709 research outputs found

    Event-Driven Molecular Dynamics in Parallel

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    Although event-driven algorithms have been shown to be far more efficient than time-driven methods such as conventional molecular dynamics, they have not become as popular. The main obstacle seems to be the difficulty of parallelizing event-driven molecular dynamics. Several basic ideas have been discussed in recent years, but to our knowledge no complete implementation has been published yet. In this paper we present a parallel event-driven algorithm including dynamic load-balancing, which can be easily implemented on any computer architecture. To simplify matters our explanations refer to a basic multi-particle system of hard spheres, but can be extended easily to a wide variety of possible models.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    The effect of friction on wide shear bands

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    Frictional and frictionless granular materials in a split-bottom ring shear cell geometry show wide shear bands under slow, quasi-static deformation. Here, the differences between frictional and frictionless materials are elaborated using discrete element simulations (DEM). Several continuum fields like the density, the velocity field, the deformation gradient, and the stress are used here for comparison.\ud \ud Interestingly, the shear stress intensity, i.e., the shear stress divided by the pressure, is approximately constant throughout the wide shear band, as long as the strain rate is large enough—indicating a Mohr-Coulomb type yield stress fluid. The “viscosity,” i.e., the shear stress divided by the strain rate, is proportional to the pressure, which is increasing with the contact number density. Furthermore, the viscosity is inversely proportional to the nondimensional strain rate, indicating shear softening behavior inside the wide shear bands

    Cluster-Growth in Freely Cooling Granular Media

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    When dissipative particles are left alone, their fluctuation energy decays due to collisional interactions, clusters build up and grow with time until the system size is reached. When the effective dissipation is strong enough, this may lead to the `inelastic collapse', i.e. the divergence of the collision frequency of some particles. The cluster growth is an interesting physical phenomenon, whereas the inelastic collapse is an intrinsic effect of the inelastic hard sphere (IHS) model used to study the cluster growth - involving only a negligible number of particles in the system. Here, we extend the IHS model by introducing an elastic contact energy and the related contact duration t_c. This avoids the inelastic collapse and allows to examine the long-time behavior of the system. For a quantitative description of the cluster growth, we propose a burning - like algorithm in continuous space, that readily identifies all particles that belong to the same cluster. The criterion for this is here chosen to be only the particle distance. With this method we identify three regimes of behavior. First, for short times a homogeneous cooling state (HCS) exists, where a mean-field theory works nicely, and the clusters are tiny and grow very slowly. Second, at a certain time which depends on the system's properties, cluster growth starts and the clusters increase in size and mass until, in the third regime, the system size is reached and most of the particles are collected in one huge cluster.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figures. Chaos 9(3) (in press, 1999

    Cluster Growth in two- and three-dimensional Granular Gases

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    Dissipation in granular media leads to interesting phenomena as there are cluster formation and crystallization in non-equilibrium dynamical states. The freely cooling system is examined concerning the energy decay and the cluster evolution in time, both in two and three dimensions. Interesting parallels to percolation theory are obtained in three dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Acoustic waves in granular materials

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    Dynamic simulations with discrete elements are used to obtain more insight into the wave propagation in dense granular media. A small perturbation is created on one side of a dense, static packing and examined during its propagation until it arrives at the opposite side. The influence of polydispersity is studied by randomly varying the particle sizes by a tiny amount. A size variation comparable to (or larger than) the typical contact deformation, considerably changes sound propagation, i.e., the transmission spectrum becomes discontinuous and lower frequencies are transmitted better in the polydisperse packing. The inter-particle friction affects the dispersion relation, it increases the propagation speed and leads to an extended linear, large wavelength regime

    Exploiting pattern transformation to tune phononic band gaps in a two-dimensional granular crystal

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    The band structure of a two-dimensional granular crystal composed of silicone rubber and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) cylinders is investigated numerically. This system was previously shown to undergo a pattern transformation with uniaxial compression by Göncü et al. [Soft Matter 7, 2321 (2011)]. The dispersion relations of the crystal are computed at different levels of deformation to demonstrate the tunability of the band structure, which is strongly affected by the pattern transformation that induces new band gaps. Replacement of PTFE particles with rubber ones reveals that the change of the band structure is essentially governed by pattern transformation rather than particles¿ mechanical properties

    A continuum approach applied to a strongly confined Lennard-Jones fluid

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    Results from molecular dynamics simulations are analyzed with a continuum approach. It is shown that for strongly confined fluids the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible, Newtonian fluids are not applicable over the whole channel. Near the walls, a Knudsen layer is formed and interesting oscillatory structures are seen, the fluid behaves non-Newtonian in these regions