6 research outputs found
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Toward a Pastoral Theological Understanding of the Parish as a Place of Eucharistic Pilgrimage
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Acton H.B.
- Allen E.L.
- Allen John
- Aquinas Thomas
- Arendt Hannah
- Armstrong A.H.
- Austin J.L.
- Austin J.L.
- Ayer A.J.
- Ayer A.J.
- Ayer A.J.
- Ayer A.J.
- Ayer A.J.
- Ayer A.J.
- Barnes Johnathan
- Basson A.H.
- Black Max
- Black Max
- Blackham H.J.
- Bobbio Norberto
- Bochenski I.M.
- Boehner P.
- Bolen John F.
- Bowes Pratina
- Braden William
- Brady Jules M.
- Brazill W.J.
- Brown Stephen
- Brown Stuart C.
- Brugger Walter
- Buren Paul
- Cassirer Ernst
- Cassirer Ernst
- Cassirer Ernst
- Charlesworth M.J.
- Christian William A.
- Clark Ronald W.
- Colombo Arrigo
- Copleston F.C.
- Coreth Emerich
- Coval S.
- Cranston Maurice
- D'Arcy M.C.
- Desan Wilfrid
- Devaux P.
- Diez del Corral Luis
- Dondeyne Albert
- Downing F. Gerald
- Dray William
- Enciclopedia Filosofica
- Encyclopedia Filosofica (Seconda Edizione)
- Existentialism Books on
- Fann K.T.
- Farber Marvin
- Ferre Frederick
- Findlay J.N.
- Findlay J.N.
- Findlay J.N.
- Fletcher Joseph
- Flew A.G.N.
- Flew Antony
- Flew Antony
- Flew Antony
- Flew Antony
- Friedlander P.
- Friedmann G.
- Fuss Peter
- Gallagher Kenneth T.
- Gedeon Gal.
- Gellner E.
- German Catholic Books Recent
- Gibson A. Boyce
- Gilson Etienne
- Gilson Etienne
- Gonzalez Alvarez A., Manual de Historia de la Filosofia
- Goodman Lenn Evan
- Greene Marjorie
- Grimsley Ronald
- Guardini Romano
- Hagerstrom Axel
- Hamlyn D.W.
- Hampshire Stuart
- Hare R.M.
- Harris H.S.
- Harris R. Baine
- Hartnack Justus
- Heidegger Martin
- Heinemann F.H.
- Hillerbrand Hans J.
- Hirschberger Johannes
- Hoffman John
- Holland John
- Hollingdale R.J.
- Holloway John
- Hughes Gerard J.
- Husik Isaac
- James E.O.
- Jantzen Grace M.
- Jaspers Karl
- Jaspers Karl
- Jeffner Anders
- Jolivet Regis
- Kahl Joachim
- Kaufmann Walter A.
- Kierkegaard Books on
- Klocker Harry R.
- Knight G. Wilson
- Kretzmann Norman
- Kuhn Helmut
- Kwant Remy C.
- Langer Susanne K.
- Lavrin Janko
- Lazerowitz Morris
- Lea F.A.
- Leetham Claude
- Levi Anthony
- Lewis H.D.
- Lewis H.D.
- Lonergan Bernard J.F.
- Luijpen William A.
- Luijpen William A.
- MacKinnon D.M.
- MacKinnon D.M.
- Macquarrie John
- Macquarrie John
- Magee Bryan
- Marcel Gabriel
- Marcel Gabriel
- Marcel Gabriel
- Marcel Gabriel
- Marcel Gabriel
- Maritain Jacques
- Maritain Books on
- Marshall William
- Martin Gottfied
- Marxism Books on
- Mascall E.L.
- Maurer Armand
- McEvoy James
- McNeill John
- McPherson Thomas
- Meynell Hugo
- Meynell Hugo A.
- Miles T.R.
- Mitchell Basil
- Moore G.E.
- Moore G.E.
- Moroux Jean
- Mounier E.
- Mure G.R.G.
- Natanson Maurice
- Needleman Jacob
- Novak Michael
- Ozment Steven E.
- Pasley Malcolm
- Paton H.J.
- Pears D.
- Pears D.F.
- Pelikan Jaroslav
- Perrier J.
- Phillips D.Z.
- Philosophy of Religion Books on
- Planty-Bonjour Guy
- Pontifex Dom Mark
- Pontifex Dom Mark
- Pra Mario
- Pratt Vernon
- Price Lucien
- Progress in Philosophy. Philosophical Studies in Honor of Rev. Doctor Charles A. Hart
- Pucelle J.
- Pucelle Jean
- Rabel G.
- Ramsey Ian
- Randall J.H.
- Randall J.H.
- Randall J.H.
- Randall J.H.
- Raulin A.
- Raven J.E.
- Reade W.H.V.
- Reale Giovanni
- Reardon Bernard M.G.
- Reid John P.
- Robinson John A.T.
- Roos H.
- Rosen Stanley
- Ross David
- Rotenstreich Nathan
- Ruckert Hans
- Runciman W.G.
- Russell Bertrand
- Russell Bertrand
- Russell Bertrand
- Russell Bertrand
- Russell Bertrand
- Russell Bertrand
- Sartre J.-P.
- Sartre J.-P.
- Sartre J.-P.
- Sartre J.-P.
- Schacht Richard
- Scharfstein Ben-Ami
- Scharfstein Ben-Ami
- Schillebeekx Edward
- Sillem E.A.
- Slesinski Robert
- Smart J.J.C.
- Smart Ninian
- Smart Ninian
- Smith C.
- Sociology The Challenge of
- Soleri Giacomo
- Spetch E.K.
- Steenberghen F.
- Strasser Stephan
- Teilhard de Chardin Pierre
- Thilly Frank
- Thomte R.
- Tillich Paul
- Trethowan Dom Illtyd
- Trethowan Illtyd
- Troisfontaines Roger
- Vogel C.J.
- Vogel C.J.
- Wahl Jean
- Walker Jeremy D.B.
- Webster Richard
- Weil Simone
- Wicker Brian
- Winch P.
- Wojtyla Karol
- Wolfson H.A.
- Wollheim R.
- Yates Frances A.
- Yates Frances A.
- Yovel Yirmiahu
- Zaehner R.C.
- Zaehner R.C.
- Ziegenfuss W.
- Zweig A.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Historical Context of the Western Bioethics Approach to Autonomy
- Author
- Alasdair MacIntyre
- Albert R. Jonsen
- Allen E. Buchanan
- Anita Ho
- Aristotle
- Bernard Gert
- Betty Pierce Dennis
- Bruce K. Waltke
- Carl Wellman
- Carl. Schneider
- Cates Diana Fritz
- Clarence H. Braddock III
- Daniel Callahan
- Daniel Callahan
- Darryl R. J. Macer
- David Hollenbach
- David J. Rothman
- David Pizarro
- Douglas Black
- Ezekiel Emanuel
- Franklin G. Miller
- Gerald Dworkin
- H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr.
- Ian Hart
- Immanuel Kant
- Immanuel Kant
- Immanuel Kant
- Immanuel Kant
- Isaiah Berlin
- J. B. Schneewind
- James J. Gross
- James Lindemann Nelson
- James Rachels
- Jean Bethke Elshtain
- Jennifer A. Parks
- Jennifer Nedelsky
- Jerry Menikoff
- Jessica W. Berg
- Joel Feinberg
- Joel Feinberg
- John Hardwig
- John Macquarrie
- John Paley
- Linda Farber Post
- Louis Dupré
- Mary B. Mahowald
- Michael Slote
- Onora O’Neill
- Paul Root Wolpe
- Peter M. Murray
- President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- R. R. Reno
- Raymond Edward Brown
- Renée C. Fox
- Robert M. Veatch
- Robert N. Bellah
- Ronald M. Dworkin
- Ruiping Fan
- Ruth R. Faden
- Sidney Cornelia Callahan
- Silvan S. Tomkings
- Stuart Rachels
- Susan Sherwin
- Thomas A. Mappes
- Thomas Hill Jr
- Thomas May
- Tom L. Beauchamp
- Tom L. Beauchamp
- Tom L. Beauchamp
- Tom L. Beauchamp
- Virginia Held
- William Cooney
- William Luijpen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Reinventing the Brain, Revising Neurorhetorics: Phenomenological Networks Contesting Neurobiological Interpretations
- Author
- Althusser Louise.
- Berrol Cynthia F.
- Besel Vittorio
- Blackman Lisa.
- Brown Richard.
- Callon Michele.
- Callon Michele.
- Carr Laurie
- Cecchetto David.
- Csibra
- David R. Gruber
- De Preester Helena.
- De Preester Helena.
- Foucault Michele.
- Gallagher Shaun
- Gallese Vittorio
- Gallese Vittorio
- Gallese Vittorio
- Gallese Vittorio
- Goldman Alvin
- Graham Scott S.
- Gregg Melissa
- Gross Daniel.
- Gruber David.
- Gruber David.
- Hickok Gregory.
- Hickok Gregory.
- Ihde Don.
- Johnson Jenell
- Jola Corinne
- Jung Julie
- Knorr Cetina Karin.
- Latour Bruno.
- Latour Bruno.
- Latour Bruno.
- Levin Alex.
- Lingnau Angelika
- Luijpen William A.
- Merleau-Ponty Maurice.
- Merriam Sharan B.
- Miall David S.
- Mol Annmarie.
- Papoulis Constantina
- Parrish Alex.
- Pellegrino Giuseppi di, Luciano Fadiga
- Petoit Jean
- Prelli Lawrence.
- Preston Jesse Lee
- Ramsay Stephen.
- Ricœur Paul.
- Rizzolatt Giacomo
- Rizzolatti Giacomo
- Rizzolatti Giacomo
- Seebohm Thomas.
- Singer Tania
- Smith Sue
- Stafford Barbara Maria.
- Stafford Barbara Maria.
- Thrift Nigel.
- Turella Luca
- Umiltà Alessandra M.
- Van Hooft Stan.
- Varela Francisco J.
- Welton Donn.
- Wicker Bruno
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study