5 research outputs found

    Light-Assisted, Templated Self-Assembly Using a Photonic-Crystal Slab

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    We experimentally demonstrate the technique of light-assisted, templated self-assembly (LATS). We excite a guided-resonance mode of a photonic-crystal slab with 1.55 μm laser light to create an array of optical traps. We demonstrate assembly of a square lattice of 520 nm diameter polystyrene particles spaced by 860 nm. Our results demonstrate how LATS can be used to fabricate reconfigurable structures with symmetries different from traditional colloidal self-assembly, which is limited by free energetic constraints

    Optical Epitaxial Growth of Gold Nanoparticle Arrays

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    We use an optical analogue of epitaxial growth to assemble gold nanoparticles into 2D arrays. Particles are attracted to a growth template via optical forces and interact through optical binding. Competition between effects determines the final particle arrangements. We use a Monte Carlo model to design a template that favors growth of hexagonal particle arrays. We experimentally demonstrate growth of a highly stable array of 50 gold particles with 200 nm diameter, spaced by 1.1 μm

    Light-Assisted, Templated Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticle Chains

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    We experimentally demonstrate the technique of light-assisted, templated self-assembly (LATS) to trap and assemble 200 nm diameter gold nanoparticles. We excite a guided-resonance mode of a photonic-crystal slab with 1.55 μm laser light to create an array of optical traps. Unlike our previous demonstration of LATS with polystyrene particles, we find that the interparticle interactions play a significant role in the resulting particle patterns. Despite a two-dimensionally periodic intensity profile in the slab, the particles form one-dimensional chains whose orientations can be controlled by the incident polarization of the light. The formation of chains can be understood in terms of a competition between the gradient force due to the excitation of the mode in the slab and optical binding between particles

    Light-Assisted, Templated Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticle Chains

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    We experimentally demonstrate the technique of light-assisted, templated self-assembly (LATS) to trap and assemble 200 nm diameter gold nanoparticles. We excite a guided-resonance mode of a photonic-crystal slab with 1.55 μm laser light to create an array of optical traps. Unlike our previous demonstration of LATS with polystyrene particles, we find that the interparticle interactions play a significant role in the resulting particle patterns. Despite a two-dimensionally periodic intensity profile in the slab, the particles form one-dimensional chains whose orientations can be controlled by the incident polarization of the light. The formation of chains can be understood in terms of a competition between the gradient force due to the excitation of the mode in the slab and optical binding between particles

    Light-Assisted, Templated Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticle Chains

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    We experimentally demonstrate the technique of light-assisted, templated self-assembly (LATS) to trap and assemble 200 nm diameter gold nanoparticles. We excite a guided-resonance mode of a photonic-crystal slab with 1.55 μm laser light to create an array of optical traps. Unlike our previous demonstration of LATS with polystyrene particles, we find that the interparticle interactions play a significant role in the resulting particle patterns. Despite a two-dimensionally periodic intensity profile in the slab, the particles form one-dimensional chains whose orientations can be controlled by the incident polarization of the light. The formation of chains can be understood in terms of a competition between the gradient force due to the excitation of the mode in the slab and optical binding between particles