18 research outputs found

    Noticiero de Vigo : diario independiente de la mañana: Ano XXIX Número 11948 - 1914 decembro 10

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    <p>The cortical regions that are included in each classes are provided in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060093#pone-0060093-t004" target="_blank">table 4</a>. For simplicity and because of the low number of labeled cells, projection from the AES and the somato-motor regions are grouped together in the “motor somesthesic” group. The pattern and density of projections are similar when comparing both normal and deaf cats. Conventions as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060093#pone-0060093-g004" target="_blank">figure 4</a>.</p

    Microphotographies showing the location of the injection sites in A1 and DZ.

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    <p>In A and B is shown the FE injection in DZ of the deaf cat (CT–16) with respect to the A1/DZ border revealed by cytochrome oxidase (A) and SMI-32 (B). In G is shown the location of the FR injection in A1 on a cortical section reacted for SMI-32. The A1/DZ border is assessed by the presence of a rich neuropile staining in the upper layers of DZ as well as the presence of large reactive cells in layer V <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060093#pone.0060093-Mellott1" target="_blank">[35]</a>. In panels C, D and F are illustrated the location of the injection sites in the NHC in A1 (C and F) or DZ (D) after Nissl (F) or CO staining (C–D). E shows a schematic view of a cat brain in which each blob indicates a single injection illustrated in this figure. Scale bars: 2 mm.</p

    Histograms of the means of the distribution (in % of total, ± se) of projecting cells in the thalamic nuclei following an injection in A1 (A) or DZ (B).

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    <p>Values for normal (NHC) and deaf (CDC) cats are presented separately. No striking differences are observed in the proportions beside an abnormal projection in the deaf cats from the Lateral Posterior nucleus (LP) to A1. The number of injections sites in each group is indicated (n).</p

    Abnormal visual projection from the areas 19/20 to area DZ in the deaf cat (Case CT11 FE and CT11 FR).

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    <p>In A is shown the distribution of projecting cells in two adjacent sections. The density profiles are presented in B. Convention as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060093#pone-0060093-g006" target="_blank">figure 6</a>.</p

    Distribution of the projecting neurons to A1 following a FB (blue) or a DY (yellow) injection in the normal (A, case CT10) and in the deaf (B, case CT11 FB and DY) cat.

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    <p>Only selected sections are shown to illustrate the distribution of labeled cells in the various auditory areas. The insert shows a schematic view of a cat brain areas and the location of the illustrated sections in the antero-posterior axis. Conventions as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060093#pone-0060093-g005" target="_blank">figure 5</a>.</p

    Distribution of the projecting neurons to DZ in the normal (A, case CT15 FB and FE) and deaf (B, Case CT11 FE and CT11 FR).) cat.

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    <p>Convention as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060093#pone-0060093-g007" target="_blank">figure 7</a>.</p

    Tonotopic organization of the MGB projections to A1 in the normal (A, case CT10) and deaf (B, CT11) cat.

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    <p>Following a double injection of FB and DY in A1 the distribution of labeled cells are segregated across the MGB in both the normal and deaf cat. In each panel a single dots represents the location of a retrogradely labeled cell following a FB (blue) or a DY (yellow) injection. Nissl (A) and cytochrome oxydase (B) histological staining are shown to identify the location of the thalamic nuclei. Abbreviations: D dorsal, L lateral.</p

    Projection from the Lateral Posterior nucleus (LP) in the deaf cat.

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    <p>In <b>A</b> is represented the thalamic distribution of labeled cells following two injections in A1 (CT11 FB and DY). <b>B</b>. Alkaline phosphatase staining of an adjacent section. <b>C</b>. Density profiles showing the number of labeled neurons observed on regular serial sections across the LP. The distance axis corresponds to the position of the individual sections on the latero-medial dimension of the brain. The LP projection to A1 is relatively weak, as shown by the paucity of retrogradely number of labeled cells.</p

    Description of the injection sites. FB: Fast Blue; DY: di-amino yellow, FE: fluoroemerald, FR: fluororuby.

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    <p>Description of the injection sites. FB: Fast Blue; DY: di-amino yellow, FE: fluoroemerald, FR: fluororuby.</p

    Quantitative analysis of the strength of projection to A1 and DZ with respect to the total number of cortical inputs.

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    <p>The data obtained in the present study in the normal (NHC) and deaf (CDC) cat are compared with the previous study of Lee and Winner 2008.</p