308 research outputs found

    Does Financial Structure Matter?

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    We address the issue of whether financial structure influences economic growth. Three competing views of financial structure exist in the literature: the bank-based, the market-based and the financial services view. Recent empirical studies examine their relevance by utilizing panel and cross-section approaches. This paper, for the first time ever, utilizes time series data and methods, along with the Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel approach, on developing countries. We find significant cross-country heterogeneity in the dynamics of financial structure and economic growth, and conclude that it is invalid to pool data across our sample countries. We find significant effects of financial structure on real per capita output, which is in sharp contrast to some recent findings. Panel estimates, in most cases, do not correspond to country-specific estimates, and hence may proffer incorrect inferences for several countries of the panel.Financial Structure, Economic Development, Vector Error- Correction Model, Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels

    Examining Private Investment Heterogeneity: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel

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    domestic private investment, public investment, dynamic heterogeneity, endogeneity, Generalised Method of Moments

    Government Solvency: Revisiting some EMU Countries

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    Corsetti and Roubini (1991) reported that the government finances of Greece, Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands (now all EMU countries) did not satisfy the intertemporal budget constraint (IBC). We re-examine this issue by utilizing a new empirical approach and extended data set. Structural shifts, an issue which Corsetti and Roubini were unable to address due to the lack of suitable econometric methods, are tackled. We find that: (i) multiple structural shifts, most of which correspond to important policy changes, did occur in the fiscal path of these countries; (ii) the effect of the majority of structural shifts has been to strengthen the evidence supporting IBC; and (iii) government finances of all four countries satisfy the IBC and this finding is robust to different time horizons. We also find a clear positive Maastricht effect on IBC for all countries.intertemporal budget constraints, strong and weak form sustainability, structural breaks

    Financial Restraints in the South Korean Miracle

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    We provide novel empirical evidence on the effects of financial restraints on South Korean financial development. The evidence is linked to a simple model of the Korean banking system that encapsulates its cartelised nature, which predicts a positive association between financial development and (i) the degree of state control over the banking system, (ii) mild repression of lending rates. The model also predicts that in the presence of lending rate controls, increases in the level of the administered deposit rate are unlikely to influence financial deepening. We test the model empirically by constructing individual and summary measures of financial restraints. Our empirical findings are consistent with our theoretical predictions but contrast sharply with the predictions of earlier literature that postulates that interest rate ceilings and other financial restraints constitute sources of ‘financial repression’.Financial deepening; financial restraints
