5 research outputs found

    Yield and fruit quality of Santa Cruz and Italian tomatoes depending on fruit thinning

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    O manejo do tomateiro cultivado em ambiente protegido, com ĂȘnfase no raleio de frutos, pode contribuir de forma significativa para a produção de frutos de qualidade superior, expressando assim o potencial de cada cultivar. Foi avaliado o efeito do raleio de frutos na produtividade e seus componentes e em alguns atributos de qualidade de frutos de genĂłtipos de tomateiro dos segmentos Santa Cruz e Italiano de crescimento indeterminado, visando ao consumo in natura. Avaliaram-se 12 genĂłtipos de tomate de mesa (seis hĂ­bridos experimentais e seis cultivares) e dois modos de condução (plantas conduzidas com e sem raleio de frutos). O experimento foi com parcelas subdivididas, distribuĂ­das em blocos completos ao acaso com trĂȘs repetiçÔes. As parcelas foram representadas pelos genĂłtipos e as subparcelas pelos modos de condução. Avaliaram-se o nĂșmero de frutos por planta, produtividade comercial de frutos, produtividade de frutos nĂŁo-comercializĂĄveis, massa mĂ©dia do fruto, comprimento e largura do fruto, pH, teor de sĂłlidos solĂșveis totais (SS), acidez titulĂĄvel (AT), relação entre SS e AT, teor de ĂĄcido ascĂłrbico e teor de licopeno. O raleio dos frutos proporcionou incremento da produtividade comercial, massa mĂ©dia, comprimento e largura do fruto para os hĂ­bridos THX-02 e THX-03, do segmento Santa Cruz, e THX-04, THX-05 e Netuno, do segmento Italiano e nĂŁo mostrou vantagens para a produção e seus componentes para os demais genĂłtipos e caracterĂ­sticas avaliadas. Considerando o raleio de frutos, os genĂłtipos Giuliana e Sahel obtiveram maior produtividade comercial e massa mĂ©dia do fruto. Sem o raleio de frutos, 'Netuno' alcançou maior nĂșmero de frutos por planta, porĂ©m, o hĂ­brido Sahel foi quem se destacou por apresentar maior produtividade comercial e massa mĂ©dia do fruto. O raleio nĂŁo influenciou a qualidade organolĂ©ptica dos genĂłtipos avaliados. 'Avalon' apresentou maior teor de ĂĄcido ascĂłrbico que 'Netuno' e 'Sahel'. 'DĂ©bora Max', THX-01, THX-02 e THX-04 foram semelhantes entre si quanto ao teor de licopeno e superaram 'Giuliana', 'Sahel', THX-03 e THX-06.The management of the tomato plant under greenhouse, with emphasis on fruit thinning, contributes significantly to the production of fruits of superior quality, expressing the potential of each cultivar. We determined the effect of fruit thinning on yield and its components in tomato hybrids of the Santa Cruz and Italian types of indeterminate growth, and we performed the qualitative characterization of the fruits, aiming in natura market. Twelve fresh-market tomato genotypes (six experimental hybrids and six commercial cultivars) and two training methods (with and without manual fruit thinning) were evaluated. A randomized complete block design was used in this trial, with split-plots and three replications. The plots were represented by genotypes and the subplots were constitued by training methods. Number of fruits per plant, yield of marketable and not marketable fruits, average fruit weight, fruit length and fruit width were measured. For quantitative characterization, pH, soluble solids concentration (SS), tritratable acidity (AT), ascorbic acid content, SS and AT ratio and lycopene content were measured. The fruit thinning increased marketable yield, average weight, length and width for the Santa Cruz hybrids THX-02 and THX-03 and for THX-04, THX-05 and Netuno, classified as Italian type. The fruit thinning did not provide benefits for yield and its components for the other evaluated characteristics and genotypes. Giuliana and Sahel genotypes presented higher marketable yield and average fruit weight. Without fruit thinning, 'Netuno' reached the highest number of fruits per plant, but the hybrid Sahel showed higher marketable yield and average fruit weight. Thinning did not affect the organoleptic quality of the genotypes. 'Avalon' showed higher ascorbic acid content than 'Netuno' and 'Sahel', and 'DĂ©bora Max', 'THX-01', 'THX-02' and 'THX-04', which were similar to each other in the content of lycopene, overcame 'Giuliana', 'Sahel', 'THX-03', and 'THX-06'.FAPESPCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES


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    ABSTRACT Tomato cultivation in a protected environment is an important tool for increasing yield, quality, and regularity of production. However, nutrient imbalance in this production system can lead to short-and long-term losses. This study aimed to characterize plant growth and nutrient accumulation and export of two tomato hybrids of the Salad (‘Stella TY’) and Italian (‘HS 1188’) groups in a protected environment and determine the accumulated thermal sum. The treatments consisted of evaluation times. Dry mass and nutrient accumulation could be determined by a sigmoidal non-linear model for both hybrids grown in the protected environment. The cumulative nutrient order was K > Ca > N > S > Mg > P > Mn > Zn > Fe > Cu > B for ‘Stella TY’ and K > N > Ca > S > P > Mg > Mn > Fe > Zn > Cu > B for ‘HS1188’, with yields of 105.7 and 103.4 t ha−1, respectively. The accumulated thermal sum was 1851.7 degree days at 126 days after transplanting (DAT)

    Efeito da concentração de nitrogĂȘnio na solução nutritiva e do nĂșmero de frutos por planta sobre a produção do meloeiro Effect of nitrogen concentration in nutrient solution and number of fruits per plant on yield of melon

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    O trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, na UNESP em Jaboticabal (SP), de junho a novembro de 2001, com o objetivo de avaliar a produção do melĂŁo (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus), hĂ­brido BĂŽnus nÂș2, cultivado em sistema hidropĂŽnico NFT, em função da concentração de nitrogĂȘnio na solução nutritiva (80, 140, 200 e 300 mg L-1) e nĂșmero de frutos por planta (2, 3, 4 e livre). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas, com seis repetiçÔes. Aos 80 dias apĂłs o transplantio, foram observados 2, 3, 4 e 5,1 frutos por planta e, posteriormente na colheita, 2, 2,9, 3,0 e 3,4 frutos por planta, respectivamente para os tratamentos com 2, 3, 4 e fixação livre, sendo esta redução atribuĂ­da ao abortamento de frutos. Houve redução no peso mĂ©dio do 1Âș, 2Âș e 3Âș fruto colhido, com o aumento da concentração de nitrogĂȘnio. Plantas com o menor nĂșmero de frutos, apresentaram maior peso mĂ©dio dos mesmos, porĂ©m com menor produção por planta. A maior produção (2.474 g/planta) foi obtida com 80 mg L-1 de nitrogĂȘnio na solução nutritiva.<br>The effects of different nitrogen concentrations (80; 140; 200 and 300 mg L-1) and fruit number per plant (2; 3; 4 and free setting), were investigated on net melon production (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus, Bonus nÂș 2 hybrid). The experiment was carried out in Jaboticabal, SĂŁo Paulo State, Brazil, in NFT hydroponic system, from June to November, 2001. The experimental design was of randomized split plots, replicated six times. At 80 days after seedling transplant 2; 3; 4 and 5.1 fruits per plant were found. However, at harvest there were 2; 2.9; 3.0 and 3.4 fruits per plant, relative to 2; 3; 4 and free setting per plant treatment. This observed fruit reduction was attributed to fruit abortion. With the increase of nitrogen concentrations a reduction in first, second and third fruit weight was found. Plants with fewer fruits, produced higher average fruit weight and lower yield per plant. The highest yield per plant (2,474 g/plant) was obtained with 80 mg L-1 of nitrogen