61 research outputs found

    Ajustes no metabolismo de proteínas e lipídios no jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) durante diferentes períodos de jejum e realimentação

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    The fish may experience periods of food deprivation or starvation which produce metabolic changes. In this study, adult Rhamdia quelen males were subjected to fasting periods of 1, 7, 14, and 21 days and of refeeding 2, 4, 6, and 12 days. The results demonstrated that liver protein was depleted after 1 day of fasting, but recovered after 6 days of refeeding. After 14 days of fasting, mobilization in the lipids of the muscular tissue took place, and these reserves began to re-establish themselves after 4 days of refeeding. Plasmatic triglycerides increased after 1 day of fasting, and decreased following 2 days of refeeding. The glycerol in the plasma oscillated constantly during the different periods of fasting and refeeding. Changes in the metabolism of both protein and lipids during these periods can be considered as survival strategies used by R. quelen. The difference in the metabolic profile of the tissues, the influence of the period of fasting, and the type of reserves mobilized were all in evidence.Os peixes podem sofrer períodos de privação de alimentos ou de fome, que produzem mudanças metabólicas. Neste estudo, jundiás machos adultos foram submetidos a jejum períodos de 1, 7, 14 e 21 dias e realimentação 2, 4, 6, e 12 dias. Os resultados demonstraram que a proteína do fígado foi esgotada depois de um dia de jejum, mas restabeleceu após 6 dias de realimentação. Após 14 dias de jejum, ocorreu a mobilização dos lípidos no tecido muscular sendo que estas reservas começaram a re-estabelecer-se após 4 dias de realimentação. Os triglicérides plasmáticos aumentam após um dia de jejum, e diminuiram após 2 dias de realimentação. O glicerol no plasma oscilou constantemente durante os diferentes períodos de jejum e realimentação. As alterações no metabolismo de proteína e lipídios durante estes períodos podem ser consideradas uma estratégias de sobrevivência utilizada pelo Rhamdia quelen. Sendo que a diferença no perfil metabólico tecidual bem como a influência do período de jejum e o tipo de reserva a ser mobilizada foram observadas neste estudo

    Adipose tissue of female Wistar rats respond to Ilex paraguariensis treatment after ovariectomy surgery

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    Background and aim: Metabolic disturbances are known for their increasing epidemiological importance. Ilex paraguariensis presents a potential option for mitigating lipid metabolism imbalance. However, most of the literature to date has not considered sex bias. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Ilex paraguariensis on the metabolism of different adipose tissue depots in males and females. Experimental procedure: After ovariectomy, female Wistar rats received daily treatment with the extract (1 g/kg) for forty-five days. Biochemical serum parameters and tissue metabolism were evaluated. Oxidation, lipogenesis and lipolysis were evaluated in brown, white visceral, retroperitoneal and gonadal adipose tissues. Results and conclusion: The results showed that treatment with the extract led to a reduced weight gain in ovariectomised females in comparison to control. The triglyceride concentration was decreased in males. Glucose oxidation and lipid synthesis in visceral and retroperitoneal adipose tissues were restored in ovariectomised females after treatment. The response to epinephrine decreased in visceral adipose tissue of control males; however, lipolysis in females did not respond to ovariectomy or treatment. These findings highlight the enormous potential effects of I. paraguariensis on lipid metabolism, modulating lipogenic pathways in females and lipolytic pathways in males. Furthermore, the sex approach applied in this study contributes to more effective screening of the effects of I. paraguariensis bioactive substances