primary single-bundle ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon using the anteromedial portal, transtibial and outside-in technique, operated between 1 November 2003 to 31 December 2016, were eligible for inclusion. A minimum follow-up of 2 years was used, and the end-point of the study was revision surgery. Results The total number of registered surgeries identified was 665; 109 were excluded, and 556 was the final sample. The overall revision rate was 8.7%. The transtibial technique presented 14/154 [9.9%] of revisions, the transportal 11/96 [11.4%] and the outside-in 22/306 [7.2%]. Separating the outside-in group into central outside-in and anteromedial (AM) outside-in, 18/219 [8.2%] was found for the central outside-in and 4/87 [4.5%] for the AM outside-in technique. Statistical evaluation of the first comparison (transtibial vs. transportal vs. outside-in) obtained p = (n.s.) The second comparison (transtibial vs. central transportal vs. central outside-in vs. AM outside-in, p = (n.s). Placement was also evaluated: high anteromedial placement (transtibial) vs. central (transportal and central outside-in technique) vs. AM placement (AM outside-in). The high AM placement presented 14/154 [9.9%] of revision, the central placement 29/315 [9.2%] and the AM placement 4/87 [4.5%], p = (n.s.) The AM placement was also compared with the other placements (high and central AM), p = (n.s.) Conclusion Based on the registry of a single surgeon during 14 years of ACL reconstruction, the placement of the femoral tunnel in the high anteromedial region was associated with a rupture rate of 9.9%, central placement with 9.2% and anteromedial placement with 4.5%

    Total knee arthroplasty with mobile tibial weight-bearing: clinical evaluation after a minimum of five years of postoperative follow-up

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the medium and long term results from total knee arthroplasty with rotating tibial weight-bearing.METHODS: Between January 2000 and July 2007, 162 patients underwent total knee arthroplasty with mobile tibial weight-bearing. Among these, 96 were evaluated in a previous study with a mean follow-up of 4 years. In the present study, the same group was invited back for reassessment and the results were analyzed. Sixty-nine patients responded to this call (79 knees), and they were evaluated in accordance with the Knee Society Rating System (KSRS), after a mean follow-up of 8 years and 8 months (ranging from 5.5 and 13 years).RESULTS: A mean KSRS score of 74.41 points was obtained, with good or excellent results.CONCLUSION: The medium and long-term results from total knee arthroplasty with mobile tibial weight-bearing were good, and a mean score of 74.41 points in the Knee Society Clinical Rating System was attained

    Anterior Cruciate and Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction Using Hamstring and Peroneus Longus Tendons: Surgical Technique Description

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    The main objective of this study is to describe a surgical technique that combines intra- and extra-articular techniques using the semitendinosus, gracilis, and peroneus longus to perform reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament and anterolateral ligament. This technique offers a more stable, fast, low-cost, and widely accessible procedure and consists of drilling 3 tunnels—1 femoral and 2 tibial tunnels—in which the grafts are fixed with interference screws. The fact that the peroneus longus graft is long and thick allows for robust reconstruction of the aforementioned ligaments

    Resultados da tenotomia dos músculos adutores do quadril na paralisia cerebral espástica

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliação radiográfica da evolução dos quadris submetidos à liberação de partes moles. MÉTODOS: Avaliação retrospectiva de 101 pacientes com paralisia cerebral submetidos à liberação de partes moles, no período entre 1991 e 2006. Destes, 44 pacientes com critérios de inclusão, 23 do sexo masculino e 21 do feminino, 34 diparéticos e 10 tetraparéticos. Funcionalmente, 29 não andadores, cinco andadores domiciliares e 10 andadores comunitários. Foram mensurados o índice acetabular (IA) e índice de Reimers (IR) nas radiografias pré e pós-operatória, com tempo mínimo de seguimento de três anos. A idade média na cirurgia foi 6,4 anos. RESULTADOS: Considerou-se bom resultado os quadris com diminuição ou aumento menor que 10% do IR (52% deste estudo). Observou-se melhora evidente do IR, além de apresentar piores resultados nos pacientes maiores de cinco anos de seguimento pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: Deve-se realizar a liberação de partes moles, o mais precocemente possível, independentemente da idade, condição deambulatória, tipo clínico, IR, IA e sexo, assim que apresentar abdução menor que 30 graus clinicamente, devido aos benefícios quanto à marcha, prevenção e tratamento da subluxação, higienização e alívio da dor

    Artroplastia total do joelho com o apoio tibial móvel: avaliação dos resultados a médio prazo

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliações dos resultados a médio prazo da aplicação da prótese com apoio tibial móvel. MÉTODOS: Noventa e seis pacientes (107 joelhos) foram submetidos a artroplastia total do joelho realizada com um modelo de prótese com mobilidade rotatória no componente tibial. Os pacientes foram avaliados após um seguimento médio de 52,7 meses - desvio padrão 21,94 (mínimo de 24 meses e máximo de 120 meses), através do protocolo de avaliação "Knee Society Clinical Rating System" (KSCRS), com uma média de 78,22 pontos. RESULTADOS: Entre as complicações transoperatórias e pós operatórias imediatas ocorreram uma deiscência de sutura, com cura espontânea, duas fraturas de patela, uma fratura do côndilo medial do fêmur, três paresias do nervo fibular lateral e uma distrofia nervosa simpático reflexa. As complicações tardias foram uma fratura da patela, uma fratura distal do fêmur, quatro solturas assépticas e quatro infecções profundas, que necessitaram de revisão. CONCLUSÃO: Excluindo-se os casos que necessitaram de uma revisão, por soltura séptica ou asséptica, os autores concluem serem bons os resultados clínicos e funcionais obtidos com a prótese com o apoio tibial móvel num seguimento a médio prazo