13 research outputs found

    Airborne Noise Prediction of a Ro/Ro Pax Ferry in the Port of Naples

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    Noise emissions from various transportation modes became in recent years a major concern for environmental and governmental agencies due to their impact on the community. As a result, experimental campaigns and studies have been directed towards the analysis and control of the main noise sources. Only a few analyses, however, have regarded noise exposure due to port activities. In this paper, the focus is on airborne noise emissions from a ferry ship. At first, the main onboard noise sources were identified in terms of their nature and location. Secondly, sources data on the main sources were derived, based on onboard measurements of the ferry berthed in the port of Naples. A geometrical 3D model was created, including all bodies present in the acoustic field of the surrounding area. Finally, by post processing, the consistency between actual acoustic field and numerical model results was checked

    The role of immune suppression in COVID-19 hospitalization: clinical and epidemiological trends over three years of SARS-CoV-2 epidemic

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    Specific immune suppression types have been associated with a greater risk of severe COVID-19 disease and death. We analyzed data from patients >17 years that were hospitalized for COVID-19 at the “Fondazione IRCCS Caâ€Č Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico” in Milan (Lombardy, Northern Italy). The study included 1727 SARS-CoV-2-positive patients (1,131 males, median age of 65 years) hospitalized between February 2020 and November 2022. Of these, 321 (18.6%, CI: 16.8–20.4%) had at least one condition defining immune suppression. Immune suppressed subjects were more likely to have other co-morbidities (80.4% vs. 69.8%, p < 0.001) and be vaccinated (37% vs. 12.7%, p < 0.001). We evaluated the contribution of immune suppression to hospitalization during the various stages of the epidemic and investigated whether immune suppression contributed to severe outcomes and death, also considering the vaccination status of the patients. The proportion of immune suppressed patients among all hospitalizations (initially stable at <20%) started to increase around December 2021, and remained high (30–50%). This change coincided with an increase in the proportions of older patients and patients with co-morbidities and with a decrease in the proportion of patients with severe outcomes. Vaccinated patients showed a lower proportion of severe outcomes; among non-vaccinated patients, severe outcomes were more common in immune suppressed individuals. Immune suppression was a significant predictor of severe outcomes, after adjusting for age, sex, co-morbidities, period of hospitalization, and vaccination status (OR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.23–2.19), while vaccination was a protective factor (OR: 0.31; 95% IC: 0.20–0.47). However, after November 2021, differences in disease outcomes between vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups (for both immune suppressed and immune competent subjects) disappeared. Since December 2021, the spread of the less virulent Omicron variant and an overall higher level of induced and/or natural immunity likely contributed to the observed shift in hospitalized patient characteristics. Nonetheless, vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, likely in combination with naturally acquired immunity, effectively reduced severe outcomes in both immune competent (73.9% vs. 48.2%, p < 0.001) and immune suppressed (66.4% vs. 35.2%, p < 0.001) patients, confirming previous observations about the value of the vaccine in preventing serious disease

    Savoir-faire antichi e moderni tra Ruvo di Puglia e Napoli: il cratere dell'Amazzonomachia e la loutrophoros con il mito di Niobe

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    Ce volume rĂ©unit les contributions prĂ©sentĂ©es Ă  la JournĂ©e d’étude internationale organisĂ©e, pour la 16e Ă©dition du programme Restituzioni 2013, par le Centre Jean BĂ©rard et Banca Intesa Sanpaolo en collaboration avec le MusĂ©e archĂ©ologique National de Naples et l’UniversitĂ  degli Studi de Milan, Ă  l’occasion de la restauration de deux vases du MANN. Au-delĂ  de la consolidation et de l’amĂ©lioration de leur Ă©tat de conservation et afin de leur restituer une unitĂ© de lecture, le laboratoire de restauration du MANN a programmĂ© d’importantes interventions rĂ©alisĂ©es par Raffaele D’Aniello, Pasquale Festinese, Antonio Guerra, Antonio Marroccella, sous la direction de Luigia Melillo et avec la coordination de Mariateresa Operetto. Ce livre souhaite rendre hommage aux savoirs du collectionneur, du restaurateur, du potier et du peintre dont les productions, depuis l’AntiquitĂ© jusqu’à nos jours, constituent le patrimoine du MANN. Le dĂ©fi consistait Ă  reconstruire, Ă  l’instar de travaux rĂ©cents sur l’histoire complĂšte de vases italiotes, la biographie et l’autopsie des Ɠuvres Ă  travers une analyse Ă  360 degrĂ©s qui dĂ©passe les limites entre les pĂ©riodes et les disciplines, Ă  travers la confrontation entre les restaurations antiques et modernes et des enquĂȘtes menĂ©es dans les documents conservĂ©s dans des dĂ©pĂŽts et des archives. Quant aux “savoir-faire antichi”, le cratĂšre et la loutrophore exposĂ©s aujourd’hui dans la section Magna Grecia constituent d’extraordinaires tĂ©moignages archĂ©ologiques de l’excellence des potiers et des peintres apuliens du IVe siĂšcle av. J.-C. : les populations de l’Apulie antique confiaient Ă  ces productions de prix le soin d’exprimer, par le choix des formes et des dĂ©cors, leurs valeurs, leurs croyances et leur besoin d’affirmation sociale. Pour ces raisons ils constituent une source de connaissance fondamentale du monde antique : la lecture de la forme et des images proposĂ©e dans ces diffĂ©rentes contributions en montre la complexitĂ© et l’importance.Questo volume raccoglie i contributi della Giornata Internazionale di Studi organizzata nell’ambito della 16a edizione del programma Restituzioni 2013, dal Centre Jean BĂ©rard e da Banca Intesa Sanpaolo in collaborazione con il MANN e l’UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Milano, in occasione del restauro di due vasi del MANN. Con l’obiettivo principale di restituire ai due vasi una unitarietĂ  di lettura, oltre a garantirne il consolidamento e il miglioramento delle precarie condizioni di conservazione, sono stati programmati dal Laboratorio di Restauro del MANN significativi interventi conservativi, realizzati da Raffaele D’Aniello, Pasquale Festinese, Antonio Guerra, Antonio Marroccella, con la direzione di Luigia Melillo e il coordinamento di Mariateresa Operetto. Questo libro vuole rendere omaggio al sapere del collezionista, del restauratore, del vasaio e del pittore che, attraverso le loro produzioni dall’antichitĂ  ad oggi costituiscono parte del patrimonio del MANN. La sfida Ăš stata quella di ricostruire, sulla scia di pubblicazioni recenti che presentano la storia completa di singoli vasi italioti, la biografia e l’autopsia delle opere attraverso un’analisi a 360 gradi, annullando i confini tra i periodi e le conoscenze attraverso il confronto tra i vecchi e i nuovi restauri e le indagini condotte nei documenti conservati in magazzini e archivi. A proposito di “savoir-faire antichi”, il cratere e la loutrophoros oggi esposti nella sezione Magna Grecia rappresentano straordinari documenti archeologici della qualitĂ  artigianale raggiunta dai ceramisti e ceramografi apuli nel IV secolo a.C.: a questi manufatti di pregio le comunitĂ  dell’antica Puglia si affidavano per affermare, attraverso la scelta delle forme vascolari e delle loro raffigurazioni, i valori, le credenze e le esigenze di affermazione sociale. Essi costituiscono, quindi, una fondamentale fonte di conoscenza del mondo antico: la lettura della forma e delle immagini proposte nei diversi contributi qui presentati ne mostrano la complessitĂ  e l’importanza

    Structured reporting of computed tomography in the polytrauma patient assessment: a Delphi consensus proposal

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    ObjectivesTo develop a structured reporting (SR) template for whole-body CT examinations of polytrauma patients, based on the consensus of a panel of emergency radiology experts from the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology.MethodsA multi-round Delphi method was used to quantify inter-panelist agreement for all SR sections. Internal consistency for each section and quality analysis in terms of average inter-item correlation were evaluated by means of the Cronbach's alpha (C alpha) correlation coefficient.ResultsThe final SR form included 118 items (6 in the "Patient Clinical Data" section, 4 in the "Clinical Evaluation" section, 9 in the "Imaging Protocol" section, and 99 in the "Report" section). The experts' overall mean score and sum of scores were 4.77 (range 1-5) and 257.56 (range 206-270) in the first Delphi round, and 4.96 (range 4-5) and 208.44 (range 200-210) in the second round, respectively.In the second Delphi round, the experts' overall mean score was higher than in the first round, and standard deviation was lower (3.11 in the second round vs 19.71 in the first round), reflecting a higher expert agreement in the second round. Moreover, C alpha was higher in the second round than in the first round (0.97 vs 0.87).ConclusionsOur SR template for whole-body CT examinations of polytrauma patients is based on a strong agreement among panel experts in emergency radiology and could improve communication between radiologists and the trauma team