22 research outputs found

    Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Fungal Associates of Conifer Bark Beetles and their Potential in Bark Beetle Control

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    Conifer bark beetles attack and kill mature spruce and pine trees, especially during hot and dry conditions. These beetles are closely associated with ophiostomatoid fungi of the Ascomycetes, including the genera Ophiostoma, Grosmannia, and Endoconidiophora, which enhance beetle success by improving nutrition and modifying their substrate, but also have negative impacts on beetles by attracting predators and parasites. A survey of the literature and our own data revealed that ophiostomatoid fungi emit a variety of volatile organic compounds under laboratory conditions including fusel alcohols, terpenoids, aromatic compounds, and aliphatic alcohols. Many of these compounds already have been shown to elicit behavioral responses from bark beetles, functioning as attractants or repellents, often as synergists to compounds currently used in bark beetle control. Thus, these compounds could serve as valuable new agents for bark beetle management. However, bark beetle associations with fungi are very complex. Beetle behavior varies with the species of fungus, the stage of the beetle life cycle, the host tree quality, and probably with changes in the emission rate of fungal volatiles. Additional research on bark beetles and their symbiotic associates is necessary before the basic significance of ophiostomatoid fungal volatiles can be understood and their applied potential realized

    A problem of stimulation of students activity in distance learning process

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    Przedstawiono problem pobudzania aktywno艣ci student贸w w procesie kszta艂cenia. Problem zwi膮zany jest z zach臋ceniem student贸w do systematycznej pracy. Analiza zosta艂a dokonana na podstawie kursu e-learningowego wspomagaj膮cego tradycyjny proces kszta艂cenia na studiach zaocznych dla specjalno艣ci Technika komputerowa w in偶ynierii rolniczej. Podj臋to pr贸b臋 okre艣lenia g艂贸wnych czynnik贸w stymuluj膮cych aktywno艣膰 student贸w przy opanowywaniu materia艂u.A problem of stimulation of students' activity in learning process is presented. It is connected with encouraging of students to work systematically. The analysis was made on the ground of e-learning course assisting traditional learning process on extramural studies on speciality: computer technology in agricultural engineering. It was attempt to define main factors stimulating students' activity during mastering a subject

    An individualization of distance learning process on the ground of students' activities analysis

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    W artykule przedstawiono problem indywidualizacji w procesie kszta艂cenia oraz rol臋 bazy wiedzy zbudowanej w oparciu o analiz臋 aktywno艣ci student贸w. Wspomniana baza wiedzy umo偶liwia w pewnym stopniu ocen臋 studenta pod wzgl臋dem aktywno艣ci w kursie, inteligencji czy pracowito艣ci. Ocena ta z kolei daje mo偶liwo艣膰 dostosowania kursu (np. jego tempa) do indywidualnych cech studenta.The aim of this article is to show a role of the knowledgebase based on analyzes of students' activity in the individualization process of e-learning. The mentioned base enables some opinion of student's activity, intelligence and diligence. Such opinion gives possibility of course adjustment (e.g. its speed) for individual student characteristics

    The content and the composition of ginsenosides in different parts of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.)

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    Percentage of ginsenosides in roots of American ginseng is ranged from 6.5 to 12.5%. 4-year-old roots are characterized by the highest content of ginsenosides. The highest amount of ginsenosides was found in ginseng leaves (24.8 - 37.5%). Stems and fruits of Panax quinquefolium are characterized by much lower content of saponins. Maximum level of ginsenosides, in case of leaves, stems and fruits, was observed in 4-year-old organs. The results show, that Polish ginseng for medicinal uses should be harvested from fourth year of plant vegetation. Qualitative TLC analysis showed presence of the same ginsenosides in the same ginseng organs in different age of plants. In ginseng rots were identified 6 compounds: Rb1, Re, Rc, Rd, Rg1 and Rg2, in leaves 7: Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Re, Rd, Rg1 and Rg2; in stems 6 ginsenosides: Rb1, Rc, Re, Rd, Rg1 and Rg2, instead in fruits 5 compounds: Rb2, Re, Rd, Rg1 and Rg2.Badania wykaza艂y, 偶e zawarto艣膰 ginsenozyd贸w w korzeniach 偶e艅-szenia ame- ryka艅skiego mie艣ci si臋 w granicach od 6,5% do 12,5% i ro艣nie wraz z rozwojem ro艣liny, osi膮gaj膮c warto艣膰 najwy偶sz膮 w IV roku wegetacji 偶e艅szenia. W li艣ciach za- warto艣膰 ginsenozyd贸w waha si臋 w granicach od 24,8% do 37,5%, natomiast w 鈮dy- gach i owocach jest kilkakrotnie mniejsza i zawiera si臋w granicach od 3,3% do 5,6%. Najwi臋ksz膮 zawarto艣ci膮 ginsenozyd贸w charakteryzuj膮 si臋 4-letnie organy nadziemne 偶e艅szenia ameryka艅skiego. Z przeprowadzonych bada艅 wynika, 偶e polski 偶e艅-sze艅 do cel贸w leczniczych powinno si臋 zbiera膰 pocz膮wszy od czwartego roku wegetacji ro艣lin. W wyniku analizy TLC w korzeniach zidentyfikowano 6 ginsenozyd贸w: Rb1, Re, Rc, Rd, Rg1i Rg2, w li艣ciach 7 zwi膮zk贸w: Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Re, Rd, Rg1 i Rg2; w przypadku 艂odyg zidentyfikowano 6 zwi膮zk贸w: Rb1, Rc, Re, Rd, Rg1 i Rg2, natomiast w owocach 5 zwi膮zk贸w: Rb2, Re, Rd, Rg1 i Rg2. Przeprowadzone badania jako艣ciowe ginsenozyd贸w wyst臋puj膮cych w cz臋艣ciach podziemnych i nadziemnych Panax quinquefolium nie wykaza鈮 obecno艣ci w 偶adnym z badanych organ贸w 偶e艅szenia pi臋ciolistnego ginsenozydu Rf

    Rozmieszczenie ginsenozydow w tkankach korzeni Panax quinquefolium

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    We carried out histochemical studies to find the localization of ginsenosides in roots of Panax quinquefolium cultivated in Poland. We performed an anatomical study on the structure and localization of secretory canals on the cross section of 4-year-old American ginseng roots. We observed the occurrence of large secretory canals, mainly in the middle part of the secondary cortex and less in the phloem layer. In our studies, moreover, we demonstrated the production of secretory canals within the periderm layer. After the anatomical study, the 4-year-old ginseng root was divided into periderm, cortex and xylem, and the ginsenosides were extracted from each part of the root. The TLC separation of ginsenosides was performed on silica gel Si60 glass plates with chloroform-methanol-ethyl acetate-water-hexane, 20+22+60+8+4 (v/v) as mobile phase. Quantitative analysis of ginsenosides was performed by using the TLC-densitometric method. Concerning the distribution of ginsenosides in the different anatomical parts of the root of Panax quinquefolium, they were contained in the periderm layer at the highest level.W celu okreoelenia lokalizacji ginsenozyd贸w w korzeniach 偶e艅-szenia pi臋ciolistnego (Panax quinquefolium L.) uprawianego w Polsce, przeprowadzono badania histochemiczne. Badania anatomiczne dotycz膮ce budowy i rozmieszczenia kana艂贸w wydzielniczych wykonano na przekrojach poprzecznych 4-letnich korzeni 偶e艅-szenia. Z obserwacji mikroskopowych wynika, 偶e najwi臋ksze kana艂y wydzielnicze s膮 zlokalizowane w 艣rodkowej i zewn臋trznej cz臋艣ci kory wt贸rnej. Kana艂y o mniejszej 艣rednicy po艂o偶one by艂y w obr臋bie floemu. Wykazano ponadto wyst臋powanie kana- 艂贸w wydzielniczych w tkankach perydermy. Do bada艅 analitycznych korzenie 偶e艅szenia podzielono na trzy cz臋艣ci (peryderm臋, kor臋 i floem), a nast臋pnie wyekstrahowano z nich frakcje ginsenozyd贸w. Analiz臋 ilo艣ciow膮 ginsenozyd贸w prowadzono metod膮 TLC na p艂ytkach szklanych pokrytych 偶elem krzemionkowym Si60 przy u偶yciu fazy ruchomej: chloroform metanol octan etylu woda heksan, 20+22+60+8+4 (v/v). Rozwini臋te p艂ytki poddawano analizie densytometrycznej. Analiza ilo艣ciowa ginsenozyd贸w w r贸偶nych tkankach korzeni Panax quinquefolium wykaza艂a najwi臋ksz膮 zawarto艣膰 tych zwi膮zk贸w w perydermie

    GC-MS fingerprinting of the Tahitian Marchantia hexaptera Reich

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    International audienceMarchantia hexaptera Reich. is a liverwort species, which is endemic to French Polynesia, where it occurs on the islands of Tahiti and Moorea. The major purpose of this study was to compare the compositions of the volatiles present in Tahitian M. hexaptera populations, to determine the chemical homogeneity within the species. This the first study of the chemistry and chemical variation within any species of Marchantia from the Pacific region. GC/MS analysis of 10 specimens collected in Mt. Marau area showed some differences between samples, indicating the existence of chemical polymorphism. Based on the differences in chemical profiles, three chemotypes of Tahitian M. hexaptera were recognized. Chemotype I produces germacrane-type sesquiterpene alcohol, 1(10),4-germacradien-6伪-ol, which seems to be good chemical marker of this species. The cuparane-type sesquiterpene alcohol, cyclopropanecuparenol is characteristic for Chemotype II, while the presence of the huge amount of an unidentified sesquiterpenoid, 222 [M] + , 82 (100), 67 (60) is characteristic for Chemotype III. The volatiles composition of specimens belonging to Chemotype II is very similar to that of the Japanese and European M. polymorpha L. The recognized chemical differences were not related to altitude. The chemotypes can occur in the same or overlapping areas. These results were further supported by principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA)