14 research outputs found

    Oral characteristics of Trisomy 8 and monosomy 18: a case report

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    Several reports described various mosaic chromosomal syndromes characterized by alterations originated by either an excess or deficit in the number of chromosomes. A case of mosaic trisomy 8 and monosomy 18 with significant involvement of the oral cavity is described, both in terms of general medicine and from a dental-oral perspective, and the treatment plan was planned and discussed. Regular follow-up visits enabled to verify significant improvement in all parameters of the patient’s oral health, which urged us to press on with our quest to protect the right to health of patients affected by disabilities

    Heavy metals: teeth as environmental biomarkers

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    Aim of this study was to measure the concentration of heavy metals in tooth matrix and to determine the factors that affect their presence. During tooth development and mineralization several metals can be absorbed in the tooth matrix, thus allowing us to use them as biological markers

    Molecular identification of <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> subspecies <i>paratuberculosis</i> in oral biopsies of Crohn’s disease patients

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    Oral lesions may be found in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD), in a percentage up to 20%. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible relationship between Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and oral lesions in CD patients. 23 oral biopsies were examined performing IS900 Nested PCR; 9 of them were positive: 8 from CD patients and 1 from a control. Our purpose is to go on with this study, amplifying the number of subjects examined and testing subjects with oral lesions related to diseases other than CD to verify the specific association between MAP and oral lesions in CD patients

    Oral features in Kabuki make-up syndrome

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    AIM: Kabuki make-up Syndrome is so named because of the characteristic facies of the affected patient. The face is similar to a Kabuki actor's mask. The main aim of this report was to describe the oral features in Kabuki Syndrome, focusing on the tooth anomalies. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five subjects with Kabuki Syndrome, identified by the Child Neuropsychiatric Clinic of the University of Sassari, Italy, were enrolled. Their medical records were reviewed and oral and dental examinations were completed. The diagnosis was based upon the typical pattern of malformations and dysmorphic features reviewed by Matsumoto and Niikawa. RESULTS: All patients showed typical characteristics of the Syndrome such as a long palpebral fissure, lower palpebral eversion, arched eyebrows, short nasal septum, prominent and large ears, fingertip pads, mental retardation, and paramedian elevation of the lower lip. CONCLUSION: Kabuki make-up Syndrome is of unknown origin but a genetic aetiopathogenesis has been proposed. It is extremely rare; in Japan, where it is most frequent, it affects 1:32000 newborns. The typical facies of the syndrome, combined with general medical and dental examinations, are very important for diagnosis confirmation.</br

    Infiltrazione marginale tra differenti tipi di restauro

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    Objectives. Indications of different dental restorations, direct or indirect composite restorations or amalgam, depend on clinical needs. Aim of this study is to compare margin sealing offered by three different restorative techniques. Materials and methods. 24 molars were selected and divided into three groups according to the technique used: group A (composite inlays), group B (direct composite restoration), group C (amalgam). First Class cavities having equal size were created by the same operator. All the samples were treated with ortho-phosphoric acid, adhesive system and composite flow. A cavity of each group was filled without etching and bonding before using the composite flow. After thermo-mechanical stress all samples underwent marginal leakage tests. Samples were sectioned and observed by optical stereomicroscope at various degree. Results and conclusions. Leakage was evident in those samples which were not submitted to etching and bonding; all remaining samples showed no leakage at all. Choice of restoration must consider operative time, operating field, aesthetic needs, cost and patient

    Oral condition, chemistry of saliva, and salivary levels of <i>Streptococcus mutans</i> in thalassemic patients

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    The purpose of this investigation was to determine the oral status in a group of patients with thalassemia major (TM). Eighteen TM patients (15 M, three F) and 18 healthy controls randomly matched for age and sex were examined for dental caries using the decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index and for oral hygiene conditions using the oral hygiene index (OHI)-S. Spontaneous saliva was collected from each subject, and the biochemical composition (calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, urea) was determined. Furthermore, salivary Streptococcus mutans levels were evaluated. Statistical analysis (Student’s t-test) were performed for means comparison, while independence among categorical variables was assessed using the χ&#178; test. Fisher’s exact test was used when expected cell values were less than 5. Dental status (DMFT index) was almost equal in the two groups (10.3 in TM vs 9.4 in controls, P=0.34). The occurrence of plaque (OHI-S 2) was higher in the control group, but no statistically significant association was observed between oral hygiene conditions in the two groups (Fisher’s exact test 0.47, P=0.79). Biochemical saliva composition was very similar in the two groups; only the urea concentration was lower in TM, and this difference was statistically significant (P=0.002). The TM patients had an increased presence of mutans streptococci at detectable levels. Our findings confirm that, although no substantial differences were found between the two observed groups, further investigations are needed to determine the theoretical risk of oral diseases in thalassemic patients

    Early childhood caries and associated determinants: a cross-sectional study on Italian preschool children

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    Objectives This study evaluates the influence of several determinants on the presence of early childhood caries (ECC) in preschool children living in northern Sardinia, Italy. These determinants include the educational level and occupational status of the parents as a proxy for the socioeconomical level (SES) and behavioral factors (dietary and oral hygiene). Methods An observational cross-sectional study was designed with a dental examination and a standardized questionnaire. Five hundred forty-four subjects (260 girls and 284 boys) were enrolled and categorized into two age groups: 359 children were aged 18-47 months and 185 children were aged 48-60 months. Results The total caries prevalence was 15.99%. Caries risk increased with lower parents' educational level (P = 0.01), increased number of siblings (P&lt; 0.01), the use of bottle feeding (P = 0.02), and the use of a sweetened baby's pacifier at night (P = 0.01). In robust multivariate analysis, a high parental educational level played a protective role on the presence of caries lesion [odds ratio (OR) = 0.51, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.34-0.78]; the mother's being employed had a positive statistically significant association with the child having decayed, missing, filled tooth surfaces = 0 (OR = 0.64, 95% CI 0.23-0.97). The presence of more than one sibling in the family was associated with caries (OR = 1.70, 95% CI 1.20-2.40). Conclusion ECC prevalence evaluated was similar to other western countries, and SES and behavioral habits influence the development of ECC.</br

    Dosaggio del mercurio nel liquido amniotico umano

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    Obiettivo. L'amalgama d'Ag contiene, tra i suoi componenti, il mercurio che, con i suoi derivati organici, è in grado di passare in organi e fluidi biologici. Un aspetto di questo passaggio, che desta preoccupazione e interesse, è la possibilità che possa, superando la barriera placentare, raggiungere il feto. Scopo del lavoro è la valutazione delle concentrazioni del mercurio totale nel liquido amniotico umano e confrontarle con il numero e l'estensione occlusale delle otturazioni di amalgama d'Ag. Metodi. Sono state selezionate 56 donne gravide destinate all'amniocentesi. Ogni paziente è stata sottoposta a visita odontostomatologica per individuare numero ed estensione delle otturazioni in amalgama. Nel liquido amniotico le concentrazioni di mercurio sono state determinate con lo spettrofotometro ad assorbimento atomico e tecnica FIAS-amalgama. Risultati. Le concentrazioni del mercurio nei campioni esaminati variavano da un minimo di 0,00 ng/ml ad un massimo di 2,55 ng/ml, valore medio di 0,44±0,53 ng/ml. Le correlazioni tra le variabili esaminate sono state valutate calcolando il valore del coefficiente di regressione lineare. Nessuna relazione diretta è stata trovata con la concentrazione del mercurio. I valori ottenuti sono stati inseriti anche per la costruzione di un modello di regressione logistica che ha evidenziato un valore statistico poco significativo (p=0,05) tra il numero delle otturazioni e le quantità di mercurio, mentre l'estensione occlusale dei restauri è risultata essere in rapporto significativo (p ¾0,05) con le concentrazioni del metallo. Conclusioni. Gli Autori consigliano grande cautela nell'uso dell'amalgama d'argento in corso di gravidanza.</br

    Effect of amalgam fillings on the mercury concentration in human amniotic fluid

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    Background: Methyl mercury (MeHg) and metallic Hg are well known as neurotoxic agents. Dental amalgam contributes significantly to elemental Hg vapour exposure in the general population. There is little information about Hg concentration in human amniotic fluid (AF) of pregnant women and its potential toxic effect on the fetuses. Objective: Primary to assess the relationship between the presence of detectable mercury (Hg) concentration in human AF, number and surface areas of amalgam fillings of pregnant women; secondary to analyse their obstetric history and perinatal complications. Methods: Seventy-two pregnant women took part in this prospective study. One dentist recorded the dental status, presence, number and surface areas of amalgam fillings. Total Hg concentration in AF was determined in digested samples using automatic cold vapour atomic absorption equipment. The detection limit of Hg in AF, determined from blank readings, was 0.08 ng/ml. To estimate the dependence of the explanatory variables (such as number and surface areas of amalgam fillings, fish consumption, presence of liver or neurological diseases and smoking habits) on mercury concentration several linear regression models were built up. Stepwise logistic regression procedures were running on total sample and on patients with at least one amalgam filling (Positive Filling group = PF). Principal component analysis (PCA) provided two factors, which explained for more the 60% of the variance among the variables. Results: The overall mean Hg concentration in AF among all patients was 0.37&#177;0.49 ng/ml. Nineteen (26.4%) women had a Hg concentration &#60;0.08 ng/ml (Hg negative group). In 53 (73.6%) patients, with a concentration ≥ 0.08 ng/ml (Hg positive group), the mean value of Hg was 0.49&#177;0.52 ng/ml. The average number of amalgam fillings was 2.26&#177;3.19 in the Hg negative group and 5.32&#177;3.03 in the Hg positive group (ANOVA one-way p=0.04). A dependence of mercury concentration on number of amalgam fillings (p=0.03), surface area of the amalgam fillings (p=0.04) and fish consumption (p=0.04) was observed but not at a significant level. In stepwise logistic procedure the number of amalgam fillings gave a contribution to the model (p=0.04), although null value was included in the confidence intervals. We observed no statistically significant differences (X &#178;test) among the patients with a Hg concentration &#60;0.08 ng/ml (n=19) and those with a concentration ≥ 0.08 (n=53) with regard to obstetric history and perinatal complications. Conclusions: Number and surface areas of amalgam fillings influenced positively Hg concentration in AF but not at a significant level. Moreover Hg levels detected in AF were low and no adverse outcomes were observed through pregnancies and in the newborns

    Lack of association between maternal periodontal status and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a multicentric epidemiologic study

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    Objective(s): The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between periodontal health and pregnancy outcomes in a large cohort of Italian postpartum women. Methods: 750 postpartum women were enrolled in a case–control study within 5 days from delivery at three Italian obstetric clinics. Cases were defined as those mothers who delivered an infant weighing under 2500 g (LBW) and/or had premature delivery and/or delivered small for gestational age newborns (SGA) and/or experienced preeclampsia/pregnancy induced hypertension (PE/PIH) or preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM) during pregnancy. All women received comprehensive oral and dental examination. Associations between adverse pregnancy outcome and exposures of interest were evaluated by the use of multivariate logistic regression models to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: There was no significant difference between cases and controls with respect to country of birth, age, place of residence, educational achievement, smoking, and periodontal status. By definition, infant birth weight [2,750 g (IQR = 2,300–3,200 g) and 3,275, (IQR = 3,010–3,538 g) p &lt; 0.001, respectively] and gestational age at delivery [259 days (IQR = 245–273) and 273 days (IQR = 266–280), p &lt; 0.01, respectively] were significantly lower in cases than in controls. In multivariate analyses, a borderline association was found between poor obstetric outcomes and current smokers (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 0.1–2.5). Finally, after adjusting for smoking status neither country of birth, nor age or place of residence or education or periodontitis were associated with a significantly increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. Conclusion(s): Our data failed to demonstrate the association between periodontitis and an adverse pregnancy outcome such as preterm birth, low birth weight, preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, and premature rupture of membranes