11 research outputs found

    Soft pinning of liquid domains on topographical hemispherical caps

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    The role of lipid composition as a regulator or mediator of processes that take place in biological membranes is a very topical question, and important insights can be gained by studying in-vitro model lipid mixture systems. A particular question is the coupling of local curvature to the local phases in membranes of mixed composition. Working with an experimental system of giant unilamellar vesicles of ternary composition, the curvature is imposed by approaching the membrane to a topographically (on the micron scale) patterned surface. Performing experiments, we show that domains of the more disordered phase localise preferentially to regions of higher curvature. We characterise and discuss the strength of this "caging" behaviour. In future, the setup we discuss here could prove useful as a platform to localise domains rich in membrane proteins, or to promote the onset of biochemical processes at specific locations. Finally, we note that the methods developed here could have also applications in bio-sensing, as a similar -but metal coated- topography can sustain plasmonic resonances

    Quantitative high-speed video profiling discriminates between <i>DNAH11</i> and <i>HYDIN</i> variants of primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetically heterogeneous condition. The number of genes associated with primary ciliary dyskinesia is rising, and the link between genotype and clinical phenotype is largely unknown (1). Recent advances in molecular genotyping have helped establish the association between genetic defects and aberrant cilia ultrastructure in PCD, as detected by transmission electron microscopy. However, up to 30% of PCD cases do not show any specific ultrastructural defects and thus cannot be detected using this method. A classic example of this occurs in PCD cases caused by mutations in the DNAH11 (dynein axonemal heavy chain 1) protein, where aberrant ciliary beating can be detected via high-speed video microscopy (HSVM) analysis, but no ultrastructural defect is observed (2, 3). Even in cases where ultrastructural defects do exist, they can be difficult to detect using standard transmission electron microscopy techniques, and therefore patients who harbor such subtle defects are at risk of being misdiagnosed. PCD caused by mutations in the protein HYDIN, for example, display normal ciliary beat frequency and rarely exhibit abnormal ciliary transmission electron microscopy, yet mucociliary clearance is compromised

    Behavioral fingerprints predict insecticide and anthelmintic mode of action

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    Abstract Novel invertebrate‐killing compounds are required in agriculture and medicine to overcome resistance to existing treatments. Because insecticides and anthelmintics are discovered in phenotypic screens, a crucial step in the discovery process is determining the mode of action of hits. Visible whole‐organism symptoms are combined with molecular and physiological data to determine mode of action. However, manual symptomology is laborious and requires symptoms that are strong enough to see by eye. Here, we use high‐throughput imaging and quantitative phenotyping to measure Caenorhabditis elegans behavioral responses to compounds and train a classifier that predicts mode of action with an accuracy of 88% for a set of ten common modes of action. We also classify compounds within each mode of action to discover substructure that is not captured in broad mode‐of‐action labels. High‐throughput imaging and automated phenotyping could therefore accelerate mode‐of‐action discovery in invertebrate‐targeting compound development and help to refine mode‐of‐action categories

    Behavioral fingerprints predict insecticide and anthelmintic mode of action

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    Novel invertebrate‐killing compounds are required in agriculture and medicine to overcome resistance to existing treatments. Because insecticides and anthelmintics are discovered in phenotypic screens, a crucial step in the discovery process is determining the mode of action of hits. Visible whole‐organism symptoms are combined with molecular and physiological data to determine mode of action. However, manual symptomology is laborious and requires symptoms that are strong enough to see by eye. Here, we use high‐throughput imaging and quantitative phenotyping to measure Caenorhabditis elegans behavioral responses to compounds and train a classifier that predicts mode of action with an accuracy of 88% for a set of ten common modes of action. We also classify compounds within each mode of action to discover substructure that is not captured in broad mode‐of‐action labels. High‐throughput imaging and automated phenotyping could therefore accelerate mode‐of‐action discovery in invertebrate‐targeting compound development and help to refine mode‐of‐action categories

    A common polymorphism in the Intelectin-1 gene influences mucus plugging in severe asthma

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    By incompletely understood mechanisms, type 2 (T2) inflammation present in the airways of severe asthmatics drives the formation of pathologic mucus which leads to airway mucus plugging. Here we investigate the molecular role and clinical significance of intelectin-1 (ITLN-1) in the development of pathologic airway mucus in asthma. Through analyses of human airway epithelial cells we find that ITLN1 gene expression is highly induced by interleukin-13 (IL-13) in a subset of metaplastic MUC5AC+ mucus secretory cells, and that ITLN-1 protein is a secreted component of IL-13-induced mucus. Additionally, we find ITLN-1 protein binds the C-terminus of the MUC5AC mucin and that its deletion in airway epithelial cells partially reverses IL-13-induced mucostasis. Through analysis of nasal airway epithelial brushings, we find that ITLN1 is highly expressed in T2-high asthmatics, when compared to T2-low children. Furthermore, we demonstrate that both ITLN-1 gene expression and protein levels are significantly reduced by a common genetic variant that is associated with protection from the formation of mucus plugs in T2-high asthma. This work identifies an important biomarker and targetable pathways for the treatment of mucus obstruction in asthma