279 research outputs found

    Stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility: recipe for sustainable peace in the Niger delta region?

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a pathway to positive and sustainable engagement of business-stakeholders in general and its host community in particular, especially when the operations of such enterprise have a way of negatively impacting the environment or other interests of such a community. Empirical research has shown that such engagement has a way of not just improving corporate-community relations but acts as a strategic roadmap to allow stakeholders take ownership of and buy in into corporate sustainability plans. This is one area International Oil Companies (IOCs) operating in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region have arguably floundered, and hence the ensuing and seemingly intractable confrontations from the host communities and militant groups who perennially feel left out of topdown CSR initiatives. This paper discusses the concept of “emotional equity” as a missing piece in community involvement in corporate sustainability in Nigeria. It examines how a stakeholder approach to CSR could serve as a participatory and level playing approach that would engender peaceful, symbiotic engagement and cohabitation between the IOCs and their host communities.Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, development, environment, pollutio

    The clash of property and environmental rights in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria

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    The Niger Delta region of Nigeria, home to about 30 million people, is one of the world’s most prominent deltas. Petroleum exploration in this region has been ongoing for over fifty years and revenue from this activity is at present the mainstay of the Nigerian economy. Granted that it is impracticable to undertake petroleum operations without some negative impact on the environment, a good deal of this pollution can be mitigated. The International Oil Companies (IOCs) are complacent about pollution reduction to a sustainable level; regulatory agencies are either compromised or lack the required expertise or equipment to monitor and enforce compliance with extant environmental protection laws and regulations. The pursuit of the IOCs’ property right over petroleum resources has set them against the other stakeholders’ right to a healthy environment. The clash of these rights can best be addressed by ascribing “collective property” and not “private property” right to the acreage over which they have been granted licence to prospect for, explore or mine petroleum resources.Keywords: Property rights, natural resource exploration, environmental la


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    This study examined the extent to which employees' productivity can he improved in an organization through delegation of authority using 7up Bottling Company Nig. Pic as case study. The data required for this study was gathered through the instrument of questionnaire and participant observation. One hundred (100) copies of questionnaire were administered to respondents and successfully retrieved for analysis. In line with the objectives of this study, two hypotheses were formulated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation coefficient were used for testing the hypotheses. The results showed that delegation of authority is necessary for achieving high productivity in an organization. The study revealed that authority delegated to employees facilitates prompt execution of tasks and responsibilities which ultimately brings about high level of corporate performance. The study, however, advised managers to be adequately wary because delegation of authority is not the abdication of responsibility. Based. on the findings, the study recommended that managers should delegate authority to subordinates as much as possible in view of its salutary effect on productivity and corporate survival

    The Role of Inorganic Metal Salts in Wastewater Clarification

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    An investigation into the ability of four inorganic coagulants namely; alum (Al2(SO4)3.18H2O), ammonium aluminum sulphate (NH4Al(SO4)2.12H2O), ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) and ammonium ferrous sulphate (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O) in clarifying wastewater was examined. Results obtained from conventional standard ‘jar-test’ experiments indicated that alum was the most effective coagulant since it reduced turbidity of the wastewater to 0.64 NTU at a contact time of 300 min. Ferrous sulphate was the least effective coagulant, reducing turbidity of the wastewater to 3.45 NTU only at 240 min contact time, but when the contact time of the experiment was increased from 240 to 300 min, re-coloration of the solution was observed indicating re-stabilization of suspended particles. These findings tend to support the claim that alum is a choice coagulant for wastewater clarification.  Â

    Kinetic Study of Aluminum Sulphate and Ammonium Aluminum Sulphate Coagulants in Wastewater Treatment

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    An investigation into the kinetics of two inorganic coagulant namely: aluminum sulphate octadecahydrate (Al2(SO4)3.18H2O) an ammonium aluminum sulphate dodecahydrate (NH4Al(SO4)2.12H2O) was studied to determine the effect of certain kinetic parameters on coagulation performance of the above mentioned coagulants. Results of analysis obtained revealed that the rate constant (k) for Al2(SO4)3.18H2O was 5.727s-1, while that for NH4Al(SO4)2.12H2O was 2.282s-1. However, the order of the reaction (xn) of Al2(SO4)3.18H2O and NH4Al(SO4)2.12H2O with the wastewater was 1.0 and 1.0, respectively, indicating that both reactions were first order. Considering the mechanism of the reaction, the general trend observed indicated that the Al2(SO4)3.18H2O reaction was thrice as fast as the NH4Al(SO4)2.12H2O reaction. This fact together with the larger value of k for Al2(SO4)3.18H2O obtained in the experiment lend credence to the widely held believe that Al2(SO4)3.18H2O is a more effective coagulant than NH4Al(SO4)2.12H2O in wastewater treatment

    Examining Influences Impacting Sub-Saharan African Media Norms: Effects on Professionalization of Journalism

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    This study demonstrates the presence of various influences in the Sub-Saharan African media, and how these influences impact on the professional development of Sub-Saharan African journalism. To account for the presence of influences from the West, China and African values, 44 codes of ethics of Sub-Saharan African countries were analyzed. To account for influences of these values in the normative practice of Sub-Saharan African journalism, 18 journalists were interviewed. The findings contradict the basic philosophical assumption of media normative theory that the press system is shaped by the social, cultural, economic and political realities of the environment it operates, as it demonstrates predominance of Western values in Sub-Saharan media. Keyword: Colonialism, neo-colonialism, normative influences, media norms/values, institution and profession


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    Motivation of the workforce has been identified as the key factor that produces super productivity and increased profitability in modern organizations. There are several ways by which an organization can motivate its workforce. Some of these ways include; salary increase to workers, promotion, attractive fringe benefits and through other non-financial incentives, such as commendation, award and expression of appreciation. Motivation is essential to propel the workforce to improved productivity thereby making it possible for the organization to achieve its set goals and objectives. When an employee is sufficiently motivated, he or she will have increased zeal to perform organizational tasks. This article adopted survey research design. Questionnaire carefully designed by the author was used to gather primary data for the article. The sample size used was 40 respondents made up of human resources practitioners from two corporate organizations. The data gathered were analyzed using tables and percentages. The hypothesis of the article was tested using chi-square inferential statistical tool to establish its validity. The author found that the Alternative hypothesis obtained was 20.25 as against the Null hypothesis of 9.49. Thus the Null hypothesis was rejected and the Alternative hypothesis accepted. The result of the test provided a proof that employee motivation serves as the tugboat of organizational productivity. In other words, the force of motivation as a tug-boat pulls organizational productivity to the harbor of profitability in corporate organizations. It is therefore advisable for corporate entities operating in today’s turbulent business environment to pay competitive wages and salaries to their workforce in addition to providing them with attractive fringe benefits to motivate them actively to deliver super productivity for organizational succes

    De effecten van een eliminatiedieet op spanningshoofdpijn en migraine: een gerandomiseerd onderzoek

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    Dit proefschrift beschrijft een onderzoek naar het optreden van spanningshoofdpijn en migraine voor en na de eliminatie van bepaalde onderdelen uit de voeding. Zowel in de vakliteratuur als in de lekenpers, wordt migraine onder meer in relatie gebracht met het gebruik van bepaalde voedingsmiddelen. Zo wordt wel verondersteld dat chocolade, rode wijn en kaas een migraine-aanval kunnen uitlokken. Toch blijkt uit bestudering van de vakliteratuur, dat deze relatie geenszins vast staat. Ook blijkt dat over een mogelijke relatie tussen spanningshoofdpijn en voeding weinig bekend is. Onderzoekster deed in 1984 ervaring op met de behandelmethoden van Bircher-Benner. Deze Zwitserse natuurgeneeskundige arts pleegde migraine-patiënten te behandelen met onder meer een voedingsadvies. Daarbij werd geadviseerd uit de voeding de volgende onderdelen te elimineren: koffie, thee, alcoholische dranken, koemelk en niet-zure koemelkproducten (waaronder kaas), suiker, chocolade, eieren en vlees, vooral varkensvlees. I Op basis van wat patiënten vertelden, vermoedde onderzoekster dat pinda's en overmatig zout aan dit rijtje dienden te worden toegevoegd. Met dit voedingsadvies voor migraine-patiënten werd van 1985 tot 1989 ervaring opgedaan in een natuurgeneeskundige praktijk. Het voedingsadvies leek bij veel patiënten te leiden tot een duidelijke vermindering van de migraine-aanvallen. Het is bekend dat veel patiënten met migraine tevens last hebben van spanningshoofdpijn. Nu bleek dat het voedingsadvies niet alleen het aantal migraine-aanvallen leek te verminderen, maar ook dat daardoor het optreden van spanningshoofdpijn afnam. Daarop werd het voedingsadvies ook aan patiënten met spanningshoofdpijn, zonder migraine, voorgeschreven. Aangezien de voedingsverandering bij zowel spanningshoofdpijn als migraine een duidelijke vermindering van de klachten tot gevolg leek te hebben, werd besloten tot een prospectief onderzoek bij beide categorieën patiënten. Tension headaches and migraines are common medical conditions; nearly thirty percent of the population suffers from between one and Meen headaches per month and approximately three percent suffers from monthly migraine attacks. Despite the fad that in medicalliterature there is na evidence of a relationship between these conditions and daily nutrition, a connection, especiaUy to migraines, is assumed. The researcher had, for a number of years, positive experiences with the elimination diet fer migraines of Bircher-Benner. Many migraine patients also suffer from tension headaches. Results showed that the implementation of the elimination diet lessened the occurrence not only of migraines, but also of tension headaches, It also appeared that many patients, during the first week of the dietary change, experienced a worsening of migraines and/or tension headaches, In natural medicine this is caUed the "initial aggravation" , and is a cam men phenomenon, It is assumed that this results from a Rwashing out of toxins" from the system, or u deslagging". In order to estimate the usefulness of medical intervention, stronger evidence than provided by retrospective empirical findings can give, is needed, Therefore this research project was developed, The questions of the research project were the following: I) wiJl there be a decrease in the occurrence of migraines and tension headaches if patients with migraines and tensions headaches eliminate certain foods from thejr diets; and 2) does the elimination of certain foods from the diet create an aggravation of the symptoms within the first week, the so-caUed "init,ial aggravation"

    Utilization of Maize–Millet-Okra Intercropping Systems in Western Nigeria

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    Utilization of Maize–Millet-Okra intercropping systems was investigated in Southwest, Nigeria. Yield attributes of each of the crops during the 2017 and 2018 growing seasons formed the basis for the investigation. Indices, such as water use efficiency (WUE), water equivalent ratio (WER) and land equivalent ratio (LER) were calculated to characterize the intercropping efficiency of land and water use compared to when in cropping. The results showed that WUE of crops in combination and intercrop ranged from 5.7 to 61.67 Kg/ha/mm, LER in combination and intercrop ranged from 0.57 to 1.46 and WER ranged from 1.00 to 2.04. Okra performed excellently well in WUE, WER and LER in its combination with maize and millet. 2-tier intercrop performed better than 3-tier intercrop irrespective of the crop combination. Land equivalent ratio consistently gave values of more than 1, indicating the superiority of intercropping over sole cropping. Crops in intercrop, irrespective of combination method utilized water effectively than in sole cropping. Though, water is not a limiting factor in the study area, intercropping utilized water more effectively when planted in row intercropping system. Key words: WUE, WER, LER, intercrop, combinatio

    Chemical and Biological Leaching Methods to Remove Heavy Metals from Sewage Sludge: A Review

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    The removal of heavy metals (HMs) in sewage sludge (SS) is important since sludge is often disposed or applied on farmland to enhance soil fertility. The present study reviewed two conceptual approaches (chemical and biological leaching) of removing HMs present in SS. In the chemical leaching method, traditional acid treatment together with novel methods such as aeration, complexation and sequential extraction procedure have been reviewed extensively. Certain factors influence the removal of HMs in SS. These factors include; pH, leaching agent, redox potential, and contact time. Nitric acid (HNO3), hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulphuric acid (H2SO4), phosphoric acid (H3PO4), ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), as well as Thiobacillus thiooxidans and Thiobacillus ferrooxidans are the most widely studied leaching agents and substrates involved in the chemical and bioleaching processes. However, the bioleaching process has been proposed as a safe, efficient, economical, environmental friendly method to remove HMs in SS due to its simplicity, high yield of metal extraction, low acid consumption, and low sludge solids concentration. Nevertheless, the present review has noted that most researchers are of the opinion that more studies are needed in the bioleaching method in order to enhance its commercial attraction. Â
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