119 research outputs found


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    During the period between 1945 and 1991 the dairy sector was regulated by the State. The price standardization imposed by the government, conducted many times aiming to facilitate adjustments in economy, had serious consequences right after the end of said intervention. The present study tried to understand the process which outlined the conformation of the current institutional structure in this complex, the causes of its maintenance, and the immediate trends which may be envisaged in short and medium terms. There is an absence of public policies devised to account for the incoherences detected in the dairy complex which originate to a large extent in the deliberate loss of the power of regulation by the State and in the liberal orientation taken in the end of the 80s. With the end of the State regulation new mechanisms of support and financing emerged, but those do not go directly under the State actors appreciation. However, the dynamics of the productive restructuring is not yet over. A new phase may be replacing the former, and the actors in the dairy agri-food complex once again should look for solutions for the situations which generate uncertainty and changes, originated in the search for higher competitiveness and professionalization since those proved vital for the permanence of such actors in the formal productive activity.sectorial policies, agri-industry, milk, industrial organization., Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    This paper compares governance structures in the Brazilian citrus production that appeared with the process of international certification of organic products. Both governance structures, between organic orange production and the processing plant, are analyzed through a study case methodology. These two governance structures are different from the traditional dominant structures that were consolidated with the industrial oligopoly of frozen and concentrated orange juice production along the last thirty years in Brazil. The analyzed cases (onward integration and onward partial-integration) can be used as a reference for possible penetrations of alternative organizational forms in citrus production in an agro-industrial complex predominantly directed at commodity exportation (frozen concentrated orange juice) that has been excluding thousands of citrus producers since 1990. The theoretical basis of this work is the new institutional economy (NIE), known as transaction cost approach. The results of the case studies show that organic certification of orange production and processing leads to more integrated governance structures in citrus production, as it increases agricultural products’ assets specificity and moral hazard risks in commercialization.institutions, governance, certification, citrus, integration, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,


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    This work shows that the political and legal resources available to citrus farmers have become as strategic as financial, technological and organizational resources. The study presents an analysis of the Brazilian citrus business governance, which is defined by the use of different strategies among citrus farmers and processing plants: the citrus farmers and their main association use political resources, while some big juice processing plants resort to legal resources. This opposition represents a new obstacle to the achievement of positive results by citrus farmers in the current power network. Court orders demonstrate that orange supply contracts have become a fundamental empowering instrument in the sector, leading to strategic gains for the juice processing plants after four years of significant political conquests by citrus farmers, especially in Sao Paulo state.citrus farmers, power, resources, juice processing plants, citrus business governance, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,


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    This paper is a preliminary analysis of the governance structure of the faire trade of orange juice between Brazil and France. Fair trade is an organizational field composed of complex organizational networks that maintain relations of mutual dependence and share the same values system. As fair trade is a subject that has received relatively little study and presents many particularities, an exploratory study was considered appropriate. Primary and secondary data were collected. In the case of the trade of orange juice between Brazil and France, two commercial networks were identified. The integrated network is constituted by professionals who specialize in fair trade, while the certified network includes more conventional commercial organizations, such as supermarkets. However, although they adopt different functioning mechanisms, in the case of orange juice the importers in the integrated network have integrated themselves into the certified network. In this way, they meet the requirements of the certified network and follow its rules for importing Brazilian orange juice. After analyzing the intrinsic characteristics of the product, the asset specificity, the frequency and the uncertainty of the transactions, the governance structure observed was the hybrid arrangement, in which long-term contracts are used to coordinate relations.transaction costs, governance structures, networks, fair trade, orange juice., Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,

    Public policies and food security and family farming networks: contributions to the construction of effectiveness indicators.

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    This work presents a methodology for investigating the performance of public politics regarding food security networks formed in Brazilian municipalities aimed at increasing income and employment in familiar farming. These programs need to further develop the methodologies used for studying their efficiency so that they can reach a new stage in the improvement and use of management tools thereby achieving beteer results of social inclusion and/or food security. This paper constitutes a first effort to bring together indicators for the evaluation of the efficiency of public politicies

    A coordenação agroindustrial citrícola brasileira e os novos recursos de poder: dos políticos aos jurídicos

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    O presente trabalho mostra que os recursos políticos e jurídicos tornaram-se tão ou mais estratégicos para citricultores e processadores de suco no Brasil que os próprios recursos financeiros, tecnológicos e organizacionais. Também, apresenta uma análise da governança citrícola brasileira atual, que está pautada por estratégias diferentes entre citricultores e processadoras: os citricultores e sua principal associação pautam suas principais ações nas utilizações de recursos políticos e algumas grandes processadoras de suco avançam com utilizações de recursos jurídicos. Esse embate revela um novo entrave para a conquista de resultados positivos pelos citricultores na rede de poder atual, pois os mandados judiciais revelam que o contrato de fornecimento de laranja tornou-se um instrumento de poder fundamental nessa rede de coordenação, causando ganhos estratégicos para as processadoras de suco após quatro anos de conquistas de recursos políticos significativos por parte dos citricultores, especialmente do estado de São Paulo.------------------------------------This essay shows that the political and legal resources, for citrus farmers, became as much strategic as financial, technological and organizational resources themselves. It This essay shows that the political and legal resources, for citrus farmers, became as much strategic as financial, technological and organizational resources themselves. ItThis essay shows that the political and legal resources, for citrus farmers, became as much strategic as financial, technological and organizational resources themselves. It presents an analysis of Brazilian citrus business governance, which is guided by different strategies between citrus farmers and processing plants: the citrus farmers and their main association guide their actions into using political resources while some big juice processing plants advance by using legal resources. This opposition represents a new obstacle to the conquest of positive results by citrus farmers in the current power network, because court orders shows that the supplying contracts of orange became an instrument of fundamental power into this coordination network, causing strategic gains for the juice processing plants after four years of significant political resource conquests by citrus farmers, specially in Sao Paulo state.Citricultores, recursos de poder, processadores de suco, governança citrícola, citrus farmers, resources of power, juice processing plants, citrus business governance, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries,


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    This work aims to present a diagnosis of the main institutional filters for the agroindustrial citriculture chain in São Paulo State. Many of these filters are consolidated into hindrances for the orange business organization in the orange trade channels. These organizational hindrances result from a field research carried out amongst 120 producers in Ribeirão Preto –SP area during the harvest periods ranging from 2003-2004. The identification and analysis of those hindrances allow further advance for understanding the orange producers’ adaptation problems in the Brazilian agroindustrial citriculture organization.organization, institutions, hindrances, agroindustry, citrus juice.,

    Custos de transação sob a ótica de uma construtora para aprovação de projeto do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida junto à Administração Pública e agente financeiro / Transaction costs from the perspective of a construction company for project approval of Minha Casa Minha Vida Program with the Public Administration and financial agent

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    RESUMO Este artigo se propõe a dimensionar os principais gatilhos de custos de transação presentes no fluxo de aprovações de um projeto de uma construtora com a burocracia pública e agente financeiro, sob a ótica desta construtora. Para esse dimensionamento, serão utilizados como referencial teórico os atributos da transação propostos por Oliver Williamson, quais sejam: as especificidades dos ativos, a incerteza (via conceitos de seleção adversa e risco moral) e frequência. Como recorte, em virtude de sua função social e importância quanto à utilização de recursos públicos, optou-se pela análise desses atributos nas relações de aprovações de um projeto para o Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV), faixa 1, com recursos do Fundo de Arrendamento Residencial (FAR). O processo de aprovação de projetos foi mapeado para que fosse criado um questionário para a pesquisa de campo que cruzasse cada etapa do processo de aprovação com cada atributo da transação, de tal forma a dimensiona-los e identificar os pontos mais críticos e suas causas. Viu-se que os custos de transação, dentro da metodologia adotada, não foram significativos para o projeto em questão, tendo em vista a ação bem articulada de município, Estado e União na concretização do projeto. 


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    Os caminhos deste trabalho estão articulados ao percurso de análise dos Projetos Agroindustriais Familiares nos contextos regional e/ou local sendo que o objeto de nossa reflexão reporta-se a uma temática de investigação bastante recente na literatura especializada no Brasil, qual seja a da valorização dos espaços locais e da capacidade de ação dos agentes aí presentes nos processos de geração de alternativas para o desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental. Em nossa hipótese, estas iniciativas constituem redes de segurança alimentar tratada da maneira ampla e são apontadas como uma das alternativas para a reversão das conseqüências sociais, econômicas e ambientais desfavoráveis do meio rural. Impulsiona a geração, direta e indireta, de novos postos de trabalho e de renda aos agricultores familiares, promove a sua (re) inclusão social e econômica dentro deste modelo econômico atual e viabiliza a inserção desses agricultores na dimensão ambiental, priorizando a agroecologia e implementando mecanismos de gestão ambiental para a produção primária e secundária. O objetivo principal do trabalho não é de apresentar um estudo de caso e sim uma proposta metodológica para investigação das aplicabilidades, eficácias, entraves e aperfeiçoamentos das agroindústrias familiares que estão formando redes de relacionamento em assentamentos rurais. Até o momento, essas políticas não contam com um modelo concreto de avaliação e aperfeiçoamento. Essa carência está acontecendo em todos os estados. Organismos responsáveis por tais políticas públicas, como o Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social (MDS) e o ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA) do Governo Federal, as secretarias de governos estaduais (como a do governo do estado de São Paulo) e as próprias prefeituras municipais não apontam para a emergência deste tipo de metodologia e, conseqüentemente, de diagnóstico. Assim, este artigo constitui o primeiro esforço de reunir indicadores de avaliações das eficácias dessa política pública.--------------------------------------------The ways of this essay are dealt along the analisys of the Family Agroindustrial Project in regional and/or local context. In this regard the object of our reflexion reports to a thematic of investigation rather recent in specialized literature in Brazil, focusing the valorization of local spaces and the capacity of action of their agents in the process of alternative generation for social economical environmental development. In our hypothesis, these initiatives are not only parts of alimentary security webs but also alleged to be one of the alternatives to a reversion of the unfavorable social economical environmental consequences of the rural mean. It impels the direct and indirect generation of new jobs and wealth to small farmers, promoting social and economical inclusion inside of the current economical model as well as it enables the insertion of these planters into environmental dimension, giving priority to the agroecology and implementing mechanisms of environmental management to primary and secundary production. The main objective of this essay is not presenting a study of case but presenting a methodological porposal for investigation of aplicabilities, effectiveness, obstacles and improvements to family agroindustries that are forming relationship webs in rural settlements. Up to the moment, these policies do not count with a concrete model of evaluation and improvement. This gap is happening in all states. Responsible agencies for such public policies like The Social Development Ministry (SDM) and the Agrary Development Ministry (ADM) of the Federal Government, secretaries of state governs (such as the govern of Sao Paulo state) and the municipal administrative cabinets themselves are not aware of the emergency of this kind of metodology, thus, diagnostic. In this way, this paper is the first effort intending to get together indicators of the evaluation of efficiency public politic.Segurança Alimentar, Agroindústrias Familiares, Políticas Públicas, food security, family agribusiness, public politicies, Agribusiness, Food Security and Poverty,

    Segurança Alimentar e Agricultura Familiar: Análise dos Programas Municipais de Araraquara-SP

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    O presente trabalho analisa as políticas públicas de segurança alimentar como instrumentos de desenvolvimento nos espaços locais e regionais voltados ao objetivo de elevar as condições de renda e de emprego na agricultura familiar. Mostra que mecanismos institucionais desenvolvidos a partir de políticas públicas participativas podem promover o desenvolvimento rural local e regional com possibilidades de inclusão social. Tal constatação reforça a hipótese de que alternativas institucionais podem levar os agricultores familiares (assentados ou dos fluxos agroindustriais tradicionais) a compor efetivamente a agenda política local. Nesse sentido, discorre sobre os programas municipais de Araraquara-SP, centralizados sob a gestão da Coordenadoria de Agroindústria e Segurança Alimentar e mostra que tais iniciativas podem ser consideradas como um embrião de modelo de desenvolvimento alternativo às economias regionais, capaz de alterar, com ganho qualitativo, padrões de segurança alimentar e de responsabilidade social dos municípios, os quais são visivelmente prejudicados com a má distribuição de renda causada pela expansão da cana, com conseqüentes agravantes na qualidade de vida.-------------------The present work analyses the public policies for alimentary security as tools of development in local and regional spaces as a way of improving wealth and job in family agriculture. It shows that institutional mechanisms developed from participative public policies may promote the rural local and regional development with possibilities of social inclusion. Such evidence reinforce the hypothesis that institutional alternatives can lead family farmers (settled or from traditional and agroindustrial streams) to be effectively part of the local political agenda. In this regard, it reasons about the municipal programs of Araraquara-SP, centralized under the administration of the Agroindustry and Alimentary Security Cabinet and it shows that such initiatives can be considered as an embryo of alternative development model to the regional economies, capable of changing, with qualitative gain, standards of alimentary security and of social responsaility of municipal districts which are clearly impaired by poor wealth distribution caused by sugarcane expansion, with aggravating consequences to life quality.Políticas Públicas, Programas Locais de Segurança Alimentar, Agricultura Familiar, Instrumentos de Inclusão Social, Gestão Centralizada.Public Policies, Local Programs of Alimentary Security, Family Agriculture, Social Inclusion Tools, Centralized Administration., Food Security and Poverty,
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