111 research outputs found

    effects of different nutritional levels on nero siciliano pig performance

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    It is well-known that the productive performance and the carcass and meat characteristics are influenced by genetic factors so as by different environmental conditionings. Among these, the feeding should be considered particularly for the quantitative (nutritional level) and qualitative aspects (different components of the ration) so as for the modality of administration, because of the important correlation between genotype and nutritive requirements

    Effect of production system on growth performances and meat traits of suckling Messinese goat kids

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the production system on growth performances and meat quality of suckling Messinese goat kids. At birth, 102 suckling kids were divided into two homogeneous groups for sex and body weight (3.4 kg); animals of the SES group were fed exclusively with spontaneous pasture and kept in the stable during the evening; animals of the ES group were fed exclusively with spontaneous pasture, characterised by the presence of Quercus suber, and kept exclusively outdoors. From birth to weaning, kids were weighed every10 days. At slaughter, carcase yields and meat quality traits on the Longissimus dorsi muscle were studied. Data were subjected to ANOVA. ES group showed the highest final body weight (10.53 kg vs. 9.40 kg; p < .001). As regard the meat traits, ES group showed the lowest final pH (5.63 vs. 5.96; p < .001), the lowest value of Hue (46.24 vs. 62.64; p < .005) and the highest values of cooking loss (ES 25.53% vs. SES 19.60%; p < .05) and shear force (ES 5.04 kg/cm2 vs. SES 3.63 kg/cm2; p < .05). Chemical composition showed similar values in both groups. Meat fatty acid composition showed the highest values of MUFA (45.89% vs. 40.90%; p < .05) and PUFA (0.14% vs. 0.11%; p < .05) and the lowest of ω – 6/ω – 3 ratio (4.89 vs. 6.98; p < .05) and Thrombogenic Index (1.64 vs. 1.98; p < .05) in the ES group. The results confirm the favourable characteristics of goat meat and the relation between the typical production system of goats in the Nebrodi area and their performances.HIGHLIGHTS The production system did not affect the weight of kids at birth, while there were significant differences in kid's performance in relation to the breeding system. The chemical composition of the LD muscle was not affect by the production system. The production system significantly influenced the fatty acid composition of the meat. The meat quality parameters studied reflect the modern guidelines for a healthy diet recommend, that reduce the animal fat consumption, especially if rich in saturated fatty acids, and could be a tool to identify and characterise a product with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) as 'capretto Messinese'

    Puppy growth rate during early periods of labrador retriever development: role of litter size and photoperiod of birth

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    Several studies have recently investigated the birth weight of puppies from different pure-bred dogs. In general, birth weight decreased with litter size but there has been limited investigation into factors influencing growth during early development. The first month of life includes three stages of puppy development: neonatal (0–13 days), transitional (14–20 days), and first week of socialisation period (21–28 days). The aim of this study was to evaluate bodyweight and growth rate of 120 Labrador Retriever (LR) puppies during early development. Puppies from 19 show-line bitches under standardised composition of diet during pregnancy and lactation were involved in this study. Puppies were weighed weekly from birth to 28 days using an electronic digital balance. Relative weight gain (ΔW) was calculated for the neonatal period [ΔW1 = (Wday14-Wday0)/Wday0], transition period [ΔW2 = (Wday21-Wday14)/Wday14] and first week of socialisation period [ΔW2 = (Wday28-Wday21)/Wday21]. The effects of covariates on ΔW were assessed using generalised linear mixed models. Sex and photoperiod had no impact on relative weight gain, whereas litter size had a significant effect at ΔW1 (p < .01) but not at ΔW2 and at ΔW3. Relative weight gain was slightly lower in puppies from larger litter born during short photoperiod on ΔW1. A deeper knowledge of the factors that significantly influence weight gain during the first four weeks of life could be useful for physiological and behavioural science as well as for canine breeding management.Highlights 120 Labrador Retriever puppies were weighed weekly from birth to 28 days using an electronic digital balance. Relative weight gain (ΔW) was calculated for the neonatal period (ΔW1), transition period (ΔW2) and first week of socialisation period (ΔW3). Litter size had a significant effect on relative weight gain at ΔW1 but not at ΔW2 and ΔW3. Relative weight gain was slightly lower in puppies from larger litter born during short photoperiod on ΔW1

    Supplementation of Rosemary extract in the diet of Nero Siciliano pigs: evaluation of the antioxidant properties on meat quality.

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    In the present study, the effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. dietary supplementation on meat quality and oxidative stability of Nero Siciliano pigs was examined. During the growing–fattening period, 32 Nero Siciliano pigs were allotted into two treatment groups consisting of 8 replicates with 2 pigs per pen. For 90 days, the animals received a basal diet: one group (CTR) was not dietary supplemented, whereas the other group received (1 g/kg) rosemary extract (ROX). Supplementation with rosemary extract significantly improved the polyunsaturated fatty acid content of the meat, which showed higher values in the meat of the ROX group compared with the CTR group (P0.05). Color measurement performed in the present study on meat samples from the two dietary treatments showed that redness decreased (P=0.046) and hue values increased (P=0.036), indicating that a deterioration of the initial color occurred and that the rosemary extract was ineffective in preventing color deterioration. Nevertheless, the lightness, yellowness and chroma color descriptors showed similar values in relation to dietary treatment (P>0.05). Considering the nutritional value of meat as an important contributor to the overall quality, the results obtained in this study support the possibility of the dietary supplementation with R. officinalis L. extract in pigs as a functional additive in livestock feeding

    Slaughter traits of "Sarda" and "Nero Siciliano" pigs reared outdoors: preliminary results

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    The evaluation of the carcasses and the percentage effect of the cuts can provide useful data for establishing breeding techniques which can improve the productive performance of autochthonous pigs. The aim of the study was to evaluate some post mortem performances of Sarda and Nero Siciliano pigs, reared outdoors. The study was carried out on 30 male, castrated pigs over the age of 2 years and with a live weight at slaughtering of 106.4± 4.2 kg for the “Sarda” (15 subjects) and 107.2 ± 3.6 kg for the “Nero Siciliano” (15 subjects) pigs. The Sarda pigs were reared in a wooded area in the Ogliastra mountains (Sardinia-Italy) and the Nero Siciliano pigs in the Nebrodi mountains (Sicily-Italy), at an altitude of 550 ± 50m a.s.l., where they fed on underwood vegetation consisting mainly of acorns. After being slaughtered, which for both groups took place in March 2006, we determined the productivity for each subject, the thickness of dorsal fat located at the first (1T) and the last (UT) thoracic vertebra and at the top of the middle gluteus (GM). Subsequently, on the right side of each subject, we carried out the dissection of the lean cuts (loin, ham, shoulder and neck), adipose cuts (belly, backfat, jowl, flare fat) and bone cuts (head and feet). The data obtained were submitted to variance analyses using the procedure GLM of SAS (2001). The pigs belonging to the two genetic types registered top yield, both hot (Sarda 82.1% vs. Nero Siciliano 82.9%; P=0.37) and cold (Sarda 80.5% vs. Nero Siciliano 80.8%; P=0.76), while the Nero Siciliano subjects demonstrated a higher thickness of dorsal fat at 1T (Sarda 4.1cm vs. Nero Siciliano 5.2cm; P=0.0002), UT (Sarda 3.2cm vs. Nero Siciliano 4.7cm; P35=0.0001) and GM (Sarda 2.8cm vs. 4.6cm; P=0.0001). The composition of the side cuts highlighted a major incidence of loin (Sarda13.7% vs. Nero Siciliano 14.6%; P=0.017), ham (Sarda 26.6% vs. Nero Siciliano 30.5%; P=0.0001) and shoulder (Sarda 16.7% vs. Nero Siciliano 17.4%; P=0.23) for the Nero Siciliano pig, while no significant difference emerged between the two genetic types for the adipose cuts such as belly (Sarda 11.4% vs. Nero Siciliano 10.7%; P=0.23), backfat (Sarda 7.6% vs. Nero Siciliano 8.5%; P=0.29), jowl (Sarda 4.01% vs. Nero Siciliano 4.28%; P=0.27) and flare fat (Sarda 5.29% vs. Nero Siciliano 6.01%; P=0.052), the same as for the bone cuts, head (Sarda 5.7% vs. Nero Siciliano 5.6%; P=0.48) and feet (Sarda 0.9% vs. Nero Siciliano 0.99%; P=0.18). Therefore, the Nero Siciliano pigs demonstrated a higher incidence of meat cuts, a probable expression of a different process of selection of this genetic type. This study has contributed to the supply of useful information for the eventual trends of fresh use and/or the transformation of carcasses, contributing to the zootechnic protection of this population of pigs, both for the quality of their production and the profitable use of marginal areas

    Physical characteristics of <i>Longissimus lumborum</i> muscle of "Sarda" and "Nero Siciliano" pigs reared outdoor: preliminary results

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    It is known that the sensory properties, i.e. smell, taste, colour, juiciness, texture and tenderness represent the principal factors able to condition drastically the choices of the consumers at the moment of purchase, therefore, they have a role of primary importance regarding the qualification of the product. The physical characteristics of the meat are influenced by different factors such as: age, sex, breed, breeding system and transport, slaughtering and ripeness; the aim of this study was to evaluate some physical characteristics of pig meat derived from two different autochthonous Italian genetic types. The trial was carried out on 30 castrated males pigs, 15 Sarda and 15 Nero Siciliano, reared outdoor respectively in the Ogliastra (Sardinia-Italy) and in the Nebrodi (Sicily-Italy) mountain area at 550±50 m above sea level. Animals fed spontaneous fruits, acorn principally, of undergrowth variable in relation to the seasons. In March 2006, at the age of 2 years and live weight of 106.4±4.2 kg for the Sarda and 107.2±3.6 kg for the Nero Siciliano, the pigs were slaughtered. At 45’ post mortem the pH1 value of each half-carcass was determined (Hanna Instrument HI 9023). After 24 hours of refrigeration at 4° C from the right half-carcass of each animal, one sample of Longissimus lumborum muscle (L2-L5) was taken and the pHu, Colour (CIEL*a*b* system; Minolta CR – 400), Cooking loss and Warner-Bratzler shear force (INSTRON 5542) analysed. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis of variance by the GLM procedure of SAS. The pH1 (Sarda 6.07 vs. Nero Siciliano 6.06; P=0.29) and pHu (Sarda 5.98 vs. Nero Siciliano 5.45; P=0.06) values indicate a bad progress of meat acidification for the Sarda pigs; this could be due to the typical extensive breeding system of these animals, therefore to the difficulties of their capture and transportation to the slaughterhouse. Significant differences were observed for the colour parameters of the meat with the lowest values of L* (Sarda 39.91 vs. Nero Siciliano 50.88; P=0.001), a* (Sarda 11.21 vs. Nero Siciliano 15.70; P=0.001), b* (Sarda 4.03 vs. Nero Siciliano 4.63; P=0.031) and Chroma (Sarda 11.85 vs. Nero Siciliano 16.39; P=0.001) in the Sarda pigs; these data are related to the highest pHu values. The Cooking loss has shown no significant differences between two genetic types (Sarda 27.79% vs. Nero Siciliano 27.80%; P=0.50). As regards the tenderness, the values of WBS (Sarda 4.29 kg f/cm2 vs. Nero Siciliano 3.57 kg f/cm2; P=0.02) were significantly lowest in the meat of Nero Siciliano pigs, in relation to the best acidification of the muscle of these animals, testifying a meat more tender than that of Sarda pigs. Data show that, for improving the meat quality and its aptitude to the transformation, it need to modify, at least during the finishing period, the breeding system of these autochthonous pigs in a “plein air” system

    Slaughtering traits and meat quality of Cinisara cattle native Italian breed

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    The aim of our study was to make an initial contribution to carcass traits and meat quality for typing and product certification, using sixteen male (M) and twelve female (F) Cinisara cattle, a native Italian breed. The animals were sampled in the most representative farms of the Consortium of Cinisara breed. Carcass traits of the Cinisara males showed significantly higher carcass weight and SEUROP scores in comparison to the females, while similar values were observed for fatness scores. As regards meat quality, lightness (M 44.90 vs F 43.25), redness index (M 18.03 vs F 17.86), hue angle (M 21.71 vs F 23.76), cooking losses (M 24.44% vs F 24.98%), tenderness (M 3.36 kg/cm2 vs F 3.41 kgf/cm2), protein (M 22.58% vs F 21.84%) and fat (M 1.88% vs F 2.63%) showed no significant differences between males and females. No data are available in the literature for Cinisara cattle; therefore, our results may be considered as an original set of knowledge useful for the salvage of this endangered, local, native breed

    Milk composition of "Nero Siciliano" sow. Preliminary results

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    AbstractQuantitative and qualitative milk production is the basis for determining the nutritional requirements of lactating sow; indeed, the gross nutrient composition of sow's milk is frequently used as a suitable starting point when formulating milk-replacer diets for piglets. Data about the sow's milk can be found from the literature but, in authors knowledge, no data on milk composition of Nero Siciliano sow exist. This study reports the preliminary results concerning some physical and chemical characteristics of the milk of this autochthonous Sicilian pig race during the lactation.The research was carried out on 10 "Nero Siciliano" sows, 4 primiparous (age: 9-12 months) and 6 pluriparous (age: 2-5 years), stabled in single boxes and fed with a concentrate. From the 10th day after farrowing to the weaning (day 58th), every week, in the morning, the sows were injected with 5 IU oxytocin (i.m.) and hand-milked; all functional mammary glands were milked. Piglets were removed and isolated from the dams fo..

    The Influence of Two Different Breeding Systems on Quality and Clotting Properties of Milk from Dairy Buffaloes Reared in Sicily (Italy)

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    This study focuses on nine buffalo farms (a total of 692 buffaloes), five intensive herds (161 lactating buffalo cows) and four semiextensive herds (111 lactating buffalo cows), which are the most common in Sicily. The average milk and cheese yield, fat, protein and lactose contents were very similar between the two breeding systems. Milk casein was higher (P=0.04) in intensive herds than in semiextensive herds (4.07% vs 3.51%), whereas the urea content was higher in semi-extensive herds (40.68 mg/dL vs 37.50 mg/dL), yet within the normal range for buffalo milk. As regards milk pH and titration acidity (°SH), no difference was observed between the two breeding systems. Milk produced by the intensive herds scored the best clotting ability with shorter curd firming time (k20 3.08 min) and greater curd firmness (a30 32.69 mm). Milk produced by the semi-extensive herds, instead, was characterized by a longer curd firming time (k20 5.26 min) and lower curd firmness (a30 27.33 mm). This milk from buffaloes bred in Sicily (Italy) also showed a good chemical composition and clotting ability in particular when produced by the intensive herds
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