14 research outputs found

    The predicted RNA-binding protein regulome of axonal mRNAs

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    Neurons are morphologically complex cells that rely on the compartmentalization of protein expression to develop and maintain their cytoarchitecture. Targeting of RNA transcripts to axons is one of the mechanisms that allows rapid local translation of proteins in response to extracellular signals. 3'; untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNA are noncoding sequences that play a critical role in determining transcript localization and translation by interacting with specific RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). However, how 3' UTRs contribute to mRNA metabolism and the nature of RBP complexes responsible for these functions remain elusive. We performed 3' end sequencing of RNA isolated from cell bodies and axons of sympathetic neurons exposed to either Nerve Growth factor (NGF) or Neurotrophin 3 (NT-3). NGF and NT-3 are growth factors essential for sympathetic neuron development through distinct signalling mechanisms. Whereas NT-3 acts mostly locally, NGF signal is retrogradely transported from axons to cell bodies. We discovered that both NGF and NT-3 affect transcription and alternative polyadenylation in the nucleus and induce the localization of specific 3'UTR isoforms to axons, including short 3’UTR isoforms found exclusively in axons. The integration of our data with CLIP sequencing data supports a model whereby long 3’UTR isoforms associate with RBP complexes in the nucleus, and upon reaching the axons, are remodelled locally into shorter isoforms. Our findings shed new light into the complex relationship between nuclear polyadenylation, mRNA localisation and local 3'UTR remodelling in developing neurons

    Physiological intron retaining transcripts in the cytoplasm abound during human motor neurogenesis

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    Intron retention (IR) is now recognized as a dominant splicing event during motor neuron (MN) development, however the role and regulation of intron-retaining transcripts (IRTs) localized to the cytoplasm remain particularly understudied. Here we show that IR is a physiological process that is spatiotemporally regulated during MN lineage restriction and that IRTs in the cytoplasm are detected in as many as 13% (n=2297) of the genes expressed during this process. We identify a major class of cytoplasmic IRTs, which are not associated with reduced expression of their own genes, but instead show a high capacity for RNA-binding protein and miRNA occupancy. Finally, we show that ALS-causing VCP mutations lead to a selective increase in cytoplasmic abundance of this particular class of IRTs, which in turn temporally coincides with an increase in the nuclear expression level of predicted miRNA target genes. Altogether, our study identifies a previously unrecognized class of cytoplasmic intronic sequences with potential regulatory function beyond gene expression

    Widespread FUS mislocalization is a molecular hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Mutations causing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) clearly implicate ubiquitously expressed and predominantly nuclear RNA binding proteins, which form pathological cytoplasmic inclusions in this context. However, the possibility that wild-type RNA binding proteins mislocalize without necessarily becoming constituents of cytoplasmic inclusions themselves remains relatively unexplored. We hypothesized that nuclear-to-cytoplasmic mislocalization of the RNA binding protein fused in sarcoma (FUS), in an unaggregated state, may occur more widely in ALS than previously recognized. To address this hypothesis, we analysed motor neurons from a human ALS induced-pluripotent stem cell model caused by the VCP mutation. Additionally, we examined mouse transgenic models and post-mortem tissue from human sporadic ALS cases. We report nuclear-to-cytoplasmic mislocalization of FUS in both VCP-mutation related ALS and, crucially, in sporadic ALS spinal cord tissue from multiple cases. Furthermore, we provide evidence that FUS protein binds to an aberrantly retained intron within the SFPQ transcript, which is exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. Collectively, these data support a model for ALS pathogenesis whereby aberrant intron retention in SFPQ transcripts contributes to FUS mislocalization through their direct interaction and nuclear export. In summary, we report widespread mislocalization of the FUS protein in ALS and propose a putative underlying mechanism for this process

    Integrated transcriptome landscape of ALS identifies genome instability linked to TDP-43 pathology

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) causes motor neuron degeneration, with 97% of cases exhibiting TDP-43 proteinopathy. Elucidating pathomechanisms has been hampered by disease heterogeneity and difficulties accessing motor neurons. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived motor neurons (iPSMNs) offer a solution; however, studies have typically been limited to underpowered cohorts. Here, we present a comprehensive compendium of 429 iPSMNs from 15 datasets, and 271 post-mortem spinal cord samples. Using reproducible bioinformatic workflows, we identify robust upregulation of p53 signalling in ALS in both iPSMNs and post-mortem spinal cord. p53 activation is greatest with C9orf72 repeat expansions but is weakest with SOD1 and FUS mutations. TDP-43 depletion potentiates p53 activation in both post-mortem neuronal nuclei and cell culture, thereby functionally linking p53 activation with TDP-43 depletion. ALS iPSMNs and post-mortem tissue display enrichment of splicing alterations, somatic mutations, and gene fusions, possibly contributing to the DNA damage response

    Intron retention and nuclear loss of SFPQ are molecular hallmarks of ALS

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    Mutations causing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) strongly implicate ubiquitously expressed regulators of RNA processing. To understand the molecular impact of ALS-causing mutations on neuronal development and disease, we analysed transcriptomes during in vitro differentiation of motor neurons (MNs) from human control and patient-specific VCP mutant induced-pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We identify increased intron retention (IR) as a dominant feature of the splicing programme during early neural differentiation. Importantly, IR occurs prematurely in VCP mutant cultures compared with control counterparts. These aberrant IR events are also seen in independent RNAseq data sets from SOD1- and FUS-mutant MNs. The most significant IR is seen in the SFPQ transcript. The SFPQ protein binds extensively to its retained intron, exhibits lower nuclear abundance in VCP mutant cultures and is lost from nuclei of MNs in mouse models and human sporadic ALS. Collectively, we demonstrate SFPQ IR and nuclear loss as molecular hallmarks of familial and sporadic ALS

    Progressive Motor Neuron Pathology and the Role of Astrocytes in a Human Stem Cell Model of VCP-Related ALS.

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    Motor neurons (MNs) and astrocytes (ACs) are implicated in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but their interaction and the sequence of molecular events leading to MN death remain unresolved. Here, we optimized directed differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into highly enriched (> 85%) functional populations of spinal cord MNs and ACs. We identify significantly increased cytoplasmic TDP-43 and ER stress as primary pathogenic events in patient-specific valosin-containing protein (VCP)-mutant MNs, with secondary mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Cumulatively, these cellular stresses result in synaptic pathology and cell death in VCP-mutant MNs. We additionally identify a cell-autonomous VCP-mutant AC survival phenotype, which is not attributable to the same molecular pathology occurring in VCP-mutant MNs. Finally, through iterative co-culture experiments, we uncover non-cell-autonomous effects of VCP-mutant ACs on both control and mutant MNs. This work elucidates molecular events and cellular interplay that could guide future therapeutic strategies in ALS

    Mathematical modeling of the re-epithelialization of a 3 dimensional (3d) human skin equivalent

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    Re-epithelialization is the dominant mode of healing in partial thickness wounds. In order to develop better strategies to monitor such wound healing, 3D HSE models and mathematical models have long been utilized to improve our understanding of epidermis formation and re-epithelialization. Using both approaches we endeavoured to generate two mathematical models of epidermis formation and one mathematical model of wound closure based on in vitro studies of epithelialization of 3D HSE models and re-epithlialization of wounded HSE models. We used immunohistochemistry to evaluate keratinocyte proliferation, differentiation and migration. The mathematical models investigated first the role of nutrient concentration (simple model of epidermis formation) and the concurrent roles of ATP, nutrient and calcium concentrations (improved model) in epidermis formation and homeostasis, to eventually lead to a two-dimensional model of wound closure. The 3D HSE model presented similar histology and immunohistochemistry as that of native skin after 11 days of culture. A complete differentiated epidermis filled the wound by day 14 after injury. Finally the contribution of basal cell proliferation in the neoepithelium has been demonstrated during wound closure. The improved mathematical model of epidermis formation produced reasonable representations with a complex cell layer dynamic, while the initial mathematical model presented the potential role of nutrient concentration in determining epidermis thickness. The model of wound closure further illustrated the critical role of nutrient concentration in the process of re-epithelialisation. The major drawback of existing wound closure models is that they neglect the differentiation and stratification; the models developed in this project innovatively integrates by both the second dimension and differentiation, and could consequently bring more insights into the regulation of epidermis homeostasis and wound repai

    Mammary epithelial morphogenesis in 3D combinatorial microenvironments

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    Human mammary epithelial cells can proliferate and reorganize into polarized multi-cellular constructs in-vitro, thereby functioning as an important model system in recapitulating key steps of in-vivo morphogenesis. Current approaches to constructing such three-dimensional mimics of the in-vivo microenvironment have involved the use of complex and ill-defined naturally derived matrices, whose properties are difficult to manipulate independently, and which have therefore limited our ability to understand the extrinsic regulation of morphogenesis. Here, we employ an automated, high-throughput approach to array modular building blocks of synthetic components, and develop a systematic approach to analyze colonies resulting from these varied microenvironmental combinations. This methodology allows us to systematically map the relationship between microenvironmental properties and ensuing morphogenetic phenotypes. Our analysis reveals that apico-basal polarity of mammary epithelial cells occurs within a narrow range of matrix stiffness, and that phenotypic homogeneity is favored in matrices which are insensitive to MMP-mediated degradation. Furthermore, combinations of extracellular proteins in the matrix finely tune the morphology of the mammary colonies, suggesting that subtle disregulations of the microenvironment may play a significant role in pathological disease states. This approach, which leverages the combinatorial possibilities of modular synthetic artificial extracellular matrices with an automated technology platform, demonstrates how morphogenesis can be assessed systematically in 3D, and provides new insights into mammary epithelial multicellularity

    Computational modeling identifies key gene regulatory interactions underlying phenobarbital-mediated tumor promotion

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    Gene regulatory interactions underlying the early stages of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis are poorly understood. Here, we have identified key candidate regulators of phenobarbital (PB)-mediated mouse liver tumorigenesis, a well-characterized model of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis, by applying a new computational modeling approach to a comprehensive collection of in vivo gene expression studies. We have combined our previously developed motif activity response analysis (MARA), which models gene expression patterns in terms of computationally predicted transcription factor binding sites with singular value decomposition (SVD) of the inferred motif activities, to disentangle the roles that different transcriptional regulators play in specific biological pathways of tumor promotion. Furthermore, transgenic mouse models enabled us to identify which of these regulatory activities was downstream of constitutive androstane receptor and b-catenin signaling, both crucial components of PB-mediated liver tumorigenesis. We propose novel roles for E2F and ZFP161 in PB-mediated hepatocyte proliferation and suggest that PB-mediated suppression of ESR1 activity contributes to the development of a tumor-prone environment. Our study shows that combining MARA with SVD allows for automated identification of independent transcription regulatory programs within a complex in vivo tissue environment and provides novel mechanistic insights into PB-mediated hepatocarcinogenesis